C3 Automation Tools

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  • #464229

    I was not getting angry at you, it is just that it takes forever to change RB charts too GH drum charts and then to do it for lower levels I have to do it all over again.


    Sorry for getting angry, it is something that is happening more and more and your tool makes lower Levels and was hoping it could add it to save me time doing stuff.


    I was not getting angry at you, it is just that it takes forever to change RB charts too GH drum charts and then to do it for lower levels I have to do it all over again.


    Sorry for getting angry, it is something that is happening more and more and your tool makes lower Levels and was hoping it could add it to save me time doing stuff.

    Wake up call : maybe it’s time you realize that asking other people to do totally useless time consuming stuff (why on earth would you want to convert RB drum charts to GH5 with CAT ? And if that’s the other way around, moving the notes takes literally 30 seconds to do) for your sole benefit while contributing close to zilch to the community, never listening to what you’re told, never reading the docs and tutorials, barely thanking people that help you, and bi$#hing like an entitled kid when you don’t have what you want is generally seen as incredibly rude and annoying.


    And you should be happy that mods here are patient people, you would have been banned eons ago on most message boards.


      I was not getting angry at you, it is just that it takes forever to change RB charts too GH drum charts and then to do it for lower levels I have to do it all over again.


      Sorry for getting angry, it is something that is happening more and more and your tool makes lower Levels and was hoping it could add it to save me time doing stuff.


      You’re better off doing reductions BEFORE, and then changing the notes. You don’t have to do them one level at a time: in Reaper just work vertically, and in example when you need to change a yellow tom to a blue tom, just select the entire column (meaning yellow tom note you have on X, H, M and E) and with one key press move all up by one row.



      Wake up call : maybe it’s time you realize that asking other people to do totally useless time consuming stuff (why on earth would you want to convert RB drum charts to GH5 with CAT ? And if that’s the other way around, moving the notes takes literally 30 seconds to do) for your sole benefit while contributing close to zilch to the community, never listening to what you’re told, never reading the docs and tutorials, barely thanking people that help you, and bi$#hing like an entitled kid when you don’t have what you want is generally seen as incredibly rude and annoying.


      And you should be happy that mods here are patient people, you would have been banned eons ago on most message boards.


      Your comment is making me want to wish i was not alive.


        You might want to seek psychiatric help. If you’re in the U.S., there’s plenty of places that can help for little or no cost.



        Can we leave this thread to questions about the actual tools please? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

        Fair point, I’ll leave it as is <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Can we leave this thread to questions about the actual tools please? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


          Hi guys!


          I’ve only recently started fiddling with authoring, and while most of it is just a bumpy but reasonable learning process, getting the CAT stuff to run has turned out to be a complete dead end. I’m using Reaper 4.22 and Python 2.7.11, but when I click New/Load in the ReaScript menu, it just straight up crashes Reaper every time, no error message or anything. I’ve looked into it, and it seems to be a reported issue for Mac users, but I can’t find much on the Windows side. The solutions offered for Mac are a bit over my head as well as far as coding goes, so does anyone have any idea what I could try? Older versions of Python don’t seem to make a difference, already tried that.


            Yeah, the graphical interface framework for Python causes havoc on the Mac apparently, it’s a known issue. You can always use the functions via command instead of using the UI, you need to check the docs for that.


            Oh, but that’s the weird thing, I’m not actually on a Mac. I’m on Windows 10, which is why I was looking for solutions pertaining to that OS. I suppose I could try to figure out using the command functions manually, but it really bothers me not knowing what’s causing this. I swear I’m always that guy who gets errors no one else has ;/


              Oh, but that’s the weird thing, I’m not actually on a Mac. I’m on Windows 10, which is why I was looking for solutions pertaining to that OS. I suppose I could try to figure out using the command functions manually, but it really bothers me not knowing what’s causing this. I swear I’m always that guy who gets errors no one else has ;/


              Sorry, I have little time and rush in reading. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> I use Windows 10, I have Reaper 4.22 32.bit and Python 2.7. However, if you can’t even load a script, that’s not a CAT issue, it’s a system issue, as you probably already know. Maybe uninstalling both, reinstalling and retrying?


              No worries, I’m just a bit frustrated with this since I can’t wrap my head around it. I’ve tried un/reinstalling both programs multiple times, and annoyingly enough it doesn’t always yield the same result. Now it’s taken to not adding a .dll file to the main Python27 folder at all, so Reaper can’t find it anymore. Somehow it’s gotten worse than just crashing. I really don’t understand what I’m doing wrong with this. Does it matter where I install Python to? I’ve just gone with the default options during installation so far, and that clearly isn’t working very well.


              Edit: Well, managed to find my missing dll, it had just started ending up in system files for some reason… still crashes Reaper though, so I guess I’m out of luck.


                Root of C: is the default folder, I have it there.


                Alright, so I managed to find a thread where someone had this problem in Windows 8 and managed to fix it. Problem is, the solution means nothing to me, no idea how to actually do what he suggests.


                Thread is here, if someone more tech savvy can simplify: http://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=135766

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