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  • in reply to: customs on a mac? #482898

    Yeah, I would just load Windows 10 on a Bootcamp partition and run it there. I have Reaper, Magma, and C3 Tools all setup on my Windows partition and Reaper on my OSX partition. Works pretty well.

    in reply to: Anyone who authors can help. Please. #482892

    Are you putting the cleaned file (from midi cleaner, not the original) back into magma ?


    My first custom took many days of fussing around but I found all the answers here by searching. After that I learned not to make the same mistakes, and so on and so on. Just be patient.


    This. I just started on a song earlier this week, my first custom ever. It has taken me over 10 hours of working on it, fussing around, and learning what to do/not to do to even get it to compile and play in Rock Band. Even now, I’m still having to tweak things in the vocals and it’s still far from perfect. Then I’ll repeat the process with the other instruments.


    To learn how to properly create customs, you need a LOT of patience and willingness to troubleshoot all of the bugs that will come along with it. But the good thing is, once you learn how to do certain things, you won’t keep making the same mistakes and the next song you do will be much easier to complete. Hang in there.

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