[Archived] Rock Band: Harmonies Project (Latest: 11/21/14)

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      Yeah, there was no OD, iirc I mentioned it at one point to the contributor and forgot about it.


      It’s ‘easy’ to add, I’ve just never really had the time.


      I have an issue with Blue Morning, Blue Day by Foreigner. I am trying to play with my main account on regular expert guitar, and no profile on expert harmonies, and right before the venue loads, the Xbox does a hard freeze.


      I have to pull the power plug, then restart. I have tried it 3 times. I don’t know if it’s an issue with the venue settings, but it’s a possibility. I don’t know how to check that stuff, or what to change. This is on the Pro Guitar update, not the standalone harmonies.


      I have no issues playing it without harmonies. Haven’t tried it yet on pro guitar or bass. But it does freeze with just the harmonies.


      Edit: I originally included the info from the songs.dta file, but that I am guessing doesn’t have anything to do with the upgrades working or not. Gonna try pro quick, see if those work. We will see if it’s within the harmonies part.


      Edit 2: Upon further review, pro does not show up at all. I forgot that it didn’t. It’s the only song that doesn’t. Harmonies do show up. I used the pro guitar upgrade only when packaging the updates to the songs. This is the only known one I have installed that pro doesn’t show up. Not sure why. When I get a little more info, I will try reinstalling the updates.


      Edit 3: Figured out how to get the pro guitar and bass to show up. I had to rename the midi file and the upgrades dta file names. I had go from bluemorningblueday_plus.pg.mid to bluemorningblueday_plus.mid. Upgrades.pg.dta back to upgrades.dta. Also changed the midi file path in the upgrades.dta file to reflect the midi file name change. DOn’t klnow if that was over looked, or if I actually messed it up, but it is working for me. Weird how the midi file path in the songs.dta path still has the .pg.mid in the path (forgot to change it) and still works with the harmonies.


        If you didn’t cache rebuild, it may still have the original path info.


        But yes, that one was a mistake on my end (my ‘working’ folders have all of the upgrade versions in one loc so I give them different names to distinguish before dropping them in my ‘downloads’ folder where I build the archives). I’ll fix it up for the next release.


          I’m certain this issue has been addressed before but thought I’d chime in on it. When playing online with friends who dont have the upgrades but you do, every single band unison results in each player only receiving a quarter bar of overdrive juice. The songs that don’t have upgrades applied to them obviously still work as normal. I don’t know if there is a solution to this issue but other than that the upgrades work great in a TU5 online environment.


            It was brought up by someone, I put a PSA up on the Google Docs thread, asked if someone could confirm, nobody ever did, I removed it (it was up from last December until two weeks ago).


            I’m not sure why this would occur since we’re not replacing any tracks with unisons and unfortunately do not have a fix.


              October 10th, 2014 Release


              Rock Band DLC 2008 Harmony Upgrades

              * Judas Priest – “The Hellion/Electric Eye” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “Riding on the Wind” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “(Take These) Chains” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “Pain and Pleasure” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “You’ve Got Another Thing Comin'” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “Fever” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “Devil’s Child” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “Bloodstone” (espher)

              * Judas Priest – “Screaming for Vengeance” (espher)

              * Static-X – “Push It” (Lowlander)


              Rock Band DLC 2009 Harmony Upgrades

              * Alanis Morissette – “Head Over Feet” (espher)

              * Alanis Morissette – “Ironic” (espher)

              * Motörhead – “(We Are) The Road Crew ’08” (espher)

              * Tenacious D – “The Metal” (espher)

              * Testament – “More Than Meets the Eye” (espher)


              Rock Band DLC 2010 Harmony Upgrades

              * The Jimi Hendrix Experience – “May This Be Love” (espher)

              * The Jimi Hendrix Experience – “3rd Stone from the Sun” (espher)

              * The Jimi Hendrix Experience – “Foxey Lady” (espher)

              * The Jimi Hendrix Experience – “Purple Haze” (espher)

              * Jimi Hendrix – “Stone Free” (espher)


              Rock Band Network Pro Guitar/Bass Upgrades

              * Tenacious D – “Master Exploder” (espher)


              Fixes For Previous Releases

              * PG: Foreigner – “Blue Morning, Blue Day” (espher) – Fix: Fixed file name error.


