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  • in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513325

      Did Andre’s verse:

      damn this is a fun song.



      @One^ two^ One^ two^ three^ yeah!#
      @In-# slum-# nat-# ion-# al# un-# der-# ground# thun-# der# pounds# when# I# stomp# the# ground#
      @Hoo!# Like# a# mil-# lion# el-# e-# phants# and# sil-# ver-# back# or-# ang-# u-# tans# you# can’t# stop# a# train#
      @Who# want# some# don’t# come# un-# pre-# pared# I’ll# be# there# but# when# I# leave# there#
      @Bet-# ter# be# a# house-# hold# name# weath-# er# man# tell-# in’# us# it# ain’t# gon’# rain#
      @So# now# we# sittin’# in# a# drop=# top# soak-# in’# wet#
      @In# a# silk# suit# try-# in’# not# to# sweat#
      @Hit# som-# er-# saults# with-# out# the# net#
      @But# this-# ‘ll^ be# the# year# that# we# won’t# for-# get#
      @One# nine# nine# nine# an-# no# dom-# i-# ni# any-# thing# goes# be# what# you^ wan-# na# be#
      @Long# as# you# know# con-# se-# quen-# ces# are# giv-# en# for# liv-# in’# the# fence# is#
      @Too# high# to# jump# in# jail#
      @Too# low# to# dig# I# might# just# touch# Hell# Hot!#
      @Get# a# life# now# they# on# sale#
      @Then# I# might# cast# you# a# spell#
      @Look# at# what# came# in# the# mail#
      @A# scale# and# some# Arm# and# Hammer#
      @Soul# gold# grill# and# a# ba-# by# ma-# ma#
      @Black# Ca-# dill-# ac# and# a# pack# of# pam-# pers#
      @Stack# of# ques-# tions# with# no# an-# swers#
      @Cure# for# can-# cer#
      @Cure# for# AIDS#
      @Make# a# nig-# ga# wan-# na# stay# on# tour# for# days#
      @Get# back# home#
      @Things# are# wrong#
      @Well# not# real-# ly# it# was# bad# all# al-# ong#
      @Be-# fore# you# left# adds# up# to# a# ball# of# pow-# er#
      @Thoughts# at# a# thou-# sand# miles# per# ho-# ur#
      @Hel-# lo# ghet-# to# let# your# brain# breathe# be-# lieve# there’s# al-# ways# more# Aah!#

      @Don’t pull the thang out un- less you plan to bang
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Don’t ev- en bang un- less you plan to hit some- thing
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Don’t pull the thang out un- less you plan to bang
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Don’t ev- en bang un- less you plan to hit some- thing
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah

      @Un-# o# dos# tres# it’s# on# did# you# ev-# er# think# a# pimp# rock# a# mic-# ro-# phone# like# that# there# boy# and# we# still# stay# street#
      @Big# things# hap-# pen# ev-# ery# time# we# meet# l# ike# a# track# team# crack# fiend# dy-# in’# to# geek#
      @Out-# kast# bump-# in’# up# and# down# the# street# Slant# back# Cad-# il-# lac# ’bout# five# nig-# gas# deep# sev-# en-# ty# five# M-# Cs# free-# sty-# lin’# to# the# beat#
      @Cause# we# get# crunk# stay# drunk# at# the# club#
      @Should-# a# bought# an# ounce# but# you# cop-# ped# a# dub#
      @Should-# a# held# back# but# you# throw-# ed# the# punch#
      @Supposed# to# meet# your# girl# but# you# pack-# ed# a# lunch#
      @No# D# to# the# U# to# the# G# for# you#
      @Got# a# son# on# the# way# by# the# name# of# Bam-# boo#
      @Got# a# lit-# tle# ba-# by# girl# four# year# Jor-# dan#
      @Nev-# er# turn# my# back# on# my# kids# for# them#
      @Should-# a# hit# it# quit# it# rag# top#
      @Be-# fore# you# re=# up# get# a# lap-# top#
      @Make# a# busi-# ness# for# your-# self# boy# set# some# goals#
      @Make# a# fair# dia-# mond# out-# ta# dus-# ty# coals#
      @Rec-# ord# num-# ber# four# but# we# on# a# roll#
      @Hold# up# slow# up# stop# con-# trol#
      @Like# Jan-# et# plan-# et# Stank-# o-# ni-# a’s# on# a=# ya#
      @Mov-# in’# like# Floyd# com-# in’# straight# to# Flor-# i-# da#
      @Lock# all# your# win-# dows# then# block# the# corr-# idors#
      @Pull-# in’# off# my# belt# cause# a# whip-# ping’s# in# or-# der#
      @Like# a# three# piece# fish# ‘fore# I# cut# your# daugh-# ter#
      @Yo# quier-# o# Tac-# o# Bell# then# I# hit# the# bor-# der#
      @Pit-# ty# pat# rap-# pers# try-# na# get# to# five#
      @I’m# a# mic-# ro-# phone# fiend# try-# na# stay# a-# live#
      @When# you# come# to# A# T# L# boy# you# bet’# not# hide# cause# the# Dun-# geon# Fam-# i-# ly# gon’# ride# Ha!#

