C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18]

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  • #426518

      Small update to fix some bugs, mainly to help out espher <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


      - Added option to disable confirmation before deleting songs from the Setlist
      - Other minor bug fixes

      - Fixed bug when exporting using the espher PDF format where last page would have a header that wouldn't match the rest of the document
      - Other minor bug fixes

      - Minor bug fixes


      So I recently had the RROD on my 360. Instead of re-downloading/re-licensing everything I bought to the new console, I decided to finally bite the bullet and spend an enormous amount of time extracting everything from the hard drive, re-packaging, bundling with RBHP, etc.


      It’s all pretty much done and I am extremely happy with the results (thank you for this amazing tool). The only thing I can’t get right are adding album art to the old RB1 era songs that never had them to being with (Train Kept A Rollin’, N.I.B., War Pigs, etc.). I can successfully get the “As Made Famous By” tags off, album name, year, and track number added, but not that pesky album art. Is it something to do with the lack of “song ID”? I can get the Anthrax live songs with album art in game, even though they never had it before, but they have “song ID’s”.


      I’ve searched the forums for a long time and have been trying everything I can think of within the DTA to figure it out, but have now given up in the hopes that someone here has an easy solution for this.


        Preview of some silly thing I’ve been working on…




          Preview of some silly thing I’ve been working on…

          Pretty, but how does it help with authoring?


            Who said anything about helping with authoring? I think you’re in the wrong thread <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

            It’s useful if you want to see whether a song is multitrack or not, for example. A quick visual examination of the file will show whether it’s a) silence and then two channels (proper custom), :cool: the same channels repeated over and over (poorly created old customs with repeated backing tracks) or c) different channels (i.e. a true multitrack custom). Note that this feature will work even with C3 encrypted moggs, which downloaders otherwise wouldn’t be able to see. Beyond that, it’s just another tinkering tool, along with the technical mogg analysis I also added now and everything else I’ve added in the past for those who care about that stuff <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              CON EXPLORER
              - Added quick access buttons for the songs.dta, *.mid, *.mogg and *.png_xbox files - one click extracts the file and copies it to your clipboard, then you can paste the file anywhere you need. Can also quickly replace the files by drag-dropping the replacement file to the corresponding quick access button

              - Added ability to batch analyze mogg files for a variety of technical information - to use either drag and drop a mogg file or go to Mogg Analysis and click on 'Batch analyze mogg files' and select the folder where the mogg or CON files are located
              - Added ability to 'visualize' one or multiple mogg files - creates a spectrogram showing all the channels in the mogg file and a visual representation of the audio in each channel - to use go to Mogg Analysis and click on 'Visualize mogg file(s)' and select the folder where the mogg or CON files are located - note that you can select one or multiple mogg or CON files...the spectrogram images will be found in the same folder as the mogg or CON files
              - When analyzing a CON file, the mogg file is analyzed along with the MIDI file

              - Added option to batch convert from LIVE to CON or CON to LIVE - you can drag and drop a CON file, and all files found in that folder will be converted to LIVE, and vice versa, if you drag and drop a LIVE file, all files found in that folder will be converted to CON - or you can click on the LIVE <-> CON menu button and then select 'Batch convert LIVE to CON' or 'Batch convert CON to LIVE'

              PS3 CONVERTER
              - Added option to automatically change the song ID to a unique numeric value when merging new song with existing songs
              - Added option under Tools to automatically change all song IDs in a songs.dta file to unique numeric values

              - Added ability to load songs.dta file by drag-dropping onto form
              - Added ability to select songs.dta file or image file when browsing through the 'Open File' button
              - Fixed small bug

              - Improved communication with Magma: C3 Roks Edition when sending a MIDI file to be cleaned with MIDI Cleaner


                Oh man. Thanks a lot for adding the copy/paste buttons in CON explorer. That’s something I needed.


                One thing about the mogg spectrogram visualizer though. It won’t visualize C3 encrypted songs inside a CON file. It only works if I extract the mogg first then import it in that way.


                  Oops. One line of code got misplaced for some reason. Fixed now. Redownload.

                    Oh man. Thanks a lot for adding the copy/paste buttons in CON explorer. That’s something I needed.


                    I wanted to touch on this. It just occurred to me the other day how annoying it was to browse for the same files every time, so in all of 30 minutes I thought of how to do it and added the few lines of code required to do it. And now it feels like something that should have been there from day one.


                    If you guys use the tools and think “I wish we had this extra feature here” or “he’s already doing that in one tool, why not add it to this tool?” or something along those lines, please speak up. I’ve jam packed the Tools over the last year, and I’m getting to the point of running out of ideas on my own. Nothing wrong with suggesting some to me. Send me a PM and I’ll see if it can be done.


                    Just use your common sense. The first person who suggests a “frets on fire to rock band 3 converter” gets banned. :haw:




                    I’m trying to converter custom Rock Band CON files to use Phase Shift. I’ve came accross C3ConTools which seems to fit the job, but unfortunately I can’t get it to work for a reason or another. I’ve trying multiple CON files and always run into the same issue – mogg files are not separated into oggs, despite the option “separate” being selected (using the default q5 setting).


                    Once the conversion is “done” (takes 5 seconds), this is what I’m left with:


                    Loading this into Phase Shift causes the game to stop responding.


                    I guess this isn’t the expected behavior. Is this normal, or a known bug? Or is the issue on my side?





                    Edit: oh. Log. Darn, what options do I have then?


                      What you’re posting shows that you’re being told the audio is encrypted. If that’s correct, the tool is working properly. It can’t separate encrypted audio, because it’s encrypted.

                      If the song is encrypted, it is:

                      1) official C3 release = wait for the official Phase Shift version from C3

                      2) official hmx/rbn song = you can’t use this tool to convert the song. period.

                      3) custom song that the author chose to encrypt = kindly ask the author to provide a Phase Shift version


                      In this particular case, it’s option (3) (1) – the song was downloaded from the db.

                      Thanks for the clarification, I did not know custom songs could be encrypted.


                        If it’s downloaded from the C3 database then it’s #1, not #3.


                          Small update but it was bugging me once I noticed I had broken that feature on Visualizer.


                          - Fixed bug that broke reading of Magma: C3 features

                          SONG ANALYZER
                          - Fixed small bug when exporting lyrics joined as whole words and the lyrics had # and - in the same lyric

                          PS3 CONVERTER
                          - Made merging of newly converted songs and replacing of song IDs with numeric values enabled by default as requested


                            What configuration or something did I mess up that caused the Wii converter to keep the “rb3con” part of the song name? This week’s rar archive names start looking like this: BlackSabbathIronMan_rb3con_wii.rar

                            And with the exception of last week where a few of the customs were built with “_rb3co”, verbatim, in the path, I don’t see how this could have happened. It’s version 3.5.1


                            The meta/song folder pairs don’t do that this week though.


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