C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18]

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  • #434598

      Here we go guys. This is a major update, and I strongly suggest everyone update their copy of C3 CON Tools. You can extract this over your existing installation so you don’t lose any settings or your PS3 numeric ID counter if you’re a PS3 user.


      I’ve been working on this update for the better part of 3 weeks. At this point, I’m not going to find anything else to fix unless you guys find it and report bugs. There’s a lot of changes going on, so I don’t doubt some minor bugs may have gotten past me. Still, this is by far the most tested version to date I think.


      There’s several cool new features and a lot of bug fixes and improvements. If you’re a PS3 user things get a lot better for you since now Setlist Manager supports PS3 and you can batch encrypt MIDIs to make getting RBHP working on PS3 easier


      My favorite new feature is the update to Visualizer, which will allow you to preview the audio of a song. I put a lot of effort into this, and I have tested it thoroughly on my end. Hopefully it works well for you too. Now if you got a song that you don’t remember how it goes, all you got to do is press Play on Visualizer.


      That’s enough rambling for now. Here’s the ridiculously long change log for this release:


      - Added ability to preview the song audio (in-game preview or entire song) when Visualizing a CON file
      - Improved displaying of long song names and long artist names
      - Fixed bug with displaying some old songs with only one part vocals in the songs.dta file
      - Difficulty selector now shows up next to your mouse cursor rather than centered on the screen to save you all that effort of dragging the mouse to the center of the screen

      - Added distinction between standard and pro drum animations detection
      - Added batch tool to attempt and identify songs that have PART DRUMS with Pro Drums animations but no Pro Drums markers (typically old RBN1 songs) - will work with packs of songs, single songs and loose MIDI files all in one folder - will output list of MIDI and/or CON files that need Pro Drums markers added in the log, which can be exported as a text file, and will also separate the files into a separate folder (if the option is enabled)
      - Added feature to search for a word or phrase in the lyrics of a song - put all the song MIDIs you want to search through in one folder, click on 'Lyric Analysis', then click on 'Search for lyric phrase', select the folder where the MIDI files are and enter the word or phrase to search for - see the Help documentation for more details
      - Added option to enable/disable analyzing of mogg files when analyzing a CON file (before was always on) - will save you some time if you don't care about the mogg file analysis

      - Added support for creating PS3 Setlists - see the Setlist Manager Help documentation for the steps required (thanks to forum member traflaz for doing the hard work to make this possible and forum members grubextrapolate and Gep for very thorough testing)
      - Greatly improved the speed, detail and accuracy when drag/dropping a DTA file to add songs to your existing Setlist ~ 1500 new songs in a couple of seconds rather than several minutes

      - Added feature to automatically back up and restore (will ask you to confirm) the configuration file so you don't lose your song ID counter from one install of C3 CON Tools to another going forward
      - Expanded tool to 'Encrypt replacement MIDI file' under 'Encryption Options' from one MIDI at a time to as many as you can select - this makes batch encrypting RBHP MIDIs a one-click process

      - Fixed misreading of old DTA comments as empty song entries

      - Added option (enabled by default) to create a backup of the CON file if the MIDI needs cleaning

      - Added option to enable/disable backing up of the CON file prior to editing

      - Fixed bug that would fail extraction of files in some RBN1 songs

      - Fixed bug that wouldn't allow you to disable renaming of files if you only wanted to sort them

      - Now opens automatically to the right folder when you drag and drop a .rba file on the main C3 CON Tools form
      - Fixed instances of RBA files with _rb3con in the filename ending up with _rb3con_rb3con in the file name when converted

      - Major rewriting of the underlying code for most of the tools for greater consistency and accuracy when reading DTA files
      - Various other fixes and improvements throughout all of the tools


      Please don’t feel shy about reporting bugs. I want to fix them, sometimes I just need your help identifying them <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Audio previewer for Visualizer is a really nice addition. Thanks!

        Audio previewer for Visualizer is a really nice addition. Thanks!


        Seconded. Nice job, Nemo.


        Thank you for continuing to maintain and improve these tools.

