C3 Automation Tools

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  • #465000

    Awesome, seems to be working now <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Thank you so much for the help!


        New update, very significant if you author pro keys…


        – Reduce pro keys notes density based on 5-lane
        This command, for each selected level, removes all notes not present in the same 5-lane level. Important note: chords are not reduced, this is not a full reduction as the one used for 5-lane, it’s a way to reduce pro keys based on the density reduction done for the 5-lane version. You still need to reduce chords on Hard and Easy after you run this command.


        This is gonna help a lot those who do reduction by hands, entirely or partially, who now only need to reduce 5-lane, apply this command and then reduce chords. The command is still in beta so please use accordingly. Always remember to check the result and edit where needed for a better gaming experience.


          That’s a handy feature, EOF offers the same thing for pro guitar.

          Linos Melendi

            New update, very significant if you author pro keys…


            NEW COMMAND


            – Reduce pro keys notes density based on 5-lane

            This command, for each selected level, removes all notes not present in the same 5-lane level. Important note: chords are not reduced, this is not a full reduction as the one used for 5-lane, it’s a way to reduce pro keys based on the density reduction done for the 5-lane version. You still need to reduce chords on Hard and Easy after you run this command.


            This is gonna help a lot those who do reduction by hands, entirely or partially, who now only need to reduce 5-lane, apply this command and then reduce chords. The command is still in beta so please use accordingly. Always remember to check the result and edit where needed for a better gaming experience.

            Would it be possible to have it do it the other way around as well? Reduce 5-lane notes based on Pro? I usually chart Pro Keys first then 5-lane.


              Would it be possible to have it do it the other way around as well? Reduce 5-lane notes based on Pro? I usually chart Pro Keys first then 5-lane.


              Unfortunately because of the way pro and 5-lane keys are handled by Rock Band 3, to do that I would need to change the logic of the command entirely and considering I wouldn’t use that feature is sadly an amount of work I can’t set aside time for, sorry.



                I can’t find a way to fix this… I’ve already reinstall everything. Have you seen this error before?



                I think I found a issue with a vocals function. If on the vocals track (after loading the notes names) you have a note on the very top C, row 85 iirc, the functions set lyrics pitched/un-pitched do not work, nothing is displayed. If you call the command directly, you get an error about invalid key.


                Can the code be changed to a) make this work, and :cool: display a warning message if any notes outside the range are detected.




                  C5 is not a valid note, you probably noticed as much when importing lyrics and seeing that no lyrics event was attached to that note. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> Not sure why it’s on the original RBN template though.


                    SuD, it looks like a Python issue, you should check the Python community.


                    C5 is not a valid note, you probably noticed as much when importing lyrics and seeing that no lyrics event was attached to that note. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> Not sure why it’s on the original RBN template though.

                    Thanks for the answer. The notes at C5 still show up in game, although I did not magma compile the song, I just replaced the midi.


                      SuD, it looks like a Python issue, you should check the Python community.


                      I’ve looked in Python community and I didn’t find anything… reinstalled Python from version 2 to 3 MANY versions, reaper 4.22 32 and 64… uninstalled and reinstalled everything many times, and still the same message… I only have Windows 10 64 to uninstall and try another one to check… maybe it’s the problem


                      P.S. Just tried on my wife’s and my son’s notebooks… win 8 and 7, both 64 bits, and they both crash Reaper when I click on “New/Load” Reascript button on Action… could it ALL be because of the 64 bit version of the windows?


                      what is your windows?


                        WIndows 10, 64-bit. How exactly did you look into the Python community? Googling the error message you get gives plenty of results, plus it seems to be the same error that was mentioned and fixed in the previous page.


                          WIndows 10, 64-bit. How exactly did you look into the Python community? Googling the error message you get gives plenty of results, plus it seems to be the same error that was mentioned and fixed in the previous page.

                          I managed to make it work… all I had to do was format my notebook =P poor thing, it was formated so many time ago, and with win 7, then upgraded to 8, and then to 10…


                          but now, everything is working, I just have to learn how to use it LOL! thanks for your help


                            Help!!! have charted songs but now trying the CAT thing, downloaded python 2.7 and reaper will not load it when i click the “New/Load” get error!!!

                            Failed to load/initilize reascript

                            Cant open python C:Python27python27.dll

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