[Archived] Rock Band: Harmonies Project (Latest: 11/21/14)

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  • #425730
      Could it be Spinal Tap 01 pack? If not then Spoon had a 4 pack as well.


      For what it’s worth, I may or may not have left some songs out of a pack, or I may or may not be looking at just one pack. Consider the four-packs, but also consider not-the-four-packs. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


      Would it be easier for you guys if I split them into H1/H2/H3 a little more distinctly?


        Not sure if too hard or limited interest…


          Yeah, I have no idea. Might have to crack open REAPER and play them back also.


            Okay, same charts, in the format the GHtoRB3 contest used.




              I really love the idea of this contest, though after spending an hour trying to figure this out, I have no idea. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                It might be a good idea to collaboratively work on trying to identify it based on what you do know, not what you don’t. Eliminate non-fits, and then look at fits and see if any of them stand out. It’s kind of like the hint threads, in that you may need to work them out rather than just taking stabs in the dark. Sideshow started along that path, more or less, though he was limiting it to specific four-packs (excluding multiple singles/packs or larger packs from the consideration set).


                For the GHtoRB3 contest in a similar style, I narrowed it down to a list of songs based on what they hadn’t done, then eliminated songs I knew didn’t have multiple vocalists + fairly persistent harmonies, then started going through the remaining list and seeing if any songs potentially fit the pattern — once I hit one that kind of sounded right, I listened to it while ‘reading’ the limited chart and found a fit.


                Here, I’ll get you started with some ‘what we know’:


                * The pool of songs available to be upgraded is limited, and it has to come from that pool.

                * The artist/band has four or more songs available that have harmonies.

                * The provided harmony samples contain parts that are not block harmonies, which means there could be call and answer or multiple different ‘parts’ running concurrently.


                If you take that into consideration, you can really start narrowing the scope. Feel free to share findings in the thread, too.


                For what it’s worth, if you take a guess, I’d appreciate it if you could “show your work” so to speak… because I might do something like this again in the future and I’d like people to see an example of how you need to work them out (since C3 hint threads might also require the same sort of roundabout thinking when we go complex).


                (If nobody guesses, I’ll walk through how I would narrow it down.)


                My initial impression was that it’s CCR, and specifically that the first song in the image is “Who’ll Stop The Rain?”. It has a decent long bit before the harmonies kick in on the chorus, but it doesn’t quite seem to line up right. (Although maybe it’s just in progress?)


                My reasoning was that they have 6 songs with harmonies that haven’t been charted in DLC10. One of them only has 2 parts, and one of them is Heard It Through The Grapevine, which is like an hour long and has nothing but percussion for the last half. That leaves 4 that would be reasonable to show.


                The others don’t seem to line up quite right, though, and even the first one only loosely seems to correspond.


                  Good guess and well reasoned, but as you said, the parts don’t line up quite right. I can say it is not CCR. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                    Well, I’m about to do some video capture for the upcoming release. I may go ahead and post one of the tracks here this afternoon…


                      Spoilers for ze contest:



                      It’s R.E.M.


                      Living Well is the Best Revenge, Stand, It’s the End of the World As We Know It, Superman.


                      I didn’t actually need to deduce it, but if I did, here’s how I would have (/OJ reference).


                      I took all of the songs-to-be-upgraded and put them in a spreadsheet. I then sorted by artist, and eliminated any artists that did not have four or more songs left to be upgraded (based on my current estimates/projections, which can and may be wrong). This left me with the following set of artists:


                      AFI (5), Alice Cooper (4), Anthrax (4), Avenged Sevenfold (5), Bob Marley (12), Coheed and Cambria (6), Creedence Clearwater Revival (6), Disturbed (7), Grateful Dead (12), Guns N’ Roses (9), Jane’s Addiction (9), Juanes (6), Judas Priest (11), Megadeth (13), Miley Cyrus (5), Ministry (6), Ozzy Osbourne (6), Pantera (8), R.E.M. (8), Red Hot Chili Peppers (11), Rush (4), Silversun Pickups (4), Snoop Dogg (8), Spinal Tap (13), SpongeBob SquarePants (6), Spoon (4), Stone Temple Pilots (6), Talking Heads (4), The Jimi Hendrix Experience (9), The Vines (5), Tom Petty + Heartbreakers (2 + 5).


