Hi all,
I have only just discovered this website a few days ago , absolutely incredible how much content is on here and has completely opened up a whole new side to rockband for my family and I.
I have a question, I’ve managed to get custom songs working good as gold on my Xbox 360, what I was wondering was if a song becomes a dlc for rockband 4 on the Xbox one , does it then get removed from the database ? In particular I was trying to find blinding lights by the weekend which is my sons fave song, I can see that it used to be a custom song as there is a vid of it on YouTube but I can’t locate it anywhere within the database
I gather there is no way to play it on the Xbox 360 even if I purchase it through the Microsoft store ? I’ve noticed it with a few other songs also
So basically any songs that are dlc for rockband 4 on the newer consoles aren’t available as customs for the Xbox 360 ?
I have a Xbox one also but don’t fancy buying rockband 4 on that just to play 4 or 5 songs