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  • in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #489562

    Which WADs are we talking about?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #489342

    Also, I forgot to ask, to uninstall a WAD, is it just an option in the installer? WiiMod, right?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #489299


    Really running out of options here. When you installed the WADs for the content gens, did you install under IOS249? Did you also try uninstalling and reinstalling? Because that works sometimes. And if that still doesn’t, could you upload and send me your NAND dump in a PM? That might be the only thing that’s left to investigate.

    How would I install the WADs under 249 specifically? What would I uninstall and reinstall

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #489133

    You know, knowing my luck, we probably missed something obvious, and we’ll all facepalm when it finally works. -_-

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #489069

    Yeah, this is getting difficult to diagnose.It should have worked by now.

    Maybe it’s your ng-id. How did you fill in the value?

    And also, don’t bother resetting the cache until after the loading errors go away. Nothing will get cached if it can’t pass this validation.

    I got the ng_id exactly the way it’s instructed in the instructions.


    For those loading DLC on the NAND, you’re done at this point. Just run the script and you’ll have your working .APP files.

    For those using SD cards, you’ll need two more files: ng_id.txt and common-key. Blank placeholders are in the packing folders by default. They won’t work by themselves! To get ng_id.txt, take any official DLC you have downloaded and drag it into the Wii Converter window of C3 CON Tools. You’ll be asked to save a text file.”

    I found where my Wii saved the official songs that I bought a while ago, and went from there.

    Edit: I’m trying to be as helpful as possible, please bear with me! ;-;

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #489055

    I think I’ve heard of some people that have been able to boot from their disc using IOS249. The important part is getting the game to boot with that IOS since that’s what allows fake signing, which is what customs rely on.



    Dumping is the action of taking the data on the disc and making an image with it and saving it either on a SD card or a USB drive. I think you can also dump via network; but knowing the wii’s network speed I’m pretty sure you want to avoid that.


    Maybe someone knows exactly where this option is in USB Loader GX; because I’m sure it’s there but I haven’t used theses softwares for so long I can’t remember how it actually layered. All I know is that you need to have RB3 disc selected.


    What you could try is booting the disc through cIOS249 if lets you (It can with backup discs so why not original copies I guess), this could let you load customs; however It’s not the first time I propose this and I don’t think I’ve ever got a confirmation on if this works or not so I guess it’s worth a short for the time it takes.

    Ugh. Just now noticed that someone replied without quoting me. ;-; Anyway, so I found a blank MSTORE.vff so I could use FSToolbox to replace mine with the blank one, since WiiXplorer STILL can’t see inside that stupid data folder. -_- Turns out Uprising (the one song I’m currently using as my guinea pig to see if a custom song will load) still won’t load properly, even after a cache reset. I looked in the settings for USB Loader GX, and it turns out that the default CIOS it’ll use is 249 after all, so that’s not the problem, apparently. I can’t think of anything else that we’ve missed, help?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488924

    Install a USB loader on your SD card (most popular is USB Loader GX) the same way you’d install any homebrew. Boot it; select RB3, select to dump it and tell the USB loader to load the game using cIOS249. It’s pretty self-explainatory.

    What do you mean by dumping it? I didn’t see an option for that.


    I figured that I should say what I did now, so that it won’t be a problem later. I booted up USM Loader GX(turns out it came with all the other channels in the app pack), I got an error saying USB device not found, switching to channel mode, and then I found RB3, and went to settings and found the boot option and typed in 249. Then I booted up the game, and nothing changed. I assume the problem is that I don’t have a USB in my Wii? I wonder if I can use the SD card, but I don’t know how.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488901

    Most of the USB loaders can dump the game either to SD or USB drive (4.37gb).


    You need to be using cIOS249 to load the game to be able to play custom songs.

    How do I do that?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488892

    Well, everything looks correct. The only difference I can find is that you’re on system menu 4.3, but I don’t think that’s been a problem.

    How are you booting the game? Are you using a USB loader and loading the game on IOS249?

    I’m booting it off a disc, I haven’t figured out how to put it on something else.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488866

    I forgot one of the versions of syscheck doesn’t finish. Try this version instead (b19).

