C3 Automation Tools

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  • #463434

    Okay, I had python 32 bit. I downloaded 64 bit and now reaper just crashes when i try to load cat


      I can only help with 32 bit versions, 64 bit versions don’t work with the RBN plug ins anyway.


      I can only help with 32 bit versions, 64 bit versions don’t work with the RBN plug ins anyway.

      okay now i installed the latest python 2.7.11 but whenever i open cat.py it crashes. do i need a 32 bit computer


        No, I use a 64 bit system and everything works fine.


        Well then I don’t know whats wrong with my computer. I’ll try restarting it


        No, I use a 64 bit system and everything works fine.

        So do you use 32 bit python or 64 bit


          You need 32 bit versions of both Reaper and Python.


          I think i fixed it. I downloaded python 2.7.7 instead of 2.7.11


          and i used a 32 bit version


          Can’t remember if i did ask this before or note but can you add support for GH 5 lane charts please?



          Lane 1 – Snare

          Lane 2 – Hi hats and open high hats.

          Lane 3- Blue Tom

          Lane 4 – other cymbals

          Lane 5 – Green Tom


          Please add this as i don’t want to down chart the hard way.


            It wouold mean reprogram the entire code, I’m sorry.


            What the hell do you mean it would, you just got to bloody add a option for the green tom.


            Should not be too hard, there is no bloody way i’m doing the lower levels by hand.


              Be civil or be out of these forums, just let us know which.


              All you have to do is add it to add the midi lanes for the green tom that GH uses.


              And make it remove the notes just like any other tom lane.


              If you like i will go find the midi note number that the green tom uses in gh and make it like it does to remove toms for the other lower levels.


                No, “all I have to do” is rewrite the code to account for another colour for the kick, not using Yt, not using Gc, not using Bc, assigning O to cymbal, etc. Since you have no idea what you’re doing or saying, you think that if you find a MIDI note the work is done. You know what? Ok, find the MIDI note, then crack open the Python code and do this very simple correction to the code you think will suffice.


                If you disrespect any user one more time you’re banned, so make sure you think long and hard before posting again. Your sense of self entitlement is embarassing.

              Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 419 total)
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