C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18]
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- This topic has 1,149 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by
March 21, 2014 at 11:07 pm #415956
Hey man, can you check to see if the album art converter is broken? It doesn’t get past converting the album.dds files. Was gonna complain about it, but it would have made a liar of me….cause it just worked. xD
In the whole phase shift conversion it didnt/doesnt convert the album.dds….the last couple weeks it hasn’t. I just redownloaded from the OP and it worked now.
Came her to ask if you can give an option to just export the mogg…not to seperate it…or send to audacity. just export to its folder. I ask because some of the songs have several seconds of silence at the end of the audio and i usually trim it off. Also the conversion process is creating blank audio files….roughly 4-5MBs each. When the songs are guitar.ogg only.
March 21, 2014 at 11:20 pm #415959In the whole phase shift conversion it didnt/doesnt convert the album.dds….the last couple weeks it hasn’t. I just redownloaded from the OP and it worked now.That’s always the best solution. Try a fresh download on a clean installation folder. Glad it works.
Came her to ask if you can give an option to just export the mogg…not to seperate it…or send to audacity. just export to its folder.Right now you can either separate or send to Audacity. If you just send to Audacity and close, it’ll be in mogg form in the folder. If I ever get around to another update, I’ll add that. But not doing an update just for that, sorry.
I ask because some of the songs have several seconds of silence at the end of the audio and i usually trim it off. Also the conversion process is creating blank audio files….roughly 4-5MBs each. When the songs are guitar.ogg only.That is the fault of the authors. The proper method has always been to use a 1 second pure silence file. Magma: C3 even includes the proper silence files to use. If they do that, then the blank channels end up being less than 50KB and the converter deletes them. If the author used an improper “blank” file that actually may have data or ends up registering as having data in it, then it’s the size of the song and as far as the converter can tell, it’s not blank.
It still has to be less work to do one click and everything gets exported with attenuation applied and proper names and then just check for those potential issues than to manually do every song, but it’s your call.
March 23, 2014 at 8:46 am #416038Finally got around to my probelm, still happens:
I am running the latest version of C3.
I am trying to build a pack of the 2013 Pack that consists of 21 songs.
Folder has NO duplicate songs.
All songs contain a songs.dta file.
All songs are CON.
“Pack Creater” builds my pack.
Pack is roughly 500 MB.
I open “Quick Pack Editor” to check the newly created pack.
Tells me it couldnt open my pack because there is no songs.dta
I am not sure what is causing this. I went ahead and divided the folder of 21 songs into folders of 5,5,5, and 6 song folders to try and see if it was a certain song causing this issue and it builds those packs just fine and “Quick Pack Editor” loads the packs. I would like for the 21 song pack to work since I have other packs that are 4 times that size working perfectly.
What should I do?
March 23, 2014 at 4:16 pm #416059You need to find the offending file. So that means try building over and over excluding a different file every time until you find it.
Read the log it creates as it makes the pack. Does it mention any errors or failures?
I asked before and didn’t get an answer…when quick pack editor says there’s no songs.dta file….did you look with con explorer to see if there is one or not?
How big are the 21 files? You said the pack is about 500mb. Should be the same size as the loose con files give or take 2MB if there are indeed no duplicates.
Beyond that you could list the exact files so I can try them on my end if I have them. But I have built so so many packs without a problem I’m not sure it would go wrong on my end.
March 25, 2014 at 6:38 pm #416266alright, so contrary to popular belief, macster33 isn’t crazy.
I was able to replicate the error on my end and he’s found a huge problem that I may not even be able to come up with a solution to.
It seems to be a problem with the X360 library itself. It works with some files, not with others, and in no discernible pattern, but the problem is consistent with the files it refuses to work with.
I’ll try to find a solution, but in the meantime, if you’re making packs, make sure to manually verify the contents before you put it in the game. It may or may not be broken.
March 28, 2014 at 10:31 pm #416511
Now a combination of the old Batch Extractor and Album Art Extractor:
- Added ability to extract album art (.png_xbox) and CON thumbnails
- Added ability to extract component files from packs, not only individual CON files
- Added option to extract files organized into folders (on by default) or extract all in the same folder
- Added compatibility for mixed packs of songs and pro upgrades
- Improved compatibility with pro upgrades and pack of pro upgrades
- Other minor improvements and fixes to the batch extraction process
- Added experimental feature that will analyze the output ogg files to better detect silent files and delete them
- Added option to leave the mogg intact for manual processing at a later time
- Expanded compatibility with some textures extracted from *.milo_ps3 files
- Improved renaming of files with special characters in the artist or song names
- Improved displaying of files with special characters in the artist, song or album names
- Changed behavior so songs inside a pack are listed alphabetically when browsing the contents
- Fixed bug that would create broken packs with certain unique combination of files (thanks to Nyxyxylyth for figuring it out!)
- Added check to verify pack contents after creation to ensure you don't put a broken pack in the game
- Fixed bug that would delete songs.dta file when using previously extracted files
- Fixed bug that would occur with old packs that had closing and starting brackets together followed by the song's short id all in one line
- Further clean up and improvements to the X360 library
- Other minor general improvements and bug fixes throughout
March 28, 2014 at 11:48 pm #416520I’m back! For now…
As of today, I’m officially hanging up the programming gloves and calling it quits.
