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  • Many thanks for finishing The Black Parade. You’re my hero and I’m so excited to play the full album. :swoon:


    Also, I hope your show went well! I’m sad I missed it, it sounded like fun.

    Oh my gosh, those Good Charlotte songs brought back memories haha. So happy to see some more Jimmy Eat World too, I have to admit that quite a few songs you’ve made customs for are new to me but I’m really enjoying expanding my knowledge of such a great band. I can’t wait to play them – thank you!!

    Some of my favourite TDG songs are in here! I never thought I’d see any Life Starts Now customs either, especially those songs in particular… Am I dreaming?? :swoon:


    I’m so excited to play these! Thank you!! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    in reply to: Welcome to The FroogWay! #468580

    Haha, I love your store logo! And thanks in advance for your hard work! I’m looking forward to seeing your releases. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Anything in particular you’ll be focusing on, whether it be artists or genres, or will it be an assortment of fun stuff?


    Also, once I learn how to use Reaper, I’d be willing to collab! I want try to focus on improving my vocal mapping, at least for now, which sounds like a good match given your G/B/D focus (that’s what I understood, at least).

    in reply to: Keyboard won’t connect to Xbox 360 #468564

    I wasn’t pressing the connect button… I didn’t even notice it was there; I kept trying to connect solely with the Xbox logo button. Now I feel silly… but that feeling is overpowered by now being able to rock out on my keyboard, which feels awesome! :rock:


    The first time I got it to connect, I could navigate menus but it wasn’t actually recognizing any of the notes in the songs I was trying out. Re-connecting solved that issue, and now it works like a charm!


    Thanks so much for your help, everyone! I deeply appreciate it! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    in reply to: Keyboard won’t connect to Xbox 360 #468550

    I have had this happen with a guitar that I have had for years. Can’t say for sure it will work for you but try this.

    Push the connect on xbox again quickly after the 30 second stop and while the guitar/key sync light is still spinning. It connects right away for me the second time.

    I tried it a few times, but I’m not having any luck with that… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

    I’m not sure if this matters, but the flashing light on the keyboard never starts spinning – it keeps only blinking on and off. So I think the Xbox is just flat out not recognizing it.

    Haha, I never thought I would see Korpiklanni in Rockband! That’s a pleasant surprise to start off my day – thank you! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    in reply to: Keyboard won’t connect to Xbox 360 #468388

    Turns out it won’t let me access it – “Sorry, you need more than a vocalist around to activate All Instruments Mode”.


    Anything else I can try?

    in reply to: Keyboard won’t connect to Xbox 360 #468372

    Is it the only peripheral connected/trying to connect?

    No, I also have a wired Xbox 360 controller so I can navigate menus and such. I initially tried the keyboard as the only thing trying to connect and plugged in the controller when that wasn’t working.


    Perhaps try turning on the all instruments mode in rock band 3 settings.

    I’ve had that to happen a few times when breaking out my keyboard.

    How do I access the settings? I can’t seem to find them… is there a specific menu I have to access them from?

    in reply to: Keyboard won’t connect to Xbox 360 #468343

    I assume your Xbox is connected to the monitor/TV and is displaying the game/dashboard when you try to connect the keyboard?

    That’s right. Is there a specific game menu I’m supposed to be in? I’ve been trying on the game’s main menu, as well as the songs list (the first option in the “Play Now” menu).

    in reply to: Keyboard won’t connect to Xbox 360 #468341

    Did you try pressing the sync button on the right side of the keyboard as well? You need to press that button and the sync button on the Xbox to hook it up.

    Yes, I did. The sync button on the Xbox spins for about 30 seconds and then stops, but the sync button on the keyboard continues flashing for a few minutes.

    Thanks for the MCR! Seeing that made my day, I’m so excited to give it a try, along with quite a few other songs of yours.

    Are you planning on doing any more stuff off The Black Parade/MCR in general? Either way, thank you for all your hard work!

    in reply to: Starting to author (Beartooth, Escape the Fate, FATN…) #461263

    I really hope you didn’t give up on this… I’d love to be able to play Bullet! It’s by far my favourite Hollywood Undead song.

    If you want help with programming vocals, lemme know and I’ll give it a shot. I’ve watched the video on how to do it but haven’t actually tried it yet, but meh… figured I’d throw it out there just in case I can pitch in somehow. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    Thank you so much for these songs and for all your hard work!! Once I get everything set up I’ll make sure to give them a try right away!


    Also, I’m looking forward to some more MCR! Are there any albums in particular you’re planning on focusing on?

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