C3 CON Tools v4.0.0 [01/25/18]

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  • #410505

      - Added option to dePACK packs into individual songs with one click. Each CON file will retain the same game ID as the original pack (i.e. RB1/RB2/RB3) and will be named Artist - Song. By default the CON files will use the song's album art file as thumbnail, user can change this to use the pack's thumbnail image.

      - Expanded ability to clean CON/LIVE files. Same behavior as before - drag/drop one or multiple CON/LIVE files or use the "Browse..." button to find them. Can only combine CON/LIVE files with MIDI files. LIVE files will be changed to CON and unlocked/made anonymous in the process. No packs or pro upgrades.
      - Expanded fixing of uncapitalized words to HARM2 (off by default) - before would only check PART VOCALS/HARM1
      - Expanded detailed logging to specify how many errors are from KEYS and PRO-KEYS

      - Further enhancements to the code for stability and to remove some redundancy throughout the entire program.


      I’ve done some testing on all the new features but nothing too thorough. Everything should work, but let me know if anything is broken and I’ll issue a quick patch.


      Quick report about the new dePACKing function. It’s awesome! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      I’m having some issues though: crash when dePACKing ACDC Pack 1 (export pack of RB AC/DC Live) and Green Day export pack.


      If you want to test those packs:

      – for AC/DC, the contents shown by Quick Pack Editor become weird at For Those About To Rock (We Salute You) (Live) and the dePACKing function unpacks the first 8 songs and stops here

      – for Green Day, I don’t see why a crash happens (I saw no worrying sign in the content shower) but everything is fine and, after 35 songs out of 44 are depacked, Whatsername is not and the crash happens…


      I also had a trouble with RHCP’s Blood Sugar Magik album but I solved it myself with a modification into the songs.dta. Believe me or not, there were 3 commented lines in the songs.dta dealing with a release of a song by Rush (wtf was it doing here??) and they seemed to be (mis)interpreted by the content viewer in the Quick Pack Editor function…


      Everything worked fine here for GnR’s Chinese Democracy pack, RB2 bonus tracks pack and some 3-song packs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Thanks for the info. That’s exactly what I need to know to test on my own and fix. I’ll have an update tomorrow that fixes those issues.


          Fixed, fixed and fixed.


          Download new file from the OP.


          I got 44 songs from Green Day, 18 from AC/DC and 16 from the RHCP album dePACKed successfully after the fixes. Thanks for pointing that out. Any other problems let me know!


          DePACKing was also successful here, thank you! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Btw, I wrote a report here of trouble I had tonight but I think LeFLuffie in itself is not the cause of my issue.


          I know this is off topic, but it’s worth asking about it.

          Does LeFluffie work with official GH content as well?

          Could I, say, buy DLC from the marketplace, transfer to my computer, unpack it, and try to convert it?

          What about mogg decryption? Will we ever see a tutorial to decrypt the moggs to continue with the conversions?

            Does LeFluffie work with official GH content as well?

            Depends on what you mean by “work with”. At the moment it doesn’t do anything, at all. You can’t even open the files. That’s why until recently this was called Le Fluffie for RB3. I limited it to RB purposes. I might just allow opening and extracting of GH content. But that’s it. None of the tools in Le Fluffie will work with any GH content, simply because it’s entirely different.


            Could I, say, buy DLC from the marketplace, transfer to my computer, unpack it, and try to convert it?

            You could do that. Then you need to find out about decrypting the audio if it’s pre WoR, or how to get it from the Wii files for WoR songs, and converting the queenbee charts to MIDI is something I don’t even know how it’s done. Or, you could just go to FoF and search for bluzer’s thread. He already has most, if not all, of the Guitar Hero songs and DLC converted to MIDI and audio ready for downloading.


            What about mogg decryption? Will we ever see a tutorial to decrypt the moggs to continue with the conversions?

            Not sure what you’re getting at. Guitar Hero files don’t use moggs, that is exclusively Rock Band format. Guitar Hero uses XMA files that are encrypted inside fsb.xen files. All GH/BH games pre-WoR have been decrypted and doing so just requires some basic tools that have already been linked to in our forums by bluzer. Post WoR audio has not been encrypted and that fact alone should tell you that a “tutorial” on how to continue decrypting is not possible. The same applies for RB moggs pre-2009 (done) and post-2009 (not done). In any case, that’s not something we would like to discuss on our forums. There are plenty of other places for that. Or like I said, grab the audio from bluzer.


              Bam. Small update.


              - Enhancements to the stability of all instances where a MIDI file is being imported or accessed. This affected Pro Bundler's ability to bundle some files, Visualizer's ability to determine if a chart had EMHX, etc.


              Had everything work smoothly, thank you again. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Is it possible to edit an existing con file? I found one that I wanted to update the file with the correct album cover, change the year on the song and add the album name.


              OK, I’ve been trying out Le Fluffie out recently since I can’t seem to get this week’s new content working.


              I’ve been trying to put the songs into a pack, but when I upload the pack, it goes to the song list, but the songs aren’t there.


              When I tried to extract the pack, it said that it couldn’t find the song dta.


              I know I probably sound like a noob since this is the first time I’m using this, but how do I get the song dta from the pack and how do I edit it so I can get the content to work in my game?


                Did you make the pack with Pack Creator in Le Fluffie? If so, open that pack in Song Explorer, click on contents, and click on “root” – do you see a songs.dta there? If not, that might indicate a bug with Pack Creator but i’m going to need a lot more information.

                Did you make the pack with Pack Creator in Le Fluffie? If so, open that pack in Song Explorer, click on contents, and click on “root” – do you see a songs.dta there? If not, that might indicate a bug with Pack Creator but i’m going to need a lot more information.


                OK, I was able to find the Root of the pack, but so far, it doesn’t load in the game, it keeps freezing when it tries to load the new songs.


                At first I thought I had too many songs on it (there’s 35 songs that I can’t play comprised of new C3 songs and most of the Abbey Road Beatles songs that were updated) so I made a smaller pack with the new C3 songs, but even with the root in them, they still won’t load.


                At this point, I’m just curious as to how to edit the root of the pack if it’s the only way to make the songs playable in the game because I’m basically lost at the moment.


                  You’re not answering my question. I didn’t ask you if the “root” was there. It’s always there because the program creates it. I asked you if when you click on “root” you see songs.dta on the bottom panel.

                  While I may believe there’s a bug that will break pack creation once, it never working tells me something is wrong on your end. I and a few others make packs on a weekly basis and it has always worked.


                  So, you got to ask yourself, what are you doing that isn’t normal? What operating system are you running? Are you by any chance loading the files from a MAC hard drive? God forbid, a networked drive? Anything non-standard you got to look at and consider it could be a potential issue. Where is your Le Fluffie installation compared to where the files for the pack are? Are you running Le Fluffie as Administrator? etc, etc.

                  You’re not answering my question. I didn’t ask you if the “root” was there. It’s always there because the program creates it. I asked you if when you click on “root” you see songs.dta on the bottom panel.

                  While I may believe there’s a bug that will break pack creation once, it never working tells me something is wrong on your end. I and a few others make packs on a weekly basis and it has always worked.


                  So, you got to ask yourself, what are you doing that isn’t normal? What operating system are you running? Are you by any chance loading the files from a MAC hard drive? God forbid, a networked drive? Anything non-standard you got to look at and consider it could be a potential issue. Where is your Le Fluffie installation compared to where the files for the pack are? Are you running Le Fluffie as Administrator? etc, etc.


                  Maybe there is something extra in with the files? I’ve had this problem with a few of mine.

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