[Archived] Rock Band: Harmonies Project (Latest: 11/21/14)

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      If they’re not showing up and the game freezes on song load, that really tells me there’s a problem with your upgrade package. Do you know how many songs were in it? How large is the upgrade package file?


      It was everything including optional except the Alternate Lyric ones (this does bring up a question: are there any conflicts/duplicates in the optional ones that would affect what order I put them in? Alternates and Pro Guitars always went in last…)


      I don’t see any log anywhere, but according to my input directory, there are 293 folders. I can upload the songs.dta and uploads.dta it spits out if that will help any? The RBHP_CustomUpgradePackage_20131110 file is 14,636 KB.


        Should be fine in the order you’ve done them. I have to say 293 folders strikes me as a little shallow, though, if you’ve got it all — my build (sans Pro Guitar) totals 487 upgrades.


        E-mail me your .dta files and a screenshot of your folder structure, if you can.


        Oh! I either made a typo or a brain typo; it’s 593. Haha.


        Figured it’d be easier to toss it up here:




        Not exactly sure what you meant by file structure, but fairly sure I’m not doing anything wrong there; he’s a screenshot of the input folder:



        and from there each one just has the files for each one, copied from the downloads thinger one group at a time.


        Thanks for the help!


          Well, by all accounts it should be building fine. Delete your upgrade file, re-run the packager, and put it back on the drive (don’t bother with a cache rebuild). Perhaps the upgrade CON isn’t getting structured properly.


          Yeah, no change there… I’m going off to work, but I guess I’ll upload the Upgrade Package and log, to see if there’s any other issues you could see?


          (If it’s worth mentioning, each time I’ve tried it I’ve loaded a different song, same result each time…)


          If you can’t find anything or if you’re too busy, after work/later I’ll try doing a build without the pro guitar/bass files and see if it makes any difference.


          Thanks for anything you can do here!


          https://www.dropbox.com/s/57ocokagbn2pi … e_20131110



            It all checks out. I’m genuinely perplexed. Dumb question, but the storage device with the upgrade package remains connected to the 360, right?


            Yeah, don’t know what it was, but built one without any Pro Guitar/Bass files and it works fine now! I don’t know what the issue is…

              Yeah, don’t know what it was, but built one without any Pro Guitar/Bass files and it works fine now! I don’t know what the issue is…


              I’ll take another look. The only way I could see them interfering is if both we being built into the package, as one of the two would be rejected (that shouldn’t be a problem, though, as the PG file contains harmonies so it should only crash on PG/PB load if it took the harmony-only upgrade), or if you’re checking against songs with Harmonix-released pro guitar upgrades (the two will clash, so you need to manually merge them).


              It’s possible there’s a problem with one of the PG songs.dta/upgrades.dta files, too, so I’ll review those tonight.


              Another issue I noticed is… I’m not sure where the problem originates, but at some point in the packaing process, Blue Oyster Cult and Maximo Park lose their unique symbols (or rather, Maximo Park keeps it, but…) both have an ¿ in places where they shouldn’t be. Going in and editing the songs.dta did cause them to show up correctly, but, bit odd…


              Sorry I’m causing so much trouble for you! :ohdear:


              EDIT: And oddly Motorhead is fine so idk!

                Another issue I noticed is… I’m not sure where the problem originates, but at some point in the packaing process, Blue Oyster Cult and Maximo Park lose their unique symbols (or rather, Maximo Park keeps it, but…) both have an ¿ in places where they shouldn’t be. Going in and editing the songs.dta did cause them to show up correctly, but, bit odd…


                Sorry I’m causing so much trouble for you! :ohdear:


                EDIT: And oddly Motorhead is fine so idk!


                Send me the fixed .dtas. It’s possible I made a change to them at some point and saved it with the wrong encoding.


                It’s a detail but in the “News/Updates” sheet of the RB:HP page, the last line shows “Weezer – Say it ain’t so : Initial release for keys/pro keys chart.”


                But looking at the songs.dta reveals no added keys and C3’s blog only mentions “HARM 2: Fixed a missing set of lyrics”.


                And thank you for this new bunch of updates. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                  It’s a detail but in the “News/Updates” sheet of the RB:HP page, the last line shows “Weezer – Say it ain’t so : Initial release for keys/pro keys chart.”