This affects both C3 CON Tools and Magma: C3 Roks Edition.
What does that mean?
No more updates will be issued, no new features will be added.
Any bugs, problems or broken features that may or may not be present in the programs, you’ll have to learn to live with.
I also will immediately cease providing assistance for any questions or issues with either program unless it’s something that catches my attention – 99% of the posts about either program don’t fall into this category.
Why are you quitting?
Between C3 CON Tools and Magma: C3 Roks Edition I have spent between 800 to 1000 hours of my life, and I’m just so so tired.
Contrary to what you may believe, I have no formal training and all I have accomplished through the combined 60,000+ lines of code, has been accomplished through heavy Googling, tinkering and a good dose of common sense.
As a result, I’ve grown weary of the constant stream of posts that reflect the poster didn’t even bother to spend 5 minutes searching the forums or reading the help docs.
Programming for C3 CON Tools and Magma: C3 Roks Edition used to be a source of fun and satisfaction, and by now it has become nothing more than a chore.
Will the source code be available for someone else to take over the program?
No. Don’t ask, I will not give it out. The other C3 admins will have access to the source code if and when they request it. Nobody else will be given access.
If you’re one of our more tech savvy users who knows how to decompile a program, sorry, the source code has been obfuscated as well.
What do I do if I have a genuine problem or I’m really stuck with something and I need help?
Search the forums. It’s likely the issue has been asked and answered before.
If not, feel free to post on here detailing your problem, and hope that one of our more knowledgeable users will be kind enough to help you out.
You’re not really quitting, you said you were retiring back in December!
Ah, you noticed. Well, I did kinda retire. I got back into programming after “retiring” because TDCMark figured out PS3 customs and I didn’t want to leave PS3 users in the cold. One thing led to another and here we are.
But since December all I’ve done for C3 is program and be an annoying/shortfused mod (it’s in my blood).
So that was like a 60% retirement. Consider this a 90% retirement.
I’ll still be around the forums for a while, but only as the annoying mod. Nothing else.
That’s all folks.
March 31, 2014 at 7:03 pm #416679Ok TrojanNemo
Thanks for all of your hard work on this program
April 10, 2014 at 3:39 am #417438I am just now finding this program.
One question: Am I right in assuming that changes I make to songs are reflected in game (setlist manager)? I mean, I’m thinking this is just too good to be true. Not a huge deal if so, was just looking for something like this to see what all I had downloaded. Thought maybe I missed downloading some RBN songs awhile back because they didn’t have pro drum functionality at the time (before RHP)
EDIT: I am so sorry if this has been addressed. I’m more looking for confirmation. I am about to nuts on my songs if it’s true.
April 21, 2014 at 2:04 am #418374So, I had a project on my end that led me to creating a new tool. I also have been fixing up and adding small things to the tools for my personal use.
But it’s been a good week, got some great news earlier on, and spending Easter with my nephew put me in a good mood, so I’m going to share what I’ve done to my personal copy of the tools.
The whole no support thing is still in place – I will not be holding hands or answering questions.
The new features and fixes are self explanatory and when not, there is Help documentation included, refer to it.
- Allows you to create an index of all your songs across various folders and subfolders, counting individual songs as well as songs inside packs
- Once the Index is built you can search for any song or artist within it and right click to open the folder the file is in, send the file to Visualizer, send the file to CON Explorer or send the file to Quick Pack Editor
- Index and list of indexed folders save from use to use so you don't have to redo it unless you've added new songs
- Index can be exported to CSV for whatever freaky use you may want - I won't judge
- Combined latest version of the existing MIDI Analyzer tool into C3 CON Tools as it should have been from the beginning
- Added support for storing the following new values from the song cache: song file path, preview start, preview end, game version, vocal tonic note, tonality, scroll speed, percussion bank, drum sfx bank --- these will only be printed out when exporting to Excel or CSV using the 'Everything' option
- Added feature that will fix most of the typical artist/song name encoding problems (i.e. remove weird characters caused by wrong DTA encoding)
- Changed behavior so when exporting setlist using Detailed 1, Detailed 2 or Detailed 3 PDF formats while Sorted By Artist, each Artist's songs are sub-sorted alphabetically (same behavior as in Basic 1 and Basic 2) rather than the random entry order in the song cache
- Added option to only write the artist name once when exporting setlist using Detailed 1, Detailed 2 or Detailed 3 PDF formats while Sorted by Artist
- Fixed bug that would tell you you had to unlock the program even when it was unlocked if you exited via File -> Exit
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
- Added option to select from two methods of MIDI to EDAT encrypting - if a song you converted tells you 'Unable to load...skipping', try changing the encrypting under Options to Type 2 and try converting again
- Fixed bug that would skip renaming files that had periods in the name, making Windows think what followed the period was an extension rather than part of the file name
- Added -indexer and -analyzer command line arguments
- MIDI files can be sent directly via Windows' Open With... - you'll have the option to send to MIDI Cleaner or MIDI Analyzer
One question: Am I right in assuming that changes I make to songs are reflected in game (setlist manager)? I mean, I’m thinking this is just too good to be true. Not a huge deal if so, was just looking for something like this to see what all I had downloaded. Thought maybe I missed downloading some RBN songs awhile back because they didn’t have pro drum functionality at the time (before RHP)EDIT: I am so sorry if this has been addressed. I’m more looking for confirmation. I am about to nuts on my songs if it’s true.
