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  • in reply to: Database down? #514705

    On 10/18/2020 at 3:02 PM, NeedDreamer said:

    Does anybody have issues very the database on mobile? How do you change to full site?

    In Chrome:

    – Three dots

    – Tick Checkbox “Desktop Site”

    in reply to: Jazz/jazz fusion songs? #512905

    Actually already have that one! Old man is a Brubeck fan. Great recommendation though! 👍

    in reply to: Jazz/jazz fusion songs? #512888

    Any recommendations for some fun jazz songs? Maybe something not too difficult to ease me into it! Thanks.


    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #497397

    Awesome! Thanks for that, will have a look and see what’s happening. Thanks again!

    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #497358

    Thanks Whizzer! Will have a look at the Pro Keys tracks, don’t think I made any changes from the C3 template so not sure why it’s causing problems. What do you mean by “template-empty”?


    Have been using muted WAVs for the instruments and crowd tracks, is that wrong?


    Going to try and set the Xbox up over the weekend and do some proper testing. Apologies to everyone who has tried to play these!

    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #497256



    Have just got a PM to say that apparently these aren’t working on Xbox, I use Phase Shift and they work fine. I think it might be as I don’t have any drum fills, as Magma always moans at me when compiling. Would this cause it to crash on loading? If not, would someone mind looking at any of the REAPER files above and see if they can spot anything?


    Thanks in advance!

    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #496558

    No worries, will keep an eye out and take it down when you’re done.

    P.S. Feel free to use the REAPER file if you haven’t started!



    Few (drum-only) Roots tracks in my WIP thread.



    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #496402

    Few more (drum-only) tracks! Couple more Genesis B-sides, another Tony Banks solo joint, and an old funk record from my DJing days.


    All feedback again gratefully received. Enjoy!




    CON File

    REAPER File




    CON File

    REAPER File




    CON File

    REAPER File




    CON File

    REAPER File


    in reply to: Nov 14, 2014 – Genesis Chronicles #495847



    Few Genesis (and a Tony Banks!) goodies in my WIP thread!

    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #495846


    You could’ve left those two tracks up for now. I’ll be sure to get working on those tracks sooner, once we get more prog tracks going.


    Ah, okay. Wasn’t sure of protocol and didn’t want to step on any toes! Happy to wait for your versions, am sure they will be a lot better!

    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #495842


    Let’s do it. Once you’ve got the tempo map and drums charted for What They Do, send me the Reaper and I’ll get the bass and vocals in. Then we’ll just need somebody to contribute that guitar part <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> (and if anybody wants to add a keys part, that’s a bonus!).

    Will do! Might not be today, but will deffo be in the next few days. Will let you know!

    in reply to: tonedef’s WIPs #495840

    …ROOTS TRACKS! Dude. If you want to collaborate on something in the future, hit me up. None of the four tracks listed above caught my attention, but if you check my suggestions thread, I’ve got a list of Roots songs I’d contribute vocals for there. See if any strike your fancy. If we overlap, we might as well get something done <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    Did you mean GENESIS TRACKS?! Lol. Yeah, was pretty surprised that there were no Roots songs in the DB, and love that album so thought I would do a couple, which turned into a few. They’re generally pretty easy as they’re 4/4 and generally the same four bars for three-and-a-half minutes so don’t take that long. Happy to go for your Obvious Choice unless there are any others you fancy doing?




    Thank you! And thank you for so many hours of joy playing Genesis songs!


    Harold the Barrell is in the works full band


    Apologies, removed. Thank you for all your Genesis songs as well, again, many hours of joy!


    As are Dodo Lurker and White Mountain


    Apologies, also removed. Also seen that you are working on Duke’s Travels/End and Ace of Wands as well so will stop working on them. Should really have checked all the WIPs beforehand! And thank YOU as well for all your songs, it is like C3 royalty in here! Can’t express how admiration I have for you guys, and can’t wait to see/play all the new charts. Thank you all once again!

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