Aug 21, 2015 – SO MUCH RUSH, and classic metal

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  • #453224
      This week is a testament to what it means to be part of the C3 collective. Authors have literally pulled all-nighters to finish this pack and they have put in an insane amount of time. DNPG in particular have been nothing short of inspiring in his relentless pursuit of the perfect Rush release. Everytime we pointed out even minor issues he would just yes-sir-may-I-have-another and soldier on. A lot of people came together to deliver this week’s work and it makes me very proud to be a part of this group.


      Not a prog rock guy, but this is really freaking cool. Thanks to everyone who puts in this kind of effort to make this place what it is.

        Despite the community’s best efforts to prove otherwise, certain bands and genres simply work better for Rock Band.


        Ain’t that the truth.

        Cmdr Xym

          Great job on the Rush pack this week. Lots of songs that have been missing from the game.


          One issue though after playing a couple of songs…the vocal chart on “Freewill” seems like it’s off. My singer (who can nail basically anything on Expert) felt like it was too “sharp” and ended up getting a 65% even though she was singing it correctly. She had to intentionally sing it off-key to score any Awesomes. This is her favorite Rush song, and now she doesn’t want to ever sing it again. Did not have issues on any other songs. Thoughts?




          Great week, I’m especially glad to see UFO

          Great job on the Rush pack this week. Lots of songs that have been missing from the game.


          One issue though after playing a couple of songs…the vocal chart on “Freewill” seems like it’s off. My singer (who can nail basically anything on Expert) felt like it was too “sharp” and ended up getting a 65% even though she was singing it correctly. She had to intentionally sing it off-key to score any Awesomes. This is her favorite Rush song, and now she doesn’t want to ever sing it again. Did not have issues on any other songs. Thoughts?




          Oh yeah, this sounds familiar… I remember playing a custom of Freewill a while back (I don’t remember who made it) and I noticed the same thing on vocals, if this is the same chart, I can attest to that.


          I haven’t played the C3 release yet, though.


            Holy Balls Of Steel thats a crapload of Peart Perfection to attempt!

            You guys rock



              thank you guys for this amazing pack <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

              i love rush, now im going to download these and update my Rush spreadsheet, also as i always say: you can take my drum work of the other songs of Rush first album & Caress Of Steel (especially this one), and again amazing work by the fellow users DoNotPassGo, Farottone and Ejthedj


                Huge thanks for the Iron Maiden song!


                GREAAAAAT songs for Rush. Awesome selections!

                Great job on the Rush pack this week. Lots of songs that have been missing from the game.


                One issue though after playing a couple of songs…the vocal chart on “Freewill” seems like it’s off. My singer (who can nail basically anything on Expert) felt like it was too “sharp” and ended up getting a 65% even though she was singing it correctly. She had to intentionally sing it off-key to score any Awesomes. This is her favorite Rush song, and now she doesn’t want to ever sing it again. Did not have issues on any other songs. Thoughts?




                That sucks. About the easiest rush song there is to sing, too.


                  The Freewill issue is being fixed.

                  One issue though after playing a couple of songs…the vocal chart on “Freewill” seems like it’s off. My singer (who can nail basically anything on Expert) felt like it was too “sharp” and ended up getting a 65% even though she was singing it correctly. She had to intentionally sing it off-key to score any Awesomes.



                  Incredibly sorry! Not sure what happened…. but at some point after the initial checks all the pitches got shifted a half a step up?


                  Regardless, It’s been corrected and the project has been reuploaded to the server. Re-download if you already have the song and want the updated vocals. I’m holding off on updating the full pack downloads until next week. Due to the size, re-uploaded for any correction would be time-consuming. If you have either the x1 or x2 full pack downloads, and you want the vocal corrections immediately… please PM me. I’ll link you to the .mid and instructions on how to replace the incorrect project with the fixed one


                  Thank you for finding and pointing that out.

                  Cmdr Xym

                    Thanks so much for the quick turnaround. I’ll re-download it right now!


                    Mother of god! Thank you so much guys!


                    This is seriously amazing. It will give some great nostalgia from the show I saw last month. Many of my favorites are there.


                    Thanks as always! Will listen to all the songs and pick up the ones I really like!

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