    After that, you should be able to open the resulting syscheck file in Notepad and copy the text from there. It should give you a list of all the IOSes that are installed on your system.

    Well, there’s a .csv, and a .log file. Imma post both to be sure.




    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488821

    Yes, error is correct.

    The fact it’s still not working for you though leads me to believe maybe your other WADs are off. Do you have the SysCheck homebrew app? If not, get it and run it. Then post the log on Pastebin or something and show me. If some WADs aren’t installed just the way they should be, it could explain some of the problems you’re having.

    So, I ran the SysCheck, and it won’t finish. ;-; This is where it gets stuck. And before you say I didn’t wait long enough, I left it sitting on this screen for 5 hours. No change.

  is the thing that it saved, I think.


    Also, how would I go about saving it to pastebin?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488739

    Yeah, so if that error message shows up, it means it didn’t work. Have you installed the WADs for the content gens you’re working with? The one for sZGE is provided for you. That would have to be the thing you’re missing in all this since everything else seems to be correct.


    As for the WiiXplorer issue, please show me a picture of the NAND setting being toggled and then either trying to access the save file from within WiiXplorer or via FTP?

    I may have to actually check my Wii again just to make sure I’m giving the right advice.

    So, I tried installing the sZGE.wad, and it gave me an error. I tried uninstalling it(I’ve tried the wad before), then reinstalling it, to the same error.


    Here’s the picture of my main menu screen box thing. In this picture, the red bar just barely disappeared. It’s a bit blurry, sorry. box says: Add-on content cannot be restored to the Wii system memory. When I try going through sZFE, I get a box that mentions licensing issues.



    Here’s the photos of me using WiiXplorer:

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488670

    So you got them loading, but did you get an error message after it finished loading? Or did the bar finish and nothing showed up?

    So, the bar loaded, but no songs actually showed up. Is there supposed to be a box that comes up in the main menu that talks about licensing every time? Also, WiiXplorer still sees the data folder as a file that has no size, and the other file explorer that was suggested can’t delete files. ;-;


    Edit: After re-reading your reply, the red bar shows up each time, but a notice comes up each time I load the main menu while the bar’s loading that says something about licensing issues. And then no new songs show up on the list.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488628

    Yes, it should be the left side.

    Can you try running this program to see if it picks up any errors?


    In WiiXplorer, that is the correct setting. Follow the instructions on setting up FTP access after that because it’s more convenient to do this from your computer. Inside the data folder is your save data and the cache. Definitely don’t delete that. And deleting the game data from the system menu may also do the same thing.


    Edit: never mind, that one was empty.


    Edit#2: …and it still didn’t work. I still get the red bar, and I still don’t get any songs.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #488568

    You need to copy the key as text. You can open it in Notepad for this. Then open the key file in HxD and paste it in the hex side, which is on the left. Make sure the file is only 16 bytes.

    When I open the common key file with HxD, it gives me 32 bytes. How do I change it, do I just pick one half, or what? Or is it just that when I paste it, it’ll be 16?


    Edit: So, the common key is already in hex, right? I just have to paste it into the left column(where the hex values are) of HxD, then save the file? Because when I paste the contents of the text file into the right column, I get 32 bytes. I’m going to try the first one, and see how it goes.


    Edit #2: It didn’t work. I pasted the text version into HxD in the hexa column(left), and put that in the DLC folder and repacked everything(new batch file), and nothing changed. I looked at the data thing in WiiXplorer, and under Boot Settings, NAND write access is what I enabled, and it says that it’s only for this session, so I assume that’s the setting you meant. Well, WiiXplorer still thinks that it’s a file and not a folder, and that its size is 0 bytes. I’m REALLY tempted to just delete the entire data thing, but I would like to have input first, as I’m worried that doing that has a chance of bricking the Wii if I try to boot up RB 3 after deleting it. Could I just go through the Wii menu and delete everything RB 3 related? Would that work? Going through Wii Settings and deleting RB 3’s save data is what I’m talking about.

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