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Where can I find a list of the song ID’s… I know I saw a link for it somewhere, but can’t remember…thanks
Does this work?
These are for custom song IDs, for custom-specific leaderboard matching. Was this the one?
Edit: Forgot the link.
I updated the Wii version. Did you want the CON file for that too?
Stack, I know it’s been awhile, but I wanted to update you on my adventures with Fluttering Romance 2x Bass Pedal.
I finally hand-converted the CON because the Wii version froze upon loading on the main menu.
And, while the converted CON works, it stutters.
I’m not sure if I have the patience to Biink it, so I think I’ll finally put this thing to rest.
Thanks for all your help, regardless. If anything, this gives me more incentive to use Nemo’s “Cheat Song” as my default starting point of my customs library at sZFE 052 going forward.
Also, does the “Deploy Overdrive if Possible” cheat work with the “Auto Play” cheat?
And I also had an idea. I have no idea how you would implement this, but what if it were possible to add an Auto-RockBiink feature into the Wii Converter in C3 CON Tools? Like, if it detects multitracks at a certain quality range, auto-Biink would activate and perform audio reductions on the spot?
And here a few questions I have:
- Is it possible to use custom songs when starting the game from the disc? (With the songs on the SD card)
I can answer this one, at least. Neogamma will be your method of disc play for customs. I have a guide for setting this up from MUCH earlier in this topic:
Looks like Alternity found it.
Yeah, historically I’ve had better luck doing it on my own.
I know you work hard on these conversions and it is very much appreciated. My luck is weird like that.
Any updates on the original CON for Fluttering Romance 2x?
Okay, I’ve reconverted it and uploaded a new version. Download it from the same link as before and let me know how that works. I tested it and it runs.
Still froze.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />
Can I try the CON on my end? I’m sorry if this has become a headache for you.
EDIT 1: Performing a cache reset without the song. Will try afterwards.
EDIT 2: Nope. Still freezes.
Nah, that’s the Wii version that froze upon loading (despite my meticulousness in the packing process). It’s the CON I’m having trouble finding. Unless this is a new fresh re-conversion.
New stumper, Stack.
I posted this on the release page for the song in question, but I need to be patient, I suppose:
“Sorry to resurrect an old discussion, but the Xbox link for Fluttering Romance (2x Bass Pedal) seems to be broken on the legacy database, and I can’t find said version upon doing a search on the current database — only the single pedal version exists on there, with no sublink on the description page.“
The Wii convert from the old database freezes the Rock Band 3 loading screen (despite following DTA instructions, complete with cache resets as needed), so I was going to try to hand-convert (my lucky go-to that works for me) the Xbox version of 2x Bass, but I have no way to download it (keepitfishy links don’t reroute to new database, I suppose).
Know if you or anyone has the original CON for this one? I was going to replace the complimentary convert of the 1x pedal with the 2x pedal (since that version is a thing), y’see.
November 1, 2018 at 8:13 pm in reply to: Oct 11, 2013 – (Arguably) Indie pack, Nightmare Lyre, ’80s hair metal #501720Sorry to resurrect an old discussion, but the Xbox link for Fluttering Romance (2x Bass Pedal) seems to be broken on the legacy database, and I can’t find said version upon doing a search on the current database — only the single pedal version exists on there, with no sublink on the description page.
I ask because I have more luck converting to Wii using C3 CON Tools, than working with a pre-made Wii builds on the database. Any help on finding a re-upload of 2x would be fantastic.
I’ve uploaded a new version that I reconverted. This one should be all right.
Works like a charm! Thanks, Stack!
Also, a more curious question, have you worked on any Ocarina codes for other Rock Band titles? Wiird and have been a mite paltry in this regard, which is a shame, because it would be really cool if Autoplay existed for Beatles, Lego, or Green Day (which would be a boon for achievement hunting and therefore gaming-backlog-clearing).
Reloading isn’t too bad after a clean wipe. I’ve gotten used to it as I have been reorganizing and updating songs. Having something else to do makes it go by faster. I’m sitting on above 1100 songs (customs and official DLC), and it takes about 15-30 minutes.
Hey Stack, question about a song on the legacy database.
The Wii version of Mother by Danzig seems to sound incomplete in the conversion process. The snare seems to be non-existent, and I don’t hear much of the bass guitar.
To remedy this I tried to convert the CON version, which sounds pristine, but the catch is that it stutters due to the full multitracks not playing nice. Is there a way to fix this?
I thought I had a list of these somewhere, but apparently not.
Here’s a few that the game recognizes. The point of this is for the text to be localized in-game.
(rb1 "Rock Band")
(rb2 "Rock Band 2")
(rb3 "Rock Band 3")
(lego "LEGO Rock Band")
(greenday "Green Day: Rock Band")
(ugc "Rock Band Network")
(ugc_plus "Rock Band Network")
(ugc_demo "Demo")
Maybe there are more? But it doesn’t matter since it seems you can write your own custom category just fine.
Hey Stack, out of curiosity, what exactly did you type to make “My Custom Category” show up in your screenshot? Since I removed all my customs to focus on my regular DLC (and then add back customs in an organized manner this time ’round), I’d add like to add them back in a way so that they don’t mix in with the RBN category, for the purpose of identifying them better.
Stack, I think you mentioned once upon a time in this thread that sZHE only works in Dolphin so far. Has there been any luck since then to get this generation to cooperate with real Wii?
I do admittedly only pack one song into a bin combo at a time, as a way of being selective with my customs choices. sZGE is almost at the 500 limit.
February 26, 2017 at 8:14 am in reply to: beard216’s C&C’s: (“Decompression Period” by Papa Roach! 9/20) #481948It would be so amazing beyond words if you have SOAD’s “Ego Brain” or “Highway Song” from ‘Steal This Album!’ even WAY down the pipeline. ‘Steal’ is one of my favorite albums.