Reply To: Inquiry

I don’t have Reaper here, so I can’t look at the chart proper, but this might work as a temp filler until the Creators docs are online:


It’s geared towards harmony upgrade authoring but has a crash course in general vocal authoring since that’s necessary.


Bends are charted with the lyric/syllable on the first note of the sequence, and then a new note on each pitch with a + as the lyric. Leave some space between each note as that is where the slide itself occurs (look at that doc for a screenshot visual).


Thanks for the link, that had some good info indeed. It seems I was placing the +’s the wrong way <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Still not sure about that “space” I mentioned though, I can’t clearly tell which notes are being sung in that one word (not in any midi files either). Not sure what to call it, I think the right word is Vibrato, it just goes up-down-up briefly.

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