Reply To: Inquiry
Ahh sorry bout that, hope I didn’t offend you or anything. The one thing that I really didn’t like in that version is that it ends so abruptly, I’d prefer the song to fade out instead of cutting it off all of a sudden (even if it is a little bit weird having a song fade out while playing). I’m wondering now if you also made the Beach Boys songs? If I remember correctly, those also have that sudden cut of sound in the end. I was actually planning to redo those as well with the fading intact, for personal use ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”> Anyways I’m off to bed as well now, will be on tomorrow.
I was kidding. I hate fadeouts but we rarely have stems (we had those for the Pantera songs) so I have to compromise. I think it’s worth it to find someone with a nice audio engineering background to apply some kind of samples, maybe taken from the song itself, to wrap it up (a splash, in example).