C3 Automation Tools

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  • #419148

      Not sure what’s going on, but Reaper has been freezing and crashing on me a lot lately. Most of the time it seems to be CAT related. It started when doing 5 lane reductions, and now it even does it for something as simple as creating animation markers. It seems to be completely random. Not sure if it’s reaper’s fault or CAT or my computer or what, but I figured I’d post it and see if there’s something I’m not picking up on. I’ve made no notable changes to anything recently. I’m using reaper 4.22.


        Your just working it to hard with all the songs your pumping out, lol. I know, not helpful.


          I had the same problem as SlimKidd85 – exported a MIDI file from a fofix song, and cleaned it up. CAT wouldn’t work.

          My solution: I started a new project, copied over the cleaned up guitar file to that, ran CAT, and copied the new file back to the main project. Worked like a charm – full reductions.

          Not sure what’s going on, but Reaper has been freezing and crashing on me a lot lately. Most of the time it seems to be CAT related. It started when doing 5 lane reductions, and now it even does it for something as simple as creating animation markers. It seems to be completely random. Not sure if it’s reaper’s fault or CAT or my computer or what, but I figured I’d post it and see if there’s something I’m not picking up on. I’ve made no notable changes to anything recently. I’m using reaper 4.22.


          I had this trouble also. The only solution I’ve found is to restart my computer between uses of Reaper if using CAT alot. Shutting down Reaper, I’ve found does little to keep it from happening, but full computer shutdown and restart has worked every time.

            I had this trouble also. The only solution I’ve found is to restart my computer between uses of Reaper if using CAT a lot. Shutting down Reaper, I’ve found does little to keep it from happening, but full computer shutdown and restart has worked every time.


            I’ll definitely try that. I’m not even sure what it is now. I’ve had it crash on me for something simple as opening an existing project in a second tab. It also crashes nearly half the time whenever I undo an action. I’ve found that reductions often will un-freeze if you give it a little while, but it seems to be really unpredictable if you’re doing a longer song. It took me three tries to get a guitar heavy song that was nearly seven minutes long to reduce to just hard.


            Now I’ve learned to save about every 45 seconds.


            It is odd. The only common thing in the problem is the C3 template. I can edit mids for days, as long as I don’t use C3 template. Cat requires C3 template, I have had freezes and such just from C3 template, CAT unused. However prior to CAT I had never really used the template, before I did reductions by hand on existing mids.

            But if I restart computer after each song I do any long amount of work on, I have had no trouble. I actually tried opening 5 mids on different tabs none with C3 template (just as an experiment because of the freezes) and edited them, copy/pasted them on all tabs at one occasion and no trouble. So I restart often and get way less frustrated.

            Hope it helps you as well.

            I’ll definitely try that. I’m not even sure what it is now. I’ve had it crash on me for something simple as opening an existing project in a second tab. It also crashes nearly half the time whenever I undo an action. I’ve found that reductions often will un-freeze if you give it a little while, but it seems to be really unpredictable if you’re doing a longer song. It took me three tries to get a guitar heavy song that was nearly seven minutes long to reduce to just hard.


            Now I’ve learned to save about every 45 seconds.

            That has got to be mind-numbingly frustrating. :bang:


            When using CAT for reductions, my PC will always hang – anywhere from 8 seconds to about 15. Nothing else from Reaper or CAT makes it even breath heavy, and it’s almost 5 years old. I also use Reaper 4.22 and have no problem opening a second tab nor any problems with undo. I did have an issue where the cursor that runs left to right while the song plays would suddenly become jumpy as hell. I’d shut down Reaper, restart and it would be fine – for a while. Turns out, the energy savings setting on my PC would cause one of my hard drives to stop spinning. When it spun up again, the whole system would hang for one second, then the cursor would be jumpy again. I changed my settings to never stop the disks from spinning and I haven’t seen the problem since.


            I have experienced problems CAT-reducing 5-lanes I’ve imported from other projects – they just wont reduce for some reason, but probably not CAT or PC related; just my own ignorance, I’m sure.


