C3 Automation Tools

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  • #429182

    Do you know if you are going to try work on the reduction to be better one day

    maybe add more options

    or use the events track

    to help the reductions

    maybe a slider bar that you can use on each section

    or use section names as a way of reduction

    like on the solo it will reduce more

    but if it’s a verse section or chorus

    it reduce less notes

    But maybe have tick boxes if the main song is hard

    but a slider bar will be better

    I hope this was ok <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      Do you know if you are going to try work on the reduction to be better one day

      maybe add more options

      or use the events track

      to help the reductions

      maybe a slider bar that you can use on each section

      or use section names as a way of reduction

      like on the solo it will reduce more

      but if it’s a verse section or chorus

      it reduce less notes

      But maybe have tick boxes if the main song is hard

      but a slider bar will be better

      I hope this was ok <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


      Unfortunately no, I think reductions are as good as they can be programmed. A lot of stuff would need to be devined to make them better: on apreggios, which is the dominant note? On triplets, which note should be kept? If a sustained note is on off beat and the shorter note before that is on beat, which should be kept? Those are all things that need human intervention and always will: remember that CAT reductions are a starting base, only very rarely are perfect the way the script does them. However, what you ask for is already present: the difficulty of the song is irrelevant, you can set a grid to reduce notes by and the chart will be simplified accordingly. If you want more notes to be removed, use a coarser grid and viceversa. A series of 16th notes will always need reductions on Hard, in example, no matter if they are in the chorus, solo or verse.



      but would it be possible to add more grids

      I’m talking about stuff I don’t know about <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      but more like

      1/3 – 1/5 – 1/6 1/7 – 1/9 – 1/10 And keeps going

      but anyone

      I just like more options


        but would it be possible to add more grids

        I’m talking about stuff I don’t know about <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

        but more like

        1/3 – 1/5 – 1/6 1/7 – 1/9 – 1/10 And keeps going

        but anyone

        I just like more options


        It’s not how music works. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> Even in odd time signatures (like 3/4), the grid is still split in even subdivisions (halves, quarters, eighths, etc.). Each beat can be divided by an odd number for tuplets but it’s an exception inside each song, meaning reducing the whole chart using a tuplet grid would break the chart.


        OK then



          Just a suggestion – if we see an update. It would be nice to have to have an option for “change notes to non-pitched” to have a drop down that includes all 4 at once. Maybe the same for “create animations events” too?


          I can’t tell you how many times I’ve finished everything on an AC/DC song, only to test it and see that I unpitched all but one of the vocals tracks. :doh:

            Just a suggestion – if we see an update. It would be nice to have to have an option for “change notes to non-pitched” to have a drop down that includes all 4 at once. Maybe the same for “create animations events” too?


            I can’t tell you how many times I’ve finished everything on an AC/DC song, only to test it and see that I unpitched all but one of the vocals tracks. :doh:


            I see, because you the option to have all your notes non pitched to avoid authoring the correct pitches. Yes, that’s something that can be worked in in the future.


            Oh man, I haven’t been charting in a while and I get to come back to this! I just used it to do 5-lane keys reductions, and I have to say this is incredible. So many of the tedious parts gone. Thank you Farottone, this is some awesome scripting work.



            I have a idea

            there is a option to make overdrive on vocals

            is it possible to have it on Guitar, Drums and Bass

            as it would be cool

            and maybe it can use section’s

            and also a option for drum fills

            as I always get errors on adding drum fills



              I have a idea

              there is a option to make overdrive on vocals

              is it possible to have it on Guitar, Drums and Bass

              as it would be cool

              and maybe it can use section’s

              and also a option for drum fills

              as I always get errors on adding drum fills



              Unfortunately OD for instruments is far more complex and requires unison sections. It needs to be applied only to sections where the instrument has notes on all difficulties, it can’t overlap between instruments, etc. It’s far quicker to do it manually than to program something that would be inherently flawed. Drum fills need to go where they make sense rhythmically and musically, it’s not something that can be programmed.


              Drum fills are extremely easy to place: as long as they end exactly where the measure ends you’re fine.



              thanks for the reply

              and thanks for helping me with my drum fills


                Error message seen when trying to implement CAT reductions: “MIDI track isn’t set to 480 ticks per beat. This will break magma.”



                  Error message seen when trying to implement CAT reductions: “MIDI track isn’t set to 480 ticks per beat. This will break magma.”




                  You either haven’t installed the RBN plug ins that automatically set the Reapers’ preferences to 480 ticks per beat or you haven’t started from the C3 template.

                    Error message seen when trying to implement CAT reductions: “MIDI track isn’t set to 480 ticks per beat. This will break magma.”




                    You either haven’t installed the RBN plug ins that automatically set the Reapers’ preferences to 480 ticks per beat or you haven’t started from the C3 template.


                    Negative on both. Always use my trusty C3 template and RBN plugins. I did import some midi tracks that aren’t assigned properly yet. I tempo mapped and did drums first but as soon as I tried to reduce the drums that’s when I got the error <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                      Negative on both. Always use my trusty C3 template and RBN plugins. I did import some midi tracks that aren’t assigned properly yet. I tempo mapped and did drums first but as soon as I tried to reduce the drums that’s when I got the error <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif”>


                      I’m not sure what do yiou mean by “assigned”. If you import a MIDI track and you use that track instead of copying the notes over to the template, it’s like not using the template, if I understood correctly what you’re saying,

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