                  But looking at the songs.dta reveals no added keys and C3’s blog only mentions “HARM 2: Fixed a missing set of lyrics”.


                  And thank you for this new bunch of updates. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                  Yeah, that was the last note I added last night and apparently I left the sheet before it saved haha.


                  I will update it.


                  Update post for the release inc soon too.


                    As I’m sure you either noticed last night cruising the sheet, or today reading the blog post, we’ve got another release (yaaaaay)! This one finishes off sweet, sweet No Doubt November with the rest (minus one) of the No Doubt tracks. It also marks the conclusion of the Rock Band 2 20 Free DLC upgrades. It also also includes two oft-requested RBN tracks, so there’s that.


                    Unfortunately, there was supposed to be a little bit more to this release, but due to some technical problems some content had to be delayed and cut. Most notably, the upgrade for No Doubt’s “New” is missing, as it seems to have some weird glitch that kills all upgrades and occurs when it is introduced into the environment alongside the RBN upgrades, so I need to skim those files and see if there is anything that could be causing a conflict. There are a few other components that were missing that I will hopefully be able to tease in the videos for this release. All of the missing stuff should also come in alongside the December release.


                    You may have noticed that we’ve done the odd themed release of late — this is a trend that will continue from time to time going forward, though my intent is to try and ensure that themes don’t become the only components of packs. There will be a general push to ensure at least one piece of older content is included in any given release — to keep the line moving visibly forward — and there will continue to be an effort to keep content diverse in both genre as well as in complexity (since every song w/ a harmony part is getting an upgrade, we’re going to have some softball weeks).


                    On the Rock Band Network front, I’m still going to try to maintain the two-songs-per-release trend going forward, though it’ll depend on whether or not I start to get burnt out maintaining the twenty song schedule. There are a lot of great RBN tracks that need upgrades too — be they pro drums, guitar/bass, keys, or harmonies — so if you happen to be chatty with some RBN authors that may want to upgrade their stuff to give it new life, feel free to let them know this is a thing.


                    In any event, our next release projects to drop on December 20th, so you’ll have some more upgrades just in time for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Keep an eye out for those, and keep on rocking in the C3 world.



                    This week’s releases are as follows:


                    Rock Band DLC 2007 Harmony Upgrades

                    * David Bowie – “Heroes” (espher)

                    * David Bowie – “Moonage Daydream” (espher)


                    Rock Band DLC 2008 Harmony Upgrades

                    * Sweet – “Action” (espher)


                    Rock Band DLC 2010 Harmony Upgrades

                    * No Doubt – “Different People” (GreenPanda12)

                    * No Doubt – “End It on This” (espher)

                    * No Doubt – “Happy Now?” (espher)

                    * No Doubt – “Hey You” (espher)

                    * No Doubt – “Sixteen” (espher)

                    * No Doubt – “The Climb” (espher)

                    * No Doubt – “Tragic Kingdom” (espher)

                    * No Doubt – “World Go ‘Round” (espher)

                    * No Doubt – “You Can Do It” (GreenPanda12)

                    * Shaimus – “All of This” (pksage)

                    * Shaimus – “Tie You Down” (espher)


                    Rock Band 2 – 20 Free DLC Upgrades

                    * Shaimus – “Like a Fool” (pksage)

                    * thenewno2 – “Crazy Tuesday” (espher)

                    * The Ghost Hounds – “Ashes to Fire” (GreenPanda12)

                    * Kutless – “The Feeling” (GreenPanda12)

                    * X Japan – “I.V.” (GreenPanda12)

                    * The 88 – “Sons and Daughters” (espher)


                    Rock Band Network Harmony Upgrades

                    * The Guild – “(Do You Want to Date My) Avatar” (espher)

                    * Lemon Demon – “The Ultimate Showdown (RBN Mix)” (espher)


                    Rock Band Network Pro Drum Upgrades

                    * The Guild – “(Do You Want to Date My) Avatar” (espher)


                    Fixes/Updates to Previous Upgrades

                    * Weezer – “Say It Ain’t So” (espher) – HARM 2: Fixed a missing set of lyrics.


                    I don’t know what’s happened when I’ve tried to put a few updates over, for the first time, but now when I try to play the songs they just freeze up.


                    What do I delete to get everything back to normal? Deleting the song cache didn’t work.


                    All I wanted was the Duran Duran harmonies! :eek:

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