            I’ll definitely try that. I’m not even sure what it is now. I’ve had it crash on me for something simple as opening an existing project in a second tab. It also crashes nearly half the time whenever I undo an action. I’ve found that reductions often will un-freeze if you give it a little while, but it seems to be really unpredictable if you’re doing a longer song. It took me three tries to get a guitar heavy song that was nearly seven minutes long to reduce to just hard.


            Now I’ve learned to save about every 45 seconds.

            That has got to be mind-numbingly frustrating. :bang:


            When using CAT for reductions, my PC will always hang – anywhere from 8 seconds to about 15. Nothing else from Reaper or CAT makes it even breath heavy, and it’s almost 5 years old. I also use Reaper 4.22 and have no problem opening a second tab nor any problems with undo. I did have an issue where the cursor that runs left to right while the song plays would suddenly become jumpy as hell. I’d shut down Reaper, restart and it would be fine – for a while. Turns out, the energy savings setting on my PC would cause one of my hard drives to stop spinning. When it spun up again, the whole system would hang for one second, then the cursor would be jumpy again. I changed my settings to never stop the disks from spinning and I haven’t seen the problem since.


            I have experienced problems CAT-reducing 5-lanes I’ve imported from other projects – they just wont reduce for some reason, but probably not CAT or PC related; just my own ignorance, I’m sure.



            Did you copy notes and events from project you imported into pre-named tracks in C3 template? If not that is probably the issue. Cat needs C3 template to work properly, if I understand it correctly. I have had the same trouble occasionally and it was always an event in the wrong spot or missing that made it do nothing.

            Did you copy notes and events from project you imported into pre-named tracks in C3 template? If not that is probably the issue. Cat needs C3 template to work properly, if I understand it correctly. I have had the same trouble occasionally and it was always an event in the wrong spot or missing that made it do nothing.

            I’ll have to go back in and take another look. That is likely the problem – I’ll report back once I get it working.


              I am trying to run reductions over drums from a Frets On Fire chart.

              When I run reductions all the check boxes (sparse notes etc…) uncheck themselves and nothing happens.



              I’ve successfully used CAT on other customs.

              Notes quantized.

              Did an export midi in another session to ensure 480 ticks per beat.

              RB3 Template used.

              [end] in events.

              Tested on another chart to verify it wasn’t my pc/reaper/python issue.


              In 4/4 time. Could that be the issue?


              First issue I’ve ever had with this kickass script. (that wasn’t already answered.)


                Did you fix the FoF chart first by giving weight to all notes? If you’re sure you’ve checked everything, send the RPP my way.


                  So that was all me.

                  Just another way to see how CAT responds to lack of quality control

                  This FoF conversion was 2x bass and (I’m assuming) they chart the parts requiring the double on the note just below where the kick goes. (I didn’t even notice them).


                  Not recognizing these notes makes CAT go “What the fuck is wrong with you?” and visibly respond the way it did to me.



                  When in doubt, try and run the midi through magma, see what errors it gives. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                    Has this happened to anyone else? Easy won’t be generated and it’s a copy of Medium? It’s only happened twice in so long.

                      So that was all me.

                      Just another way to see how CAT responds to lack of quality control

                      This FoF conversion was 2x bass and (I’m assuming) they chart the parts requiring the double on the note just below where the kick goes. (I didn’t even notice them).


                      Not recognizing these notes makes CAT go “What the fuck is wrong with you?” and visibly respond the way it did to me.



                      When in doubt, try and run the midi through magma, see what errors it gives. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                      MIDI Cleaner also handles that type of situation by creating a separate 1x and 2x chart if I remember correctly. Anything coming from gh, fof, phase shift…run it through MIDI Cleaner before you ever work on it.

                        Has this happened to anyone else? Easy won’t be generated and it’s a copy of Medium? It’s only happened twice in so long.


                        9 out of 10 times it’s because you have illegal chords. To check if it so, disable chord reduction and try again.

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