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  • in reply to: [Archived] Rock Band: Harmonies Project (Latest: 11/21/14) #430001

    I have an issue with Blue Morning, Blue Day by Foreigner. I am trying to play with my main account on regular expert guitar, and no profile on expert harmonies, and right before the venue loads, the Xbox does a hard freeze.


    I have to pull the power plug, then restart. I have tried it 3 times. I don’t know if it’s an issue with the venue settings, but it’s a possibility. I don’t know how to check that stuff, or what to change. This is on the Pro Guitar update, not the standalone harmonies.


    I have no issues playing it without harmonies. Haven’t tried it yet on pro guitar or bass. But it does freeze with just the harmonies.


    Edit: I originally included the info from the songs.dta file, but that I am guessing doesn’t have anything to do with the upgrades working or not. Gonna try pro quick, see if those work. We will see if it’s within the harmonies part.


    Edit 2: Upon further review, pro does not show up at all. I forgot that it didn’t. It’s the only song that doesn’t. Harmonies do show up. I used the pro guitar upgrade only when packaging the updates to the songs. This is the only known one I have installed that pro doesn’t show up. Not sure why. When I get a little more info, I will try reinstalling the updates.


    Edit 3: Figured out how to get the pro guitar and bass to show up. I had to rename the midi file and the upgrades dta file names. I had go from to bluemorningblueday_plus.mid. back to upgrades.dta. Also changed the midi file path in the upgrades.dta file to reflect the midi file name change. DOn’t klnow if that was over looked, or if I actually messed it up, but it is working for me. Weird how the midi file path in the songs.dta path still has the .pg.mid in the path (forgot to change it) and still works with the harmonies.

    in reply to: [Archived] Rock Band: Harmonies Project (Latest: 11/21/14) #429800

    I may have exaggerated on the 20 minutes. 10 maybe. But I finally found my problem. And it’s all because I had those DLC packs in the Rock Band folder on my pen drive. I deleted the Rock Band folder so I didn’t have any dlc left on the pen drive, success. How stupid I was on that. lol. But I was using the same TU, TU5 that is with the Games on Demand version (downloaded) of the game.


    But it’s working fine now. And this time, I updated all songs I have that are in the master upgrade pack, making sure I used only one update for each song. I upgraded Keys first. Then Pro Guitars, then Harmonies and Pro drums. On the harmonies part, if it stated to replace a folder/file in the destination folder, I skipped them all. All is well now. I apologize for any stress I might have caused, for it was a simple solution that I didn’t think would’ve affected it. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next batch of updates and beyond.



    Edit: Just playing some of these on keys, I found 1 issue with Don’t Stop Believing. I don’t know if this was mentioned or not, but there’s no overdrive charted in it for keys. Figured you’d like to know if you didn’t already. If fixed, cool. If not, I understand somewhat how hard it could be to re-chart it with overdrive. Not that I could do it, cause I know I can’t. lol

    in reply to: [Archived] Rock Band: Harmonies Project (Latest: 11/21/14) #429789

    H3ADSh0t3, you’re right. I misplaced that one. I was getting very tired at the point I posted that post. So I will go through and try that one again, as I was only looking at the Harmonies in the song select screen for that one…


    I checked 3 times after the last post, and tried 3 more times since. I do it every time without any song cache files in the initial updating. I let the game create new “dummy” cache files. I don’t know why they aren’t working, I can’t put my finger on it. But the upgrades for Boulevard and the others worked (kind of) with TU4, it’d show they were there in TU4 with white album cover. Then After doing the full cache build, the songs would all disappear off of my list. I tried it different ways… If I got the upgrades to stay after the full build under TU4, if I update to TU5 within the game, would the upgrades still be there?


    I haven’t tried that yet, as it takes about 20 minutes per full cache build. 630 content pieces, and a slower than normal Xbox… I will try some other steps to see if there’s something I am missing. I don’t think there is, but at the time I gave up for the night/morning, I was way tired, so it’s possible I missed something. I’ll let you know what I find.

    in reply to: [Archived] Rock Band: Harmonies Project (Latest: 11/21/14) #429744

    Hey there espher… Great job on the Harmonies Project. I’ve been a fan of this type of thing (and all types of customs really) since the Guitar Hero 2 on PS2 days. lol. Shows you how far back I go with these games… I need to fill you in on my progress on trying to get the Upgrades to work properly.


    I have had some issues, and sorted a few out, but there’s a few I can’t figure out how to make them work under TU5 with an online profile.


    I followed the steps another member shared here in this thread, and a few times, I forgot to copy the tricked Song Cache to the HDD. Whoops. Once I did that, and left the USB with the Dummy file in the USB port til the final build was complete, about 50% of the upgrades I installed, worked. The others, no pro/marmonies tracks, but the songs are still playable. Not sure where the problem lies.


    I tried for 6 hours on my offline Xbox, under TU4 and TU5, with no luck. Switched over to my main Xbox, and had more success. But I will provide you a list of songs below that I can’t get working. Also, I am not trying to use Harmonies and Pro Guitar or Keys on the same song. I read that disclaimer in the documentation. Here’s that list:



    Creed – Higher (RBN)

    Five Finger Death Punch – Hard to See (RBN)

    Seether – Fake It and Rise Above This (RBN)



    Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams (GDR:cool:

    Avenged Sevenfold – Critical Acclaim (DLC 2008)

    Incubus – Dig (Lego)

    Journey – Don’t Stop Believing (DLC 2009)

    Rob Zombie – Dragula (DLC 2009)

    Bryan Adams – Summer of ’69 (Lego)

    Europe – The Final Countdown (Lego)


    Pro Guitar:

    Foreigner – Blue Morning, Blue Day (DLC 2009)


    I do have all of these songs purchased, legally. Been playing all of these for years. Just with I could get some upgrades to work with them. I have a feeling it might have something to do with all of these originally being from the old RB1 file set. Not for sure, I know Boulevard of Broken Dreams is. I was trying to see if I could somehow merge the Upgrades and Songs .dta files into the song pack, but I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know coding or programming all that well, especially for game files, but I know enough about the RB3 file structure to be able to compile customs from already created files. But that’s about it. I was using C3 Con Tools for decompiling and trying to merge the upgrades with the old songs. But quit while I was behind. lol.


    I don’t know if the dtas are compatible with the RB1 and RBN1 songs, but I imagine they are. But I can’t figure out how to make them work. The programs I am using mainly to get the upgrades to my Xbox are the packager, downloaded the newest file set last night, and I’m using Party Buffalo. I know those enough now, after using Modio mostly at first for moving Customs from the main C3 site to my Xbox for TU4 customs playing. Any ifo would be helpful. But if I can’t play these upgrades with the files I have, then I’ll play the hell out of the others that do play. Thought you should know these may be a problem. Unless it’s just me. lol. Keep up the good work! :c00l:

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