                      Of course, all four preview parts depicted three harmonies, so this allows us to whittle that list down to the following artists w/ at least four songs w/ three-part harmonies:


                      AFI (4), Alice Cooper (4), Bob Marley (11), Creedence Clearwater Revival (5), Grateful Dead (10), Guns N’ Roses (5), Juanes (4), Judas Priest (7), Megadeth (5), R.E.M. (6), Red Hot Chili Peppers (11), Snoop Dogg (4), Spinal Tap (10), SpongeBob SquarePants (4), The Jimi Hendrix Experience (6), The Vines (5), Tom Petty + Heartbreakers (2 + 5).


                      Since we have four charts, we only have to disqualify all but three charts to be able to consider an artist ‘not suitable’, and it’s fastest to start with a smaller number of charts and work your way up to rapidly discount them. This means we’d start with AFI, Alice Cooper, Snoop Dogg, and SpongeBob and work our way up.


                      Looking at the full-length sample charts, we can take away the following ‘quick hits’ that help us identify the songs:


                      * Song #1 has no harmonies for the first half of the song, basically, then block H2/H3.

                      * Song #2 has harmonies starting w/ H1 (likely intro, chorus + bridge). Do not appear to be block.

                      * Song #3 has harmonies starting w/ H1 (H2 mirrors H1 the whole way)

                      * Song #4 has harmonies starting w/ H1 that run through the entire length. At least early, H2/H3 look to block H1 and start slightly late.


                      These are actually really easy to narrow down. If the song doesn’t have a harmony in the first phrase, listen to the first 1-2 minutes. If there are harmonies, it’s automatically out.


                      So let’s start w/ AFI. The first song is “Beautiful Thieves”. It has no harmonies from the start, so that means it’s not songs 2-4. I am familiar with the chorus and know it starts with H2/H3 “ahh”, which song 1 doesn’t have, and it’s certainly earlier than the last half of the song. This means this song isn’t one of the previewed ones, so AFI is out (because they only have three other three-part songs left).


                      Most of the others are equally fast to discount. I could discount Alice Cooper without even listening, just based on knowing “Poison”. No intro harmony, so, again, 2-4 are out. The chorus has harmonies, so that means song 1 is out. Snoop Dogg. “Snoop’s Upside Ya Head” has no ‘real’ early harmony to match charts 2-4, but it does have something which means it doesn’t match 1. Takes about 15s to identify it’s not Snoop D O double G. SpongeBob is a no solely based on “Where’s Gary?”, which doesn’t fit the shapes of 2-4 (no harmonies in the first couple of phrases), and it has harmonies before the last half. Juanes’ “A Dios le Pido” starts without harmonies but has some in the first minute, so it’s out.


                      Moving on to artists with five songs:


                      CCR’s “Down on the Corner” starts w/o harmonies but has some within the first minute. Same with “Proud Mary”. Don’t even need to look at charts.

                      Guns N’ Roses’ “Better” could have been a decent fit, since I don’t remember the harmony part per se, but it has a guitar solo and a not insignificant vocal chart gap that is not present on #1 (and I know it doesn’t start w/ harmonies). “Chinese Democracy” kind of fits the flow of Song 3 in the verses, but it seems to break down a bit on the chorus w/ H3, so I have to look at it w/ a chart, and the timing doesn’t feel right — plus there’s no gap for the solo, so I count them out.


                      I actually don’t know the Megadeth songs that well, so I’d have to give them a listen. “Devil’s Island” takes too long for vocals to kick in for it to feel right for Song 1 (it would have to be, like, a nine minute song, which is not the case), so I discount it without getting to the chorus. “Five Magics” is even slower, so I discount it before vocals even kick in.


                      For The Vines, I know they’re pretty much out without listening. “Ride” starts without harmonies, but has them kick in within 30s, so it’s out. Same with “Outtathaway” (the first chorus, if not sooner), so they’re out.


                      So now we’re at R.E.M., with “It’s the End of the World as we Know It”. I know the song is a good fit for #3 based on the harmonies in the verses, especially since I know the two parts do not mirror each other for part of the verses (one part is lower). The chorus also has the “It’s time I had some time alone” part in the backing, which would explain H3 differing. Listening to the song and looking at the chart, the first H3 part is a backing “ohh” during the verse. Less than one verse in I’m pretty confident this is Song #3.


