A Rocky Copy and Paste Job in REAPER (and Workarounds)

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      When it comes to authoring notes using REAPER, using your clipboard to copy notes can be pretty rocky.


      Often times, when you have a group of notes on your clipboard and paste them some, very few of these notes will not be pixel perfect compared to what you have copied from.


      It may not be noticeable to the naked eye (unless you zoom in as close as possible), but these are the causes of overlapping notes errors when compiling a song in Magma. As a safe workground, you to have to make these notes entirely by hand, or alternatively do a Ctrl+click and drag from selection.


      Just putting it out there for those who aren’t in the know.


      Does anybody else have other workarounds or alternatives?


      When that happens to me, I just press q than quantize the notes and that usually fixes it.


        If you’re snapping to a grid, and using something like 1/16th or 1/32nd, it’s pretty easy to get them to be lined up on grid, assuming your leftmost note is on a gridline.

          If you’re snapping to a grid, and using something like 1/16th or 1/32nd, it’s pretty easy to get them to be lined up on grid, assuming your leftmost note is on a gridline.

          Even with grid snap, and especially with your cursor being directly lined up, pasting from clipboard still breaks that logic. Hence said workarounds.

            If you’re snapping to a grid, and using something like 1/16th or 1/32nd, it’s pretty easy to get them to be lined up on grid, assuming your leftmost note is on a gridline.

            Even with grid snap, and especially with your cursor being directly lined up, pasting from clipboard still breaks that logic. Hence said workarounds.


            Bizarre. I haven’t run into this issue in a year and a half of copy-paste-friendly chartwork, though thinking about it, I usually do quantize to 1/128th before I export any .mid files…


            Quantize for sure. It’s almost mandatory on drums if you copy/paste. Guitar and bass can also get some odd chord errors in some rare cases.


              Never had any issue like thatat least not bad enough to cause any problem with Magma in more or less 350 songs.

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