C3 Automation Tools

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  • #469013



    Thanks. It’s probably something incredibly stupid -_- but that just means it’s easier to avoid in the future.


      Works fine here. Are you sure you fixed the name and the folders names?


      Works fine here. Are you sure you fixed the name and the folders names?


      Ummm all the MIDI tracks have their default C3 Template names, the audio is named tinydanzacaughtbythegame, the project is named RPPWorking, and it’s inside the folder TinyDanzaCaughtByTheGame which is inside the folder RPPWorking on my desktop.





        I can’t seem to get CAT to work. Any thoughts?


          Updating my PC to windows 10 made Reaper unable to load Python for me as well (same issue as the one described in the previous posts).


          I found a fix by unstalling python and reinstalling python 2.6.6, it seems that the ctypes library doesn’t install properly with the following versions. Well at least for me.

          THANK YOU!! CAT finally works!!




          Just trying to implement the very sexy and tempting CAT Tools but oh no! An error hath befallen me:


          Script execution error
          Traceback (most recent call last):
          File “C://Program Files (x86)//REAPER//Pluginsreaper_python.py”, line 2, in
          from ctypes import *
          ImportError: No module named ctypes
          Very sorry if this has cropped up before, I combed the support forums for any other instance of it cropping up but alas, I found nothing.
          Thanks a million for any help.
          EDIT: Everything is correctly assigned etc, this error pops up when I hit “F9” to open the tools. I had to uninstall and re-install if that matters, but It all appeared to go smoothly, I deleted the old files and cleaned the registry after. I didn’t go digging in System32 though (I’m on Win7) if that was necessary?
          Also I’m attempting to open it on a blank C3 template if that helps.
          Again any help appreciated.

            Form my experience with Python it means that there’s a package available for Python called “ctypes” that is required to correctly use CAT however Python cannot import it because it doesn’t exist. Quick research shows that ctypes was included in at least Python version 2.5, possibly every release since. I would suggest trying Python 2.5 until one of our CAT programmers can give you a better response.


            Thank you very kindly sir. I am on Python 2.7 atm but have just noticed there is an option for individual versions on the download page.


            Ok I reverted to a version of Python that was released around the same time the CAT Tools were announced, and still no cigar. Exact same error. Thanks though <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


              There are a few more things I can run through but to save time and probably a headache I’ll just let those who actually know about CAT’s workings to give you a proper response.


              Sure man thanks for your help :airquote:


              Ok I found the original CAT thread problems and some people had the same issues as me (there was a LOT of people having issues lol), so I’ll test some of those and when I find a solution I’ll post back here.


                I merged your thread with the CAT thread. As you noticed, other people had similar errors and those were discussed here. You will find that since you’re new, most of the errors you will encounter are not unique or special, and there’s no need for individual threads rather than posting on the thread for the tool/program/guide/etc you’re needing help with.


                So I just tried using the drums autoreductions, and I’m confused as to what happening.


                What happens is, I’ll open CAT, click autoreductions (drums), and hit reduce (sometimes with changing some options but it does it either way), then all the boxes become unchecked, nothing happens in the midi, and if I redo the settings and hit reduce again, nothing happens. What’s going on?


                I was using the template in case that might be a problem.


                I’m having this problem currently, but with the drums animations function rather than the reductions. I ran through the checklist in the OP as well as making sure the midi runs cleanly through magma. It tests as clean in magma, so I have no idea what could still be causing it.


                Here’s the .RPP, since I can only assume there’s something wrong or misplaced in my project at this point. https://www.mediafire.com/?l0vqaw8k7vu6ae8


                  Are you sure it compiles in Magma?

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