Alt-J – “Breezeblocks” [8/9 – full band and multitracks!]

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    I started this one forever ago, but it’s finally a working prototype! The song that catapulted Alt-J to unlikely stardom, now in your very own living room. Download it here!


    Alt-J are (in)famous for their unique style of singing and drumming, and both are on display here. Thom Green doesn’t even have cymbals on his drumkit, instead relying on off-kilter beats and technical tom rolls.


    Known issues: still needs Overdrive and dedicated venue authoring; some typos in vocal track, not quite loud enough. And the drummer animations are kinda… off. Anyone know a fix? :ohdear: Let me know if you find anything else…



    Other songs in progress:

    Scumbag Blues by Them Crooked Vultures (complete, but needs dryvox!)

    by The Flaming Lips (drums + vox charted)

    by Umphrey’s McGee (drums + bass charted)


    Stuff from old projects


    These are beta versions of customs I’ve since completed. Grab the finished versions over in my Full Band Customs thread!


    I dug up the multitracks for this puppy a while ago, but I’ve finally gotten around to charting it. Planning on full band, Pro Keys, EMHX, and venues. Shout-out to farottone for the C.A.T., that thing is a life-saver.


    Update: It lives! Full band EMHX and venue authored. rb3con Link



    At this point I’m ready to call it the finished product, but if you have any more concerns or feedback let me know.


    My latest (in beta) custom is a mellow, multitracked single from The Temper Trap. Drums and vox are definitely the stars here, though the stringed parts are great for practicing your alt-strum. Please let me know about anything that needs fixing.

    rb3con Link



    Featuring Josh Homme on guitar, John Paul Jones on bass, and Dave Grohl on drums, you might remember this super-group from “Dead End Friends” on RB3. “Scumbag Blues” appeared on GH:WoR but never received the GHtoRB3 treatment it deserved.


    Fortunately, C3 preserved an old port by Titl3d1 in their archive! My version adapts his chart, adds harmonies and keys, and replaces the audio files with the GH originals, re-spliced to separate the keys audio.


    Missing (but soon to be fixed): lip-sync, Pro Keys charts, better overdrive, and dedicated Venue authoring. This is a beta version, try it and tell me what needs to be fixed! rb3con Link




    [new link in original post]


    Hey man, tried both your guitar and bass charts, and both are slightly off but pretty solid overall. Here’s where you need to tune things up a bit. You should try using guitar and bass tabs for charting, find accurate ones if you can and use them as a reference.


    Guitar: The intro riff that repeats twice throughout the song is a bit undercharted, there’s a quick slide down then up that Bellamy does that you have charted as just a single note when it should be three, something like red-green-red when it’s a very slow red to green to red you’ve charted that feels off time. The chorus is also a little off, you have double repeating notes that are separate notes entirely, as you can see in the tab below.


    tab: … r2_tab.htm


    Bass: Pretty solid, but same with the chorus in guitar, you have repeating notes that are separate notes entirely. The ascending/descending part of the main bass riff you have charted as this blue/green/blue/green riff is wrong. Again, here’s a tab that points out the correct way to play it.

  … m_btab.htm


    I based the charts off of tabs from Songsterr and Rocksmith, but I’ll tune them up.


    The intro riff that repeats twice throughout the song is a bit undercharted, there’s a quick slide down then up that Bellamy does that you have charted as just a single note when it should be three, something like red-green-red.


    Got it.


    The chorus is also a little off, you have double repeating notes that are separate notes entirely.


    I’m not certain which notes you’re referring to: do you mean the consecutive 16th notes at the start of each little riff (da-da doo doo doo) in the chorus? I can hear those in the stem, and they sound like the same notes from measure to measure. The tabs say that the F#s are on different strings, but I can hardly tell them apart. If I can find a way to give each note its own gem without wrecking the chord patterns, I will.


    There’s also a green-red to green at the end of the Overdrive (white) notes which, now that I’m looking at it, might be what you mean. The trouble there is that the first green is a low fret and the next green is a low string, so both should be low gems, but there’s not a lot of options left at that point. I’ll work something out.


    The ascending/descending part of the main bass riff you have charted as this blue/green/blue/green riff is wrong. Again, here’s a tab that points out the correct way to play it.


    Here I had the same low fret/low string dilemma. The greens are different strings but the same fret, and I was trying to preserve the “feel” of hitting the blue notes and then sliding back into the groove as much as I could with five buttons. It’s tricky to fix, but I’ll take another swing at it. Thanks for the critique.


    The guitar tab I linked might’ve been wrong. I mean in all fairness the guitar in the chorus is hard as fuck to hear on the original recording so you probably have more say in what’s correct since you have the stems. But yeah everything else seems great, you did a pretty awesome job on this custom


    Oh man. One of my favorite Muse songs. Ill give it a run on drums today.


    Played it on Expert Pro Drums. Looked great besides a few things.

    – The fill before the short break at the end of the first chorus is wrong, you have it charted right when it comes up later on.

    – Might want to double check the consistency in the same fills like that, some are YB toms, some are only Yellow. You have the masters so it might switch up like that, dunno.


    Don’t know what happened to that snare. Fixed. The fills have all been changed to double toms. Also, I noticed that some triplet fills during the outro were quantized to off-tempo 16ths by accident, so those are all fixed too.


    i cant seem to download the con.


    Huh, I’m getting errors when I try to download it too. I don’t think Mega has download limits, but they might just be having issues like that. Ah well.


    In any case, I’ve been ironing out chart fixes and authoring a custom venue for the song, so I’ll be uploading an upgraded version of Muscle Museum soon. Stay tuned!


    Update as promised! Chart fixes, better reductions, and custom venue ahoy. Link


    New song up! Link here, feedback wanted.


    I will look into this custom, look forward to feedback in 48 hours


    Don’t know enough about guitar to say, but the drums look spot on! You even caught nuances that I’ve seen some drum covers miss (someone close to me loves that song, so I’ve heard it a zillion times). Nicely done.


    If you need help with the FL drums, I can lend a hand. I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, but I think I know that one well enough to do it justice.


    Glad you liked it! The link in OP is actually outdated; the finished version of “Sweet Disposition” with venue authoring and stuff is in my “Other Customs” thread here.

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