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  • I apologize for keeping that “Intro” text event in the Events track. That sure is preventing one to even practice a song. I’ll make sure to delete that event entirely for future releases. It would be a ton of work to check each of my previously released songs, recompile, then upload them. I would be willing to fix a small batch of requested songs.


    On second thought regarding adding more instruments to “Light of Day, Day of Darkness”. If I were to export the midi from Reaper muting the single kick track for compiling the 2X version and vice versa for compiling the single kick version it would save a significant amount of space size for the midi allowing another instrument such as bass or vocals. So there is a possibility of seeing this custom get a fourth instrument in the future.


    Don’t apologize <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> and I’ll dig around to add sections myself eventually, I assume it wouldn’t be too hard for the couple of songs I have in mind.


    Practice mode is how I play Rock Band, I started to play that way with RB2. Practice mode accomplishes 3 things; it removes overdrives so I always play the complete chart, even the hardest fills – it removes the crowd-meter so I can complete the chart even if I’m getting my ass handed to me (impossible to get a feel for the song if you can’t even start playing) – and the part’s name is displayed at the top. That way it’s easy to go back to specific patterns and practice them over and over.


    Welp, once again, huge thanks to you/Meander/whoever else is contributing, gotta love the internet.


    I’m gonna have to insist, any place to chip-in a tip ? $5-10, I feel its pretty damn justified

    Haven’t had time to check out your new posts but I said earlier (a couple of pages back for sure) that I’d come back and give some comments on your Porcupine Tree releases, and let me say it is simply fan-tas-tic. I’m having a blast playing my new Roland drums, and discovering new music in the process. It’s a win/win/win scenario :excited:.


    The only concern I have with your customs is the fact that the songs are composed of 1 section called “Intro” which means I can’t really practice any one part. It’s a little of a pain for songs with long sections of nothing – Anesthetize/Camel/King Crimson I’m looking at you – because I get obliterated in one part but I nail it perfectly for the other 9 minutes of the song. You get my point <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


    It’s about the most fun I’ve had with Rock Band in years, so please keep on going, you’re doing a great job.



    If you have a paypal account for donations I’d chip in a couple of dollars, while I know the faq says not to do this, if it’s a private transaction, their message isn’t relevant uh?

    Loading everything onto my xbox, Im off to play for a couple hours and will come back to give my impressions on the songs ! Really excited, can’t type proper thanks, gotta give them a try!!!

    Just passing by to say thanks. I guess timing is everything in life; because I just found out about Porcupine Tree and I’m floored by them, can’t stop listening – on top of that I just started digging for good customs beyond C3 songs list and I find this thread. Talk about luck.


    I can’t wait for Fear of a Blank Planet, I’m having so much fun with your charts !


    Thank you thank you thank you again.


    Oh, if you’re new to PT and you haven’t really been exposed to stuff from a particular album of there’s, the PT releases coming include material from every album of theirs except for “Up The Downstair” (which, after listening to it, I should go correct “Synesthesia” or “Burning Sky,” anyone?) and “The Sky Moves Sideways.” (the titular epic was planned, but after completing Drums/Vocals and partially charting Keys/Guitar, the 34-minute beast seemed like a daunting obstacle. I am willing to finish this one with help in the future) It does speak volumes that I missed some notable songs. “Hatesong,” “Synesthesia,” “Buying New Soul,” “Burning Sky,” and “The Sky Moves Sideways,” all get at me. If I were to do a second pack of assorted PT singles, all of those would be in it. But after doing 35 songs from this band, I’m doing other stuff for a while.


    As for progress, I’m just about done synching “Devil’s Sweet” by Chicago. This was hell to synch. And listening to the onslaught of ghost rolls, this will be near-Guantanamo levels of torture to chart.


    That is more than understandable, Im impressed by how much was done TBH, I couldn’t find much looking through youtube (never took the time to find good custom sources until now) and my jaw dropped when I saw everything that was readily available ahahah

    Just passing by to say thanks. I guess timing is everything in life; because I just found out about Porcupine Tree and I’m floored by them, can’t stop listening – on top of that I just started digging for good customs beyond C3 songs list and I find this thread. Talk about luck.


    I can’t wait for Fear of a Blank Planet, I’m having so much fun with your charts !


    Thank you thank you thank you again.

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