backing track sounds weird

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  • #390842

    Heys everyone!


    I’ve made my custom song and it all works fine, but the thing is that in game, my backing track doesn’t sound clear like very good quality, it sounds more like it got some filter over it, but when I play the same file reaper made on my computer it sounds perfect.


    backing track .wav file is in format 44100 32-bit float stereo


    Do you know what could be the problem?


      Add a mute audio file to the crowd track.


      cool, thx


      Sorry, but I don’t have any crowd track. Where is it located? I’m using C3 template, and I only placed 1 audio track into audio for backing music.


      Never mind, I’ve charted bass track and it fixed the weird music problem, as I found on the forum that some other people had same problem before when there’s only charts for guitar/drums. Anyways if you can explain to me where do you put empty crowd track for future I would appreciate it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />.


        In Magma C3, Audio tab.


        Ohh okey, thank you! I was using original version of magma, that’s why I didn’t have it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

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