Big Rock Ending [coda] and vocals

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  • #395532

      Apologies if this has been asked before, but I did some searching and didn’t find any specifics, so I thought I’d ask.


      I have a midi file that causes Magma to give me the following error:


      ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (PART VOCALS): Vocal phrase from … occurs after coda event at …


      The last vocal note takes place during the start of the BRE where the [coda] event is, so does this mean you cannot have vocals take place at all during a BRE (which is kind of strange to me), or am I doing something wrong?


        …so does this mean you cannot have vocals take place at all during a BRE…

        That is correct.


          or am I doing something wrong?


          You are, you’re not reading the docs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>



            Shouldn’t seem too strange. In RB3, all the vocalist did was trigger the BRE, there was never any singing in any of the songs with it. In RB4, vocalists don’t even need to trigger it anymore. They’re completely exempt from BREs.



              You are, you’re not reading the docs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />




              I forgot to check here, though I usually find my answer searching the forums, but thank you regardless. There’s so much documentation it can be overwhelming knowing where to look, and hopefully this thread can now be found by others who might have the same question.


              I do still find it rather odd that they would program the game this way though. I feel like vocals should be exempt from BRE rules.

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