      @Don’t pull the thang out un- less you plan to bang
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Don’t ev- en bang un- less you plan to hit some- thing
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Don’t pull the thang out un- less you plan to bang
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Don’t ev- en bang un- less you plan to hit some- thing
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah

      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah
      @Bombs ov- er Bagh- dad yeah

      @B# I# G# B# O# I#

      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#

      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#

      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#

      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#
      @Bob# your# head# rag# top#

      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#

      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#

      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#

      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#

      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#

      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#
      @Pow-# er# mus-# ic# e-# lec-# tric# rev-# i-# val#



      i guess the standard for customs is to include the n word in the vocals. i usually say “fella” when i sing along to this one though

      in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513303

        Did the drums and bass. The drum part slaps but the bass part is very repetitive. And it’s not even a bass guitar, it’s just a low synth. Might have to bite the bullet and chart guitar on this one.

        in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513301

          I have started working on Outkast – B.O.B. (Bombs Over Baghdad)

          in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513298

            I recorded dryvox and I tweaked the drums some more. They feel pretty decent now.


            I guess I’m releasing this.



            in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513275

              Latest rpp:

              and con:


              I don’t think I’ll be charting the guitar. There’s a lot of it and the guitar element of this game doesn’t reaaaally interest me enough to do it.


              I did all the vocals, added overdrive, added CAT EMH reductions, added practice sections. I guess I’m pretty close to release.


              In playtesting I found the drum part to be pretty samey and boring. But there was a significant drummy element that I had left out: 8 times in the song there are these little tom fills, often with record scratch noises involved, that they layer on top of the main drum beat. I hadn’t charted them previously because the main beat continues to play, it’s impossible to actually play both parts at once, and I figured “well, we’re playing the main part, so I’ll chart the main part.” But being boring is bad, so I decided to chart these phrases.


              Right now I’m putting record scratch noises on the yellow cymbal, which feels kind of weird. I tried not charting the scratches at all, only the actual drum sounds, but it felt wrong and incomplete. I’m considering doing yellow+blue cymbal for scratches, just to make it more distinctly different from actual hihats, which are nearby to one of the fills.

              in reply to: Keyboard not connecting to Rock Band 3 #513247


                Looks like on page 58 the manual says you press the PC button and then + in order to use “PC mode” which I think means midi out

                in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513227

                  An updated project:


                  I figured out the drum crossover I was worried about isn’t nearly as big a problem as I thought, the pattern is so slow it’s easy to swap which hand is on the ride to avoid crossing. This can be made more obvious when sightreading by moving the blue cymbal to a yellow cymbal when it’s hit at the same time as the green tom, basically forcing the player to swap hands. But my current thinking is that it’s better to just chart it accurately, since for people who can tolerate the crossover it’s better that way.