              Thank you for this release! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                So… much… good… stuff…


                Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I’m not sure the Pro Keys chart on Critical Acclaim works. I went through like 3/4s of the song and there were no notes.


                The keyboard shifted around a bit, but no actual notes.

                  Sorry if this has been mentioned, but I’m not sure the Pro Keys chart on Critical Acclaim works. I went through like 3/4s of the song and there were no notes.


                  The keyboard shifted around a bit, but no actual notes.


                  I could have forgotten to duplicate a track. Has happened before. Thanks.


                  If you’re comfortable “editing” .mid files you can fix this yourself (it’s actually not hard either way).

                  • Import it into REAPER.
                  • Re-order the tracks so they go Keys, Easy Pro Keys, Medium Pro Keys, Hard Pro Keys, Expert Pro Keys, Keys RH Animations.
                  • Insert a new blank track between Easy Pro Keys and Medium Pro Keys.
                  • Copy Easy Pro Keys (select it, then hold Ctrl and drag-and-drop) into the blank track.
                  • You should now have K, EPK, EPK, MPK, HPK, XPK, KRH as tracks (pardon my abbrs.).
                  • Export the .midi again, overwriting the old one.
                  • Rebuild your packages.
                  • Replace the upgrade package on your USB key with the new one (no need for a cache rebuild).


                  The tl;dr is that the game does not properly render/skips the first pro keys track it sees. The fix is to double it, and I usually order them Easy -> Expert because doubling the easy chart has the lowest impact on file size. If you’ve ever cracked open a keys upgrade .mid and wondered why there was a duplicate track, now you know. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                  Never done anything like that before, but I’ll give it a try (at some point). Thanks for the advice


                    Upon further testing out using RBHP upgrades online with friends I played some upgraded RBN songs in a full band. Same rules apply as I am the only one in the band that has the upgrades. I noticed that if the RBN1.0 song only has a Pro Drums upgrades then the overdrive band unisons work as normal. If the upgrade has a harmonies upgrade then the same “quarter bar band unison” bug still occurs. This bug is possible only related to harmony upgraded songs but it seems strange because vocals shouldnt have any effect on band unisons in the game.


                      Yeah, there should be no real interplay between them, unless the engine is somehow viewing it as another ‘instrument’ by virtue of it being in an upgrade file, but without knowing how the engine runs I can’t say for sure. Does it do it even when not playing harmonies? Good to know PD-only doesn’t do it.

                        Yeah, there should be no real interplay between them, unless the engine is somehow viewing it as another ‘instrument’ by virtue of it being in an upgrade file, but without knowing how the engine runs I can’t say for sure. Does it do it even when not playing harmonies? Good to know PD-only doesn’t do it.


                        I was on Pro Drums when I did my initial testing. Don’t remember if I was hosting or just a client. I need to try more variables like if the song has a Pro Keys upgrade. I also need to try playing in a band being the vocalist. It would be interesting to see if two people who both had the upgrades played online with each other if the quarter overdrive bug would still happen. I’ll report back when I get more evidence.


                        Hi Espher!


                        I added all the RBHP upgrades for songs I own and I wanna let you know that Roxanne by The Police only shows Pro G/B and not keys. I never really know in which order upgrades should be copied in the input folder but I always copy first the folders with harmonies, then overwrite them with the folders with keys, then with the ProG/B and finally with the song info fixes.


                        So, should I update my process to have keys appear ingame or was the keys update really lost in translation on your end? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                        Thanks again for your effort! If I appear to find other minor issues, I’ll post them here too.

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