Forum Replies Created
October 10, 2014 at 4:21 pm in reply to: Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”! #430866
High point of my musical career – My band opened for Green Jello in Allentown, and I got to the the falsetto part for “Three Little Pigs” on stage. Then they invited my band to tour Europe (no lie) and I bailed because of law school. My friends still kind of hate me.
For 2 seconds once, I mattered.
October 10, 2014 at 4:00 pm in reply to: thespike’s custom songs 3/12/2018: Tiny Moving Parts #430864You did not seriously drop a Tonight Alive track on me. I was listening to them this morning thinking I’d love to play some of their songs. Excellent work, and choices, as always!
August 24, 2014 at 4:40 am in reply to: thespike’s custom songs 3/12/2018: Tiny Moving Parts #427804Dude I’m pretty sure I’ve played each of your Paramore songs like 30 times haha, you did an AMAZING job.
My (literally) only complaint is that “For a Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic” seems a little out of sync, like a half second behind. I’m constantly playing fine and losing it, and it feels off. I find that playing late fixes it. Any chance the syncing could be reworked?
Also, if you ever get bored and decide to do some more early Paramore…I really wouldn’t mind haha. Cough *Brighter and My Heart* Cough Cough.
Seriously, thank you so much though. I love your work.
It’s a must
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has an amazing soundtrack. The opening track, especially, is outstanding.
Also, Mega Man 2,
I have a soft spot for Backstreet Boy’s “The Call”. It’s stupid, I know, but I ruddy love that song. It’s also fun because the chord progression is near identical to that of “…Baby One More TIme”, so when I listen to one I tend to sing the other over the top.The Call is incredible haha. I’m 27…I have a sister who’s 6 years older than me, so I grew up with them during their reign due to my sister’s infatuation. So I have a soft spot for them.
Anywho, fast forward, my fiancee loves the boy bands. So we’ll listen to them in the car sometimes because, frankly, they’re fun as shit to sing along to. BSB goes on tour, I take her (one of like 4 guys lol), they walk out, I say “Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they open with The Call?” It’s her favorite song by them. Sure enough, they do, and it was a legitimately good concert haha.
TL;DR eff yea give me some boy bands.
I could get behind a few songs on the new album, like “Still Into You” and “Anklebiters,” but man…going off on a tangent here but the Farro brothers leaving took the soul out of this band. Their first album was super emo but well done, but they really found their niche in the next two albums and their songs had a lot of character. Pop/punk perfection with an emo/melancholy yet upbeat (kind of an oxymoron there) flair. The guitar work wasn’t amazing or ground-breaking, but it set a mood for sure and had an overall depth to it that I really enjoyed. I’ll especially miss Zac, as I feel he had a lot of personality as a drummer. That’s gone now. Kind of a bummer to listen to the new album and just know that the band has lost what made them great. Their character is just…gone. Even the vocals are more vanilla now.
There is no way to go from Frets on Fire to RB3 without knowing your way around REAPER, Magma, and having a decent understanding of charting a song. There are several tutorial threads and videos to be found in these forums, but it isn’t something I would recommend until you’ve been around for a bit. Enjoy playing for now.If you’re going to try to play those songs without converting to RB3, use Phase Shift. It’ll work with Frets on Fire songs but is much, much more polished and has a lot more features. It’s also free. And most of the C3 songs are available to download for Phase Shift and you can convert existing RB3 customs into Phase Shift using C3 CON Tools.
Of course, RB3 on Xbox is the best way to go, but if you’re going the way of Phase Shift, it’s not horrible nowadays with all the tools and support.
Yea that’s what I gleaned from what I read but thanks for the confirmation. I DO NOT have an ear for charting at all right now so I’m staying the hell away from it.
I have Phase Shift and I’m definitely going to utilize it, I’m just strange and like everything in one place, so RB3 is my preferred method for playing customs.
Thanks for all of the info! And if anyone has access to the dead links, feel free to drop em in as I’m still looking.
No matter where I end up on the internet I run into other lawyers haha.I only remembered because of our prior conversation on Reddit
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Trust me I do my due diligence before asking for help, hate to be annoying.Glad to have you on board then.
With that said, does anyone know where to get the old Drum Projects from fretsonfire? One has a Coheed song in it I’m dying to play and everything is dead.It’s going to suck trying to find those. If it’s not on the Customs Repository then I don’t have it. Good luck!
I KNEW your name was familiar haha. Fancy meeting you here. You can tell I’m slowly making my rounds to every Rock Band avenue I can find then. I get obsessed, fast.
As for the Drum Projects, managed to find a few but they’re all in Frets on Fire format, and I cannot find a method for converting them. Whomp whomp. Looks like I’ll be downloading that to play some new tunes.
No matter where I end up on the internet I run into other lawyers haha.
Good to know about the links. Let me re-phrase my statement. On the spreadsheet that I linked to, all but 2 Paramore songs point to the old directory (spikecustoms). I’ve had no problems downloading anything off of his spreadsheet with the updated links. My question turns to the four songs I mentioned originally. All say “unknown author,” so I don’t think Spike did these, but they were apparently being hosted under him. I’m looking for those.
As for Coheed, yes, I did look extensively, have come up with nothing, and it’s not in those repositories. Trust me I do my due diligence before asking for help, hate to be annoying.
With that said, does anyone know where to get the old Drum Projects from fretsonfire? One has a Coheed song in it I’m dying to play and everything is dead. Thanks!
To add to this, there’s a bunch of Paramore songs in this spreadsheet with dead links if anyone has access to them: … true&gid=0
In particular, All We Know, Born For This, Hallelujah and Let the Flames Begin. Basically anything not authored by Spike. Thanks!
Stumbling upon your work literally got me into the custom scene the past few days. I just got my Ions last week and got around do getting customs working this past weekend after a loooooooong hiatus from RB; now I’m dying to learn. I found more stuff in your spreadsheet I wanted than any other source combined. Finch, Blink, Paramore, Protest the Hero, Lost Prophets (even though I’m ashamed to say it after the singer’s legal troubles)…you’ve nailed down my tastes somehow.
Gonna throw a couple of requests out there just for fun:
Paramore – Brighter, Where the Lines Overlap, My Heart…although I’ll literally take any Paramore.
Finch – Daylight (newer, but amazing), Stay With Me, and Project Mayhem could be a blast.
Blink – Josie and A New Hope would melt my soul, even though I can’t keep up with their stinkin’ ADHD drummer on that album.
Based on your tastes I’m surprised you haven’t tackled some Coheed. I would kill for some off of their first two albums. Literally anything new.
You are the man, keep up the great work!