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      Primus. Although I like “Jerry Was A Race Car Driver” I’m surprised they haven’t at least had DLC before with songs like “John The Fisherman,” “Tommy The Cat,” or even “Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver.”


      Also, Smashing Pumpkins. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness should’ve gotten a full album DLC before some of the other album DLCs.

      in reply to: TrojanNemo’s Older Customs #449310

        Thanks a lot for these! I freaked out seeing “John The Fisherman” and “My Favorite Game” – not to mention the Beatles songs.


          Thanks a lot for using my old Primus charts! I think my favorite Primus custom of my own is Golden Boy though I really love the C3 Primus customs. After I finish doing Count Zero’s Little Minds (I’m trying to find a way to do PS3 customs on official firmware using PeXploit. It’s been done before, but I’m still trying to figure it out. Once that happens I can finally continue work on that album) I’m thinking I’ll do the Brown Album next. Sure it’s not the best Primus album out there and I always felt Herb was a better fit for Primus than Brain, but it’s vastly underrated as far as Primus albums go and it has some of my favorite songs.

          in reply to: Rapping? #448960

            I’m the exact opposite. There’s no point in trying to sing pitches when there’s no exact pitch to sing in the first place. Spoken word is just as import as song.


            Which is what I said. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


            Touche. One of the things I love about charting is that it’s a really weird kind of art form itself. There are certain rules and guidelines that have to be followed, but everyone has their own “style.” For example, it’s almost always easy to tell a Harmonix song from a Neversoft song. Sorry for the rambling. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

            in reply to: Rapping? #448945
              I usually err on the side of talkies. It’s less frustrating and in my opinion the difficulty in singing the song should be in singing the song, not in trying to match a pitch that may or may be not.


              I’m the exact opposite. There’s no point in trying to sing pitches when there’s no exact pitch to sing in the first place. Spoken word is just as import as song.

              in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on PS3 #448869

                Has anyone tried this?




                It’s a utility that allows installing homebrew DLC and PSN games PS3 harddrive backups for official firmware. Looks promising.

                  It’s nice how some people just grab your song say thanks and completely ignore reading your post. (Asking for CAT) Well anyway I read your post and didn’t even download the song yet. But I look forward to what you have planned and hope you get some new gear soon to play the songs you’re working hard on. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  It can be a little annoying, but I even make honest mistakes accidently reading over a sentence or two. People who ask questions in YouTube videos that the video descriptions answer are a little frustrating though.


                  Thanks anyway! Hopefully I’ll be able to get my gear soon so I can do some real testing on my own. Right now I’m a little hesitant to work on a lot of stuff before I’m sure whether or not I’m doing everything the right way.


                  Thanks for this song!!


                  Can you please add CAT reductions in all instruments?




                  You’re welcome, and thanks for downloading! I’m running into some problems with Python on my copy of Reaper. I’m going to keep testing different things to make it work, but if all else fails I can just make the lower difficulties by hand. I don’t mind doing it that much, but it takes longer.


                    Well, cPlayer for my Phase Shift library and WinAmp for my “real” library. This is pretty darn cool! All that’s missing is support (just kidding… or am I?)

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