The changes you make to the songs, of course are reflected in game. You put a song in game, you see that song. You modify that song in C3 CON Tools and then put it in your game, and you’ll see the modified song.
But Setlist Manager only allows you to see what you have in your game and print a setlist. Any changes you make in Setlist Manager are ONLY to your .setlist file. If that’s what you were asking.
April 23, 2014 at 7:59 am #418633So, I had a project on my end that led me to creating a new tool. I also have been fixing up and adding small things to the tools for my personal use.But it’s been a good week, got some great news earlier on, and spending Easter with my nephew put me in a good mood, so I’m going to share what I’ve done to my personal copy of the tools.
The whole no support thing is still in place – I will not be holding hands or answering questions.
The new features and fixes are self explanatory and when not, there is Help documentation included, refer to it.
- Allows you to create an index of all your songs across various folders and subfolders, counting individual songs as well as songs inside packs
- Once the Index is built you can search for any song or artist within it and right click to open the folder the file is in, send the file to Visualizer, send the file to CON Explorer or send the file to Quick Pack Editor
- Index and list of indexed folders save from use to use so you don't have to redo it unless you've added new songs
- Index can be exported to CSV for whatever freaky use you may want - I won't judge
- Combined latest version of the existing MIDI Analyzer tool into C3 CON Tools as it should have been from the beginning
- Added support for storing the following new values from the song cache: song file path, preview start, preview end, game version, vocal tonic note, tonality, scroll speed, percussion bank, drum sfx bank --- these will only be printed out when exporting to Excel or CSV using the 'Everything' option
- Added feature that will fix most of the typical artist/song name encoding problems (i.e. remove weird characters caused by wrong DTA encoding)
- Changed behavior so when exporting setlist using Detailed 1, Detailed 2 or Detailed 3 PDF formats while Sorted By Artist, each Artist's songs are sub-sorted alphabetically (same behavior as in Basic 1 and Basic 2) rather than the random entry order in the song cache
- Added option to only write the artist name once when exporting setlist using Detailed 1, Detailed 2 or Detailed 3 PDF formats while Sorted by Artist
- Fixed bug that would tell you you had to unlock the program even when it was unlocked if you exited via File -> Exit
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
- Added option to select from two methods of MIDI to EDAT encrypting - if a song you converted tells you 'Unable to load...skipping', try changing the encrypting under Options to Type 2 and try converting again
- Fixed bug that would skip renaming files that had periods in the name, making Windows think what followed the period was an extension rather than part of the file name
- Added -indexer and -analyzer command line arguments
- MIDI files can be sent directly via Windows' Open With... - you'll have the option to send to MIDI Cleaner or MIDI Analyzer
One question: Am I right in assuming that changes I make to songs are reflected in game (setlist manager)? I mean, I’m thinking this is just too good to be true. Not a huge deal if so, was just looking for something like this to see what all I had downloaded. Thought maybe I missed downloading some RBN songs awhile back because they didn’t have pro drum functionality at the time (before RHP)EDIT: I am so sorry if this has been addressed. I’m more looking for confirmation. I am about to nuts on my songs if it’s true.
The changes you make to the songs, of course are reflected in game. You put a song in game, you see that song. You modify that song in C3 CON Tools and then put it in your game, and you’ll see the modified song.
But Setlist Manager only allows you to see what you have in your game and print a setlist. Any changes you make in Setlist Manager are ONLY to your .setlist file. If that’s what you were asking.
Yep, that was it. Thanks.
May 7, 2014 at 6:23 pm #419702Is it possible to still download previous versions of C3 CON Tools?
The reason I ask is that I am getting an unhandled exception error when using the pro upgrade bundler in v3.3.0 that I don’t recall getting in previous versions. Since support has ended getting my hands on the most recent previous build that I no longer get the error seems like the best solution. Thanks!
May 28, 2014 at 8:39 pm #421288I wish the phaseshift convertor worked in the other direction, FROM phaseshift to CON
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />
does anyone know if there’s a tool for that perhaps?
May 29, 2014 at 3:49 am #421302It isn’t possible.
If I give you a car and say “give me a box full of car parts”, you can easily do that. If I give you a box full of car parts and say “give me a car”, that’s either very difficult or impossible. The same applies here. Phase Shift is designed to work with Rock Band files, Rock Band is not designed to work with Phase Shift files.
May 31, 2014 at 10:00 pm #421537To bad really, got so many cool songs from phaseshift i’d love to have on my xbox but the whole magma stuff & reaper, it’s just not sinking in
Ah well.. thanks for clearing that up
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
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