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  • in reply to: customs on a mac? #482543

    you can use Velocity which allows you to access xbox files on a mac. I ended up finding an easier way (to me) by unhiding hidden files on a mac (I forgot the command for it) so when you format your drive through your xbox and save the title update and stuffs on there, they’ll appear when you plug in your drive to the mac (as it doesn’t normally). then you can just drag the con file straight into the folder its supposed to go in. you just have to click around and find the folders your rock band save file is in because the xbox folders on the drive just have random letters and numbers.

    the windows partition through bootcamp to install con tools is another viable option, especially if you plan on authoring customs and using magma, which is also windows only.

    in reply to: Customs by willz. #480895

    just a quick update for you all, I recently started a full time job so customs work has been slow. I’ve added “The Danger In Starting A Fire” in addition to the other WIPs. I plan to have everything finished mist likely middle to late February hopefully. I may be taking a break from customs afterwards, but I’ll slowly work on stuff when I have the time. Collabs/chart help are welcome.

    in reply to: Seil’s WIPs #480418


    Hey willz! I actually saw your WIP post earlier, I was just about to reply to it. I am recharting the songs from scratch, for various reasons, mainly just to fit better to Rock Band conventions, also because I plan to add pro guitar/bass. I think the only help I could use is on venues, and maybe vocals.


    hmm alright I see what you mean. Props to you to go the extra mile and chart pro guitar and bass as well! Personally I auto venue everything and just modify the character states of each instrument to get it to where it looks decent for the song. I haven’t manually worked on a venue just because I need more practice. Vocals I can help work on if you need. I was interested in doing more Fall of Troy songs in the future so if you’d like to collab on those I’d be down!

    in reply to: Seil’s WIPs #480409

    Hey man, had a question on The Fall Of Troy DLC pack you’re working on. Are you doing these from scratch or working off the guitar hero song files? I wanted to work on those same songs too down the road but I don’t really know how to proceed with them since they’re already charted in guitar hero and it’d be a pain to rechart everything from scratch. If you have a game plan though I’d be willing to help, I’ve been wanting to see customs for these for a long time.

    in reply to: Customs by willz. #480146

    I’m at work so I can’t access mediafire to download but I’ll be booting up my xbox and getting Showbiz & Unintended as soon as i get home. I mostly do vocals and bass so I’ll test those out and guitar too, I’ll give you any feedback i deem necessary. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    I’m so hyped to play these finally in RB3! I’ve always loved old MUSE! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> Thank you so much.


    No prob man! A lot of their older stuff is what got me into them so I really enjoyed working on these customs. I may look into doing “Uno” or “Cave” from this album as well. If you haven’t already check out kueller’s Muse WIP project, he’s got some Frets on Fire charts of old songs he authored that he’s slowly working through to convert to rb3 customs.


    Collapse by Soasin from Burnout Paradise would be amazing


    I agree, surprised I didn’t add it earlier. Just added it to the to-do list!

    in reply to: Customs by willz. #480079

    “Showbiz” and “Unintended” are out, check them out! Feedback is always appreciated.

    I’m going to take a short break and ease back into charting probably next week. Gonna finish “Electricityscape” and make some progress in the circa charts with “Get Out”. Pretty pumped.

    in reply to: Suggest Muse Songs (FoF Conversions WIP) #479792

    I have Liquid and Freeze mostly done as they’re later songs and I was better at that point. I just don’t have the harmonies and possible keyboard for Big Freeze.


    I can review Showbiz if you want also. I know these songs front and back by now from making these charts.


    alright cool, just curious. since you’re basically done I’ll leave those up to you, I don’t feel confident enough to author harmonies as of yet, I already have a hard time picking out main vocals half the time. lol


    I can PM you a link to the RPP I have for showbiz later tonight, I haven’t done reductions yet but advice is appreciated on the expert parts I have charted already.

    in reply to: Suggest Muse Songs (FoF Conversions WIP) #479492

    hey man, found your thread and think it’s awesome that you have a lot of muse charted on FoF already! Just wanted to give you a heads up that I’m finishing up “showbiz” and plan on releasing it soon (in addition to “unintended”) in case you were working on it already or planning on it to save you time. I’d be down to help out with “Liquid State” and “Big Freeze” if need be, those were some songs I wanted to work on down the road.

    in reply to: Customs by willz. #479489

    Get Out is so overdue. I’d love to see that brought to the game with a quality chart. Godspeed, friend.


    totally agree man. I think I’ll start working on Circa once I finish the WIPs.


    The vocals on showbiz were annoying and took me longer than expected, just cleaning up the charts for the muse songs and doing reductions. really wish CAT worked on Mac. I SHOULD be done by the beginning of next week, hopefully earlier. I’m putting electricityscape on the backburner till I finish and release the muse songs.

    in reply to: Customs by willz. #478943

    Thanks for Chapter Four : )

    Looking forward for A Day to Remember and Circa Survive songs


    no prob man, and sames!


    added “Unintended” and “Electricityscape” to WIPs as they’re fairly short-ish songs. Aiming to finish all three by new years. We’ll see how far I get haha

    in reply to: Customs by willz. #478740

    Showbiz would be awesome. Also can’t wait for Anberlin.


    yup, really pumped to finish them! I’m surprised Anberlin doesn’t have a bigger track presence in rock band.


    As far as I’m aware we already have a custom of “A shot in the dark”. I can’t remember the original author, but if you searched the database I’m sure you’d find him and maybe he’d send you over the files. The drums and guitar are pretty solid. It just needs bass and vocals added to it.


    Last time I searched the database it didn’t pop up. I’ll check through some forum posts though to see if I missed anything, it’d be great to have a good starting point.


    Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles has a pretty good drums/guitar custom in thespike’s spreadsheet, if you want to have a good starting point here:



    Hey thanks for this! I’ll take a look at this and maybe work on this one next.

    in reply to: Customs by willz. #478708

    Welcome aboard. Actually I have seen links to Fall of Troy stems on this very site.




    Good luck!


    hey thanks, this is pretty helpful! all I see as of right now is F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. which is charted already but I’ll keep it bookmarked in case its updated.


    Also, finished “The Ghost of You”, check it out! I’ll start “Showbiz” sometime this week.

    in reply to: Can I get some advice about getting a new kick pedal? #478392

    I’m guessing the one you broke was the all plastic one? I went through two of those and ended up snagging the stock rock band 2 pedal with the metal plate for 20 bucks on ebay. Hasn’t broken on me yet, way more durable than the all plastic ones. They have a bunch there last time i checked, shouldn’t be too hard to find one for cheap.

    in reply to: Invalid Author ID #478245

    Hmm I had this same issue. I was able to bypass it by unchecking some ID thing under the options menu in Magma so I could finish compiling the song. Should I not have done this?

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