                      Next up is “Living Well is the Best Revenge”. I don’t really know the song all that well, though I do remember it. It immediately starts out without a harmony part, which discounts Song #2 and Song #4. So I skip ahead to the last third of the song. There’s an H3 present. I look at the first image I posted and it’s all longer held notes (“all you sad and lost apostles”), so it’s probably Song #1.


                      With two in the bag, it’s easy to find the rest. The next track would be “Radio Free Europe” which, from memory, doesn’t start w/ harmonies. It also doesn’t look to fit Song #1, so I skip it. After that, we have “Stand”. Since I’m fairly confident we’re dealing with REM, Song #2 looks to fit, so I give it a listen. The common starting note fits the “Stand”, and the occasional paired H2/H3 fit “now face north” and “now face west”. Seems to be Song #2. The next song is “Superman”, which I know has (mostly) block verses and a chorus that starts slightly late on H2/H3 (“I am (I am) I am Superman”), which would make it song #4.


                      So, my conclusion would be R.E.M. Song #1 is “Living Well is the Best Revenge”, Song #2 is “Stand”, Song #3 is “It’s the End of the World as We Know It”, and Song #4 is “Superman”.



                      Took me under an hour to do that this morning, including typing all of that (which was the really time consuming part). Transcribing the candidate list was about a 10m job, and then I had to listen 30s-1m of about eight or nine songs.


                      Thanks for this weeks releases! I was so excited to see how “I’m the Man” turned out that I let it play while still under TU5 with no mic attached. When the song ended, I got a message that I got #1 on the harmonies leaderboard with a score of 0. Ooops! :roll:


                      The song looks like total chaos and looks like it will be lots of fun when I get a group of people to try it.


                        Glad to hear it. I tried to play it at a convention today and it locked my Xbox on the difficulty selection screen… I was worried it was the file (though I’ve never had a lock there)… good to know it wasn’t. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


                          Oh yeah, so, 8/8/14 had a release. I should probably post stuff, eh?


                          Rock Band DLC 2008 Harmony Upgrades

                          * Bang Camaro – “Rock Rebellion” (espher)

                          * Count Zero – “Shake” (espher)

                          * Freezepop – “Sprode” (espher)


                          Rock Band DLC 2009 Harmony Upgrades

                          * 3 Doors Down – “Kryptonite” (StackOverflow0x)

                          * Maroon 5 – “Little of Your Time” (espher)

                          * Maroon 5 – “Makes Me Wonder” (espher)

                          * Maroon 5 – “Wake Up Call” (espher)


                          Rock Band DLC 2010 Harmony Upgrades

                          * Anthrax – “Among the Living” (espher)

                          * Anthrax – “I’m the Man” (espher)

                          * Anthrax – “Indians” (espher)

                          * Anthrax – “Madhouse (Live)” (espher)

                          * Bad Religion – “No Control” (StackOverflow0x)

                          * R.E.M. – “Driver 8” (espher)

                          * R.E.M. – “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” (espher)

                          * R.E.M. – “Living Well Is the Best Revenge” (espher)

                          * R.E.M. – “Radio Free Europe” (espher)

                          * R.E.M. – “Stand” (espher)

                          * R.E.M. – “Superman” (espher)

                          * R.E.M. – “These Days” (espher)

                          * R.E.M. – “What’s the Frequency, Kenneth? ” (espher)


                          Rock Band Network Upgrades

                          * Bang Camaro – “Bang Camaro” (espher) (includes pro drum upgrade from KyleJCrb)

                          * Umphrey’s McGee – “1348” (espher)


                          Rock Band Network Pro Drum Upgrades

                          * Umphrey’s McGee – “1348” (espher)



                          August 29th is a bit of a random assortment of songs people probably won’t care about but the harmony parts so far have been a pain in the ass to chart (which is probably a good thing because it means they’re not all simple blocks). I believe September and October will see some albums, so, there’s that to look forward to. Not sure if I’m looking forward to charting them. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                          Can we expect in any keys charts for songs from Rock Band 1/2 soon? I was really excited when I saw that one of the other/mini projects you guys were doing was getting keys into all applicable RB1/2 songs but there was really only that initial release of 5 songs and nothing since <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

                          Can we expect in any keys charts for songs from Rock Band 1/2 soon? I was really excited when I saw that one of the other/mini projects you guys were doing was getting keys into all applicable RB1/2 songs but there was really only that initial release of 5 songs and nothing since <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

                          Indeed you can. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

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