All Unexported Songs!

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  • #422590

    After I nuked the cache and rebuilt in TU5, the same songs appear / don’t appear, but all my other missing content such as AC/DC Live showed up. I’m still baffled about that, since it should have been licensed to this console in the first place and thus not even need my profile signed in to use … but whatever. I expect when I go back to TU4 I’ll have all my songs but still be missing the remaining 4 (BHS / Dani California show up now due to TU5). I haven’t been able to try yet, though (errands, chores, now wife is watching TV… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> )


    TL;DR: If some of them don’t show up, don’t bundle the missing tracks into a pack, and be sure to live-to-con convert Let There Be Rock…


    Yup, I was back to the original scenario. BHS / Dani show up due to TU5 cache building, but Any Way You Want It, Battery, Let There Be Rock, and Party in the USA don’t show up.


    For grins I threw them onto the USB stick as separate tracks (not packaged as a pack) and then they showed up.. well, except for Let There Be Rock. So as I’m moving the working ones to my main TU4 USB drive, I notice that what should be Let There Be Rock is showing as corrupted. Check it out in C3 tools and notice it’s a live signed package. D’oh! Re saved it as a Con package, now it works, but it and the others that didn’t load still don’t load when in a pack, so I’ll have to leave them as individual files. Oh well, no great loss.


    I was still having trouble with some content not loading in TU4 (i.e, not being signed into Live) – AC/DC Live, the RB2 bonus tracks, possibly some random DLC (though I haven’t found any yet, I haven’t tested exhaustively). At least for AC/DC and RB2 bonus tracks, re-re-moving my licenses and re-re-downloading the packs worked. If I come across further DLC issues I’ll probably just need to re-download it… I swear I did them all, but considering how many there were to go through re-downloading I’m not surprised I missed some, just surprised it was AC/DC and the bonus tracks. Guess I’m always on live until now so I had no idea it wasn’t signed to the console.


    Thanks for these! I’ve been looking for them for a while now. It’s so great to be able to play them again!

    Divine Smooof

      What about the cover version of Run to the Hills or Monsoon? From what I can tell they’re the only non-exporables left.


      Hope these will be of some help, they work for me fine under TU4.. i repacked the Monsoon file into a RB3 format <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


      Metallica – Battery (Live)

      Tokio Hotel – Monsoon

      Divine Smooof

        Sweet, now all that’s left is the cover version of Run to the Hills.


          I don’t know why people are having trouble with these exports, or why you’re using TU5 AT ALL, but whatever. I have all those missing exports here.


 … ng_Exports


          Mine hasn’t seen a TU 5 since i discovered customs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


            I only use TU5 when I rebuild my cache after adding new songs to my packs and I want to pull my official song scores from Rock Central by connecting online.


              I only use TU 5 when rebuilding my cache and need to get dani california and black hole sun back


              This might be somewhat off topic, Hollywood Undead – Young is also on RB but I heard somewhere you could only get it if you pre-ordered and/or bought RB from a certain store. Is there any chance we could get that hosted? I know C3 wont do this for any official releases but I think its impossible to get the song now via official means.

                This might be somewhat off topic, Hollywood Undead – Young is also on RB but I heard somewhere you could only get it if you pre-ordered and/or bought RB from a certain store. Is there any chance we could get that hosted? I know C3 wont do this for any official releases but I think its impossible to get the song now via official means.

                Young was part of the free 20 pack of songs that you got by using the code that came with rock band 2

                Divine Smooof

                  Unfortunately, it cannot be redeemed any more.


                    I know this is far-fetched, but because some of these songs are possible to play in Rock Band Blitz, is it possible to edit the files how they are and make other songs playable in Rock Band Blitz through those files? If you understand what I mean by that.

                      I know this is far-fetched, but because some of these songs are possible to play in Rock Band Blitz, is it possible to edit the files how they are and make other songs playable in Rock Band Blitz through those files? If you understand what I mean by that.




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