        Don’t know what many of us authors would do without you! :c00l:


          Thanks guys. But I don’t have any delusions of grandeur. Without me, you would be able to do a good 90% (if not more) of what we can do now, it would just take you longer. Or more likely, one of the many very talented people in our forums would have taken up the job.


          If nothing else, at least you don’t have to look at this every time you want to edit or make a CON file anymore:


          If nothing else, at least you don’t have to look at this every time you want to edit or make a CON file anymore


          Small favors. Yeesh.



            Can’t wait

            It will be fun to hear the guitar tracks to songs


            Yeah you’re way overshooting your hopes. See where I said “maybe” and “partially”. Playback with granular control so you can isolate a stem can be accomplished by playing the game. Ain’t nobody got time (or the tools in C#) to make that happen.


            I can’t help but imagine you must think I’m messing with you in particular :haw:

            Now you can be excited.



            Redesigned the playback portion to be more like an actual media player, with fully skinnable buttons, the ability to pause/resume, visual representation of where in the song you are, ability to select any point in the song to play from, and ability to enable or disable any or all tracks present (as long as the audio supports it, of course).


            Will be in next update <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Speaking of previews, I probably should have mentioned this but the Wii converter should have its default preview audio length set to 15 seconds. At 30 seconds, it had the tendency to create files that were too large. And now combined with the better album art from many updates ago, it’s a necessary cutback.


              And can this quick feature be added. The ability to get the ng_id people need for Wii automatically through the Wii converter somewhere. It would remove the requirement of needing another program to get that for them. It can work like this.

              Open valid DLC BIN file. First 4 bytes should be 00 00 00 70.

              If it’s true, grab 4 bytes at 0x08 and save them, without spaces, as ng_id.txt.

              One more problem solved!


                All of that can be added but I’ll need a sample BIN file and sample ng_id.txt file of the output you expect from that BIN file.


                  Sure. This should be all that’s necessary.

                  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/427 … amples.rar

                  Then I can rewrite the bit in my guide about using a hex editor so it always produces the exact file they need.


                    That was ridiculously easy. Already implemented, will be in next release (soon).

                    Do you want the ng_id.txt file in the /bin folder or somewhere else in particular?


                      Ask the user where to save it. That way they can move it to wherever it may be.


                        - Redesigned the playback portion to be more like an actual media player, with fully skinnable buttons, the ability to pause/resume, visual representation of where in the song you are, ability to select any point in the song to play from, and ability to enable or disable any or all tracks present (as long as the audio supports it, of course)
                        - Improved audio playback to account for panning of mono tracks
                        - Added ability to grab song length from mogg file when visualizing a CON file, so old songs without the song length in the DTA file still display a song length
                        - Moved uploading function to separate thread to better handle uploading problems
                        - If you use a Visualizer shortcut (shortcut to C3 CON Tools with -visualizer argument) now you can drag/drop a CON file to the shortcut and the CON file is visualized in one step

                        SONG ANALYZER
                        - Added detection of unpitched notes that use the ^ symbol instead of #
                        - Added analysis of audio channels used by each instrument when analyzing a CON file

                        WII CONVERTER
                        - Modified audio preview defaults from 30 seconds to 15 seconds and adjusted fade in and fade out accordingly
                        - Added feature to extract ng_id from .bin file easily - click on Extras -> Grab ng_id from BIN file or drag/drop a .bin file to Wii Converter and the ng_id will be saved in a ng_id.txt file

                        CON EXPLORER
                        - Modified Visualize behavior so when sending to Visualizer from CON Explorer, you can still preview the audio

                        SETLIST MANAGER
                        - Fixed bug when exporting a setlist it sometimes would be saved as an extensionless file

                        CON CONVERTER
                        - Fixed bug that would cause a problem reading the DTA file and break converting of RBA files


                        Visualizer is getting ridiculously cool :c00l:


                          Neat. Thanks.


                            So let’s see how many people actively follow this thread.


                            Here’s a hint/leak/preview of my next project:






                            Coming soon to a new thread near you.

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