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  • in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #493103

    Anyone knows a tool to know what songs have I compiled to a certain .app file? A relation between .app -> song/band name?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #492618

    It’s possible to get the parts playable with a different controller, though it won’t be as intuitive to play, it possible to hit all the buttons you need. Like, you can play pro guitar with a regular guitar controller, but you can’t hit the 6th lane.

    What about the keyboard without an official Wii Keyboard?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #492615

    Dolphin is supposed to be able to use the SD card if you’ve imaged the card you were using. I’ve never gotten this to work though, so it may not even be possible. So if that doesn’t work, you may be out of luck. There’s no way to get the app files out of the BIN files for RB3 DLC, so you can’t load them in that way.

    I see, I tried and it did not work. Whatever.


    Another doubt that I have is that if its possible to emulate de Keys/Prokeys with a gamepad such as the Xbox, or even the keyboard from the PC. I used the ProKey GeckOS code and now my player 1 is the key, but I have no idea as to how to controll it, how to play it.



    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #492589

    Hey, whats up!


    Thank you for the hardwork… I’ve already used the guide to both my Wii and my new Dolphin setup and its amazing.


    I came up with a doubt which is that I have official dlc downloaded on my SD card in my Wii. I would like to know if its possible to use them within the Dolphin emulator. All customs fan-made are working fine, but I’m now wondering if its possible to play the official Harmonix DLC.



    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #439137
    It worked! I will see if it works in game tomorrow; it’s late here and everyone else is asleep in my house.


    EDIT: I get “Add-on content cannot be restored to the Wii System Memory” error…again.

    If youre following the steps described on this topic and still arent able to generate .bin, its probably related to the ng_id or common-key files being incorrect. Probably the common-key one.

    Try using this one: ebe42a225e8593e448d9c5457381aaf7

    Just open the common-key file with notepad, insert this key and save it. Should work


    The ng_id is a bit harder to find. I opened a DLC that I had already downloaded on my wii with an HEX editor in order to get it. There are multiple methods to find it, though

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #438798
    File > Generate DTA Snippet.

    It copies the correct DTA info you’ll need for the tracks section based on what you have checked on or off.

    That was exactly it. It worked as expected after changing the DTA.

    Thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    Innntroducing… the new and improved Muscle Museum, leaner and meaner than ever before! Now it’s down to 29 MB. Oh, and the snare hits should be a little crunchier now. Download link

    Thank you very much! Its working like heaven


    You should stick this link somewhere in your initial post for muse fans that happen to be wii users as well!

    Thanks again :excited:

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #438733
    Sounds like you either didn’t create the appropriate tracks or didn’t update the DTA with the new track configuration. For example, if the song originally had 6 drum tracks and it’s being mixed down to 2, then you have to generate the new info or the game will crash expecting more tracks.

    I guess it might be this DTA track issue. How am I supposed to generate a new DTA?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #438723

    Hey Stack, I’ve tried to use the rockbiink in order to create smaller files for songs that are bigger than 40 mb but it didnt work.

    I compiled everything right with binkc and the last version of RAD Video. I changed the mogg for my recently built bink and made the bin file out of it.


    The wii recognizes the song, but when I try to play it, it freezes when loading.

    Any ideas?

    Not impossible, but it’ll be waaay easier for me to do it on my end. I already have all the stems set up in Reaper, so I can just bake the drum tracks together, load the new file into Magma, and re-build the song.

    I’ve tried doing it by extracting wav files for each instrument out of the mogg and got stuck in the dry vox part. It shows an error that I’ve got to have a dry vox, but I dunno how to do it.

    If you could re-build the song in a way its got less than 40mb i’d appreciate.

    That’s typical size for Xbox multitrack files. Wii has a unique issue where any one song can’t be beyond 40mb, so that’s a problem for Wii users.

    For customs use I think stereo drum kit is more than enough and should reduce file size enough. Also if you’re using encoding quality higher than 5, you can dial it back to 5 for a good quality/file size balance.

    Can I do it with Magma?


    First of all thanks for the uploads. Great songs. Id like to ask you something, though. Could you help me reducing the Muscle Museum’s file size somehow? The Wii rb3 can only read files up to 40mb and yours got 44mb. Any ideas?

    in reply to: Harmonix returns with RB3 DLCs #438269

    I was wondering if I can somehow play these new releases on a wii. I’d surely pay for them if I could.



    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #438261
    OGG2MOGG will give you pausing problems in-game. It does an imperfect job at simulating an actual mogg file, so I wouldn’t recommend it for this situation. Bink files don’t have that problem.

    Yes, meta files cannot exceed 500 KB or so. Previews fill it up fast, so you’ll fit one or two in most cases.

    Oh, I see what the problem is now. I will try once again to use the rockbiink then and report my results.

    Thanks for your help

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #438259
    There is a reason why we don’t do what you did. I’ll let stack explain it, but to others: follow instructions. They’re there for a reason.

    I dont quite get what you mean. I had troubles in converting songs that were over 40mb since the wii only recognizes under 40mb files. The solution I came up with was editing the .mogg and taking out some of the tracks.


    Is there anything wrong?

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