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January 20, 2017 at 2:12 am in reply to: MB’s Customs: Rush; Two more off Vapor Trails (The Original and Re-Mixes) (Awaiting moderation) #480395
amazing release.
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January 11, 2017 at 3:41 am in reply to: Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”! #480076All credits are in the database for each song. Most of these are your charts. I’m sure you’ll make a return when the time is right.
dont worry, thanks for your work converting these
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January 11, 2017 at 3:06 am in reply to: Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”! #480073well some of the songs are done by me, so yes i’m back at custom, however i wont stay longer.
nsw, are those all the songs do you have planed to do for the gentle giant pack? if so, maybe i will pick one of the “Free Hand” album to chart.
I am going to convert “Poseidon’s Creation” and “Castle In The Air” from NSW1-6. Go ahead and send me your drum pack for conversions at your own leisure.
i want to do 2 or 3 songs more, im now into small drum recess. i will send you that pack when done.
I want to see that Poseidon chart, I’ve also listened to Colours, Planets & Time To Turn, i might do a small drum pack with some unreleased charts i did slowly the last few months, do i sent them to you sideshow? i’ve also discovered two weird bizarre but amazing classic prog bands besides eloy, introduced by Mikael Akerfeldt, Comus and Magma. Comus is more folk oriented.
hi nsw, i been lately listening to a classic prog band very underrated but with a gem of album which have some amazing drumming moments, the band im talking about is Eloy, and the album is Ocean, just listening to their main trilogy: dawn, ocean and silent cries, i amazed right now, dude that drummer was ambidextrous and played with open-hand technique, he also wrote the lyrics and narrates the story on the concept albums, so inspirational.
i have a drum chart for “Five Per Cent For Nothing” haha
August 31, 2016 at 2:33 am in reply to: MB’s Customs: Rush; Two more off Vapor Trails (The Original and Re-Mixes) (Awaiting moderation) #474285Hey Oscarj08 if you happen to do “Third Eye” send me what you got and i’ll update my drum chart!
August 28, 2016 at 2:28 am in reply to: MB’s Customs: Rush; Two more off Vapor Trails (The Original and Re-Mixes) (Awaiting moderation) #474016Yeah, Tool Triad drumming is really challenge, paradiddles, polyrhythms, is difficult even for rb3 standars. you have to wake up your weak hand and improve your indpendence skills first.
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As mr burpler said, it marks officially my charting retirement, may i will do contributions in the future. dont expect much.
however here is something i’m working occasionally. Tool songs on real drums for phaseshift. at the moment i’m only have done Lateralus (orignal chart by bearz) and Triad of course, they will have only real expert drums & 2x bass pedal, real open-close-sizzle hi-hat control, also hi-hat pedal, sections and time signatures marked, so danny carey polyrhythms becomes more real:
Hey thank you nsw, i’ve been always a fan of your work since fof forum many years ago. now im retired of charting scene due to my focus on professional drumming oriented to prog, i am very happy you will work on amazing packs, i would have loved to chart some of these in the past so in a way i feel your hard work as part of mine, maybe i wil make some guest contributions in the future, (?
you can touch all of my work i did with sideshow, ajfone and the other c3 guys, some of these are yours.
i can request some prog bands i would love to see more like: camel, Van der graaf g, ELP, magma, marillion or maybe some newprog like steven wilson band, haken or even tool hahaha.
Nice, i am also looking for the later albums.
June 21, 2016 at 11:21 pm in reply to: DenVaktare’s Customs – 5/10/20 – Birthday Rock Radio (TooL Edition) – Tool: Disposition – Broadcast Interrupted! #470706Thank you
April 10, 2016 at 12:21 am in reply to: Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”! #466766Goliath what an amazing song
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April 3, 2016 at 4:22 am in reply to: Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”! #466397Go ahead and make the changes you think are necessary on Third Eye and I’ll be glad to release an update.
maybe when i learn the song, i still dont know whats the pattern there however i want to do triad in some future, and add disposition to reflection, these two work together.
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here are the triad patterns if someone wants to go ahead.