3 unknown songs by 80s one-hit wonders

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    Yup, exactly what the title says, though a case could be made for Men at Work not being one hit wonders….


    I’m hoping someone can do these 3 songs for guitar/bass/drums, hell, even pro drums. The songs are quite obscure but yet easy to find, and happen to be some of the best work each band put out; it could even be a pack with a theme!


    Men at Work – “No Sign of Yesterday” from the album Cargo. Almost 7 minutes long and an absolute epic; you wouldn’t believe it’s the same band.


    The Vapors – “Magnets” from the album Magnets. “Turning Japanese”, this is not. Quite a dark song, another fairly long one, quite sinister sounding


    Big Country – “Balcony”. This can be found on the deluxe edition of their debut album; before that it was relegated to the sound track of the 80s film “Against All Odds”. Very angular guitar work on this with some strange drum fills, even more so than their best known song.


    I know the odds are slim, but please, I ask, nay, beg of you, these are 3 of my dream songs, and having these done would be great…..




      I rarely look at the suggestion thread, but for some reason I did this time. I went to YouTube to listen to No Sign of Yesterday and instantly bought it along with Down By the Sea, also by Men At Work. Two songs I probably would have never heard if it wasn’t for your suggestions.Thanks. Don’t get your hopes up and no promises, but I’ll at least consider No Sign of Yesterday at some future time.


      Hey, if I was able to get at least one person to hear the song, I’ll even take that as a win <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Magnets will be done by me eventually (in LOVE with the Vapors ever since they were a band that hated each other). Just listened to that on original vinyl this past weekend. Always thought it odd for an English group to write a song about the U.S. Kennedy’s; and such a sad, sad song at that. “Magnetized boys, boys, boys…” Man, that song always gets me at the end.


        I will also be charting Waiting for the Weekend at some point as well. Will always remind me of the power of love. If I had the time, I’d do every song they ever wrote, since they only wrote 2-1/2 albums worth and then broke up.


        Well I look forward to playing “Magnets” when it gets done!


          I’m all for Big Country <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> I was thinking of doing “The Storm” also


            Took me about a year to get to it, but Magnets is all done.



            My guess is you’re long gone from this site, but hey, better late than never. But, hopefully others will find the beautiful tragedy portrayed in this one.

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