                  I’ve applied all the vocal changes mentioned (I think) and did several more phrases. I’ve decided to try forgetting that stuff I read about vowels and consonants and simply chart the note in the positions where I can hear the note while scrubbing. This seems to work much better.


                  I don’t think I fully understand the suggestion to modify the fade-out. My understanding is that fade-outs are a problem if the game has you keep playing your instruments but you can’t really even hear yourself anymore so it feels ridiculous. But in this song, the fade-out mostly has strings that wouldn’t be charted, with a tiny bit of very simple cymbals. It seems to me like letting the fade-out just play like normal sounds the best and doesn’t really lead to any problems. Is there something I’m missing here?

                  in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513224

                    Listening to the whole thing with the bass EQed way up is great, I should have done this to begin with. At 102 and 174 it does a variation I didn’t notice before.

                    in reply to: Hyphen-ated’s WIP and advice (hopefully) #513222

                      Wow, thanks for all these great details!



                      It’s kind of hard to hear if it’s a hi-hat or a ride because of the mixing and the tambourine. You can hear the ride slightly in the right ear during verses

                      I heard a clear transition from hihat to ride at 55, so I figured 55-70 were on the ride and the rest of the song was on the hihat.

                      Listening again today, I think the entire song is on the ride except the tiny section at 51-54 on the hihat.

                      and I think it’s quarter notes, otherwise it would feel a little slow.
                      You can hear it better if you slow it down or use scrubbing, for instance at 35.4 or 37.4. You actually switched to quarter notes at M51.

                      Yeah I switched there because I hear the song switching there; before that spot I think I can hear the ride only on 1&3. I don’t think I can hear the ride on 35.4 or 37.4, just a shaker or tambourine or something. Compare to the section at 127, where I hear the ride on every beat.

                      Is it better to just chart the ride on every beat starting from the beginning, because the tambourine sounds so similar? More variation across the song seems kinda better.

                      At 52.3, you have placed a single snare with a yellow tom marker. I’m thinking you thought it was a flam, decided it wasn’t but didn’t fix it, I’d just keep it to ride+snare, nothing special going on.

                      It sounded to me like the hihat drops out on 52.3, 53.3, and 54.3, as well as in 172-206 on the 3.

                      Initially I thought “oh maybe it’s because there are flams there” and tried having them be flams. But then upon further reflection I didn’t really hear any flamming, so I took the flam off. I intentionally left the not-functioning yellow tom gem up top as a marker to more easily find these beats again, since it was likely I was going to revisit them, and it doesn’t seem like it hurts anything leaving those up there.

                      I now think I was just not easily hearing the hat at 52.3 with the snare drum on top of it. I was comparing to the beats in previous measures where the snare played and going “ah, I can hear a difference there, the hat must not be playing now”. But that’s because in the previous measures that was actually a ride, and of course snare+ride sounds different from snare+hat.

                      But in 172-206 it still totally sounds to me like the ride doesn’t play on the 3.

                      M55: it’s actually a ride (you used yellow then blue at M63) (you know that apparently). In these situations you can choose between using blue or green for the ride, blue is more realistic but it’s a bit harder for people with a standard kit (especially blue cymbal+ green tom).
                      I changed it to green in my version but I wouldn’t care at all if you used blue and would have the left hand doing the crossover to a green tom at 56.3; I actually prefer it that way but I’m sure it’s a bit frowned upon.

                      Green has a similar major downside to the way I charted it with yellow, in that you can only use two toms instead of three. Those three descending tom tones feels like the main focus of this pattern to me, so I want to avoid losing that if at all possible. Green is definitely better than yellow though.

                      Maybe it’s just the way I have my kit set up, but right hand on ride crossing left hand on green tom is almost impossible for me. Left hand on ride crossing right hand on yellow tom is much more doable. Maybe I just chart the ride on blue and let each player figure out which cross they’re more comfortable with? Maybe