C3 Automation Tools

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  • #466701

      Help!!! have charted songs but now trying the CAT thing, downloaded python 2.7 and reaper will not load it when i click the “New/Load” get error!!!

      Failed to load/initilize reascript

      Cant open python C:Python27python27.dll

      when you go OPTIONS/PREFERENCES, and PLUG-INS / ReaScript to enable it, is there the message “Python: python27.dll is installed.”?



        it says it is, python dll is installed


        tho had to search for it as wasnt located in a python folder. was in torbrowser / pluggable transports folder


        ps how can i add screenshot?


        I managed to make it work… all I had to do was format my notebook =P poor thing, it was formated so many time ago, and with win 7, then upgraded to 8, and then to 10…


        but now, everything is working, I just have to learn how to use it LOL! thanks for your help

        What do you mean by format? I have the same problem and i’m trying to fix it.


        Updating my PC to windows 10 made Reaper unable to load Python for me as well (same issue as the one described in the previous posts).

        I found a fix by unstalling python and reinstalling python 2.6.6, it seems that the ctypes library doesn’t install properly with the following versions. Well at least for me.


        You need to install the x86 version if you’re using Reaper 32bits (python26.dll directory will be C:WindowsSysWOW64) or the x86-64 version if you’re using Reaper 64 bits (python26.dll directory will be C:WindowsSystem32) and to follow this as well

        Hope it will help those who are still experiencing issues.


        Do you have to change the variable value from python 27 to python 26?


        Updating my PC to windows 10 made Reaper unable to load Python for me as well (same issue as the one described in the previous posts).


        I found a fix by unstalling python and reinstalling python 2.6.6, it seems that the ctypes library doesn’t install properly with the following versions. Well at least for me.




        You need to install the x86 version if you’re using Reaper 32bits (python26.dll directory will be C:WindowsSysWOW64) or the x86-64 version if you’re using Reaper 64 bits (python26.dll directory will be C:WindowsSystem32) and to follow this as well



        Hope it will help those who are still experiencing issues.


        Reaper isn’t recognizing that version of Python at all, even when I direct it to the specific directory and force it to use that dll. I’m using Reaper 32bit and I installed the x86 version.


        Do you have to change the variable value from python 27 to python 26?



        Reaper isn’t recognizing that version of Python at all, even when I direct it to the specific directory. I’m using Reaper 32bit and I installed the x86 version.

        Strange. Does it work if you type in “python26.dll” in the “force python to use .dll” case ?



        Strange. Does it work if you type in “python26.dll” in the “force python to use .dll” case ?


        Nope. I can’t even find the python26.dll file! I checked in the DLL’s folder, and I read some reports of it being sent to the System32 folder, but it’s not there either. I installed it from the link above and used the default settings, so no idea what’s going on…


        Nope. I can’t even find the python26.dll file! I checked in the DLL’s folder, and I read some reports of it being sent to the System32 folder, but it’s not there either. I installed it from the link above and used the default settings, so no idea what’s going on…

        Well it’s not like I love to quote myself but, assuming you’re using windows 10 64bits :

        You need to install the x86 version if you’re using Reaper 32bits (python26.dll directory will be C:WindowsSysWOW64) or the x86-64 version if you’re using Reaper 64 bits (python26.dll directory will be C:WindowsSystem32) and to follow this as well

        If you can’t find it there, try using the windows search file fonction


        Lololol what’s funny is that I was looking in SysWOW64 for the dll before I installed the other version of Python <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        Thanks for quoting yourself. It worked!


        Ughhh I can get the interface to open, but nothing does anything. When I click on an option, nothing happens. I’ve tried automatic reductions and auto-generate animations, neither of which do anything. Some options automatically close the UI, and some just don’t elicit any response whatsoever.


        My track names are correct, I’m selecting the notes, etc. And I’ve read the user manual extensively. Just not sure what I’m doing wrong…


        It acts like it’s changing things, though. My saved file shows [modified] at the top, so changes have to be happening… I’m just not sure where. None of the drum options are doing anything on the drum track.


          Ughhh I can get the interface to open, but nothing does anything. When I click on an option, nothing happens. I’ve tried automatic reductions and auto-generate animations, neither of which do anything. Some options automatically close the UI, and some just don’t elicit any response whatsoever.


          It means something is wrong with the project. Go through the checklist for track names, file name, invalid notes, etc.



          It means something is wrong with the project. Go through the checklist for track names, file name, invalid notes, etc.


          Oh yeah, I remembered everything but the file name!


          Ugh. I’ve went through and checked everything in this list:


          – Did you install Python correctly? If not, CAT will not load at all [CAT loads, just doesn’t do anything]
          – Are you using Reaper 3.x and Python 2.x? If not, CAT may fail (ask in this thread about options for Reaper 4) [Reaper 4.22]
          – Does your project have tracks with special characters in their name? [No]
          – Did you use the C3 template to create your project? [Yes]
          – Does your project have a tempo map? [Yes]
          – Can you run CARV? [Link just takes me back to the C3 forums main page]
          – Have you downloaded the latest version of CAT? [Yes]
          – Does your Reaper project have a BPM marker at M1.1.00? [Yes]
          – Do you have an [end] marker in the EVENTS track and is it in the correct place? [Yes]
          – Do your project folder or any of your audio tracks have special characters in it? [No]
          – Does your exported MIDI compile in Magma? [Yes]


          I still can’t seem to get it to work <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


            Upload your RPP so I can check it.

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