Any Other Authoring Programs?

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  • #388822

    Hey everyone, my trial of Reaper is almost up and I really can’t afford to purchase it right now, so I was wondering if there was any other program where you could chart songs for rock band 3/


    It never expires. You just get an annoying popup for five seconds when you launch, but that’s the extent of it. I’m not proud but apparently I have been “evaluating” REAPER for approximately 1155 days. :/


    Oh really? When I start it up it says that if I use it for more than 60 days I will have to purchase a license and then it says I’ve been evaluating for 45 days.

    Oh really? When I start it up it says that if I use it for more than 60 days I will have to purchase a license and then it says I’ve been evaluating for 45 days.

    I’m using an older version, 3.451, and it hasn’t expired on me yet. Funny though that yours says 60, mine says “if you use it for 30 days or longer you are required to purchase a license”. *shrug*


      you do realize that this is the test of whether you get into heaven? much like WinRAR? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      I know I know I know, I’m a total shitheel.


        oh i’m in the same boat…just sayin’ :what:


        i was on an old 4.0 version of reaper then i downgraded to 3.75 and found out i had had it on my laptop for over 80 days which is sorta accurate considering ive installed, uninstalled & reinstalled a few times plus i redid my laptop on 2 different versions of windows 7 then went to windows 8…im now on the latest version reaper…

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