Bandmates Glitching

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  • #389060

    Hey guys! I’m new here and all and this is pretty silly but from the few songs I’ve played through customs the singer glitches all through the venue and stays at the same camera angle the whole song. I dunno if anyone else has experienced this but would like to know if there’s a way of fixing it, thanks! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      What TU have you installed?


      I have TU4 installed


        This behaviour is consistent with a missing TU and/or with issues with the package itself.


        It should not be happening with C3 customs if the correct TU is in place…


        So then it’s the TU4 file I downloaded that’s the problem?

          So then it’s the TU4 file I downloaded that’s the problem?


          Could be the file, could be the file’s location, could be the key itself.


          If you go into System Settings > Storage, is TU4 visible on the stick or does it show as Corrupted?


          It shows up as Rock Band 3 Title Update #4


          Well I looked into it again and when I looked at the file on PartyBuffalo I had title update 4 but with a (1) next to it so I just deleted it off my computer and the USB and just reinstalled and injected and now the customs are good as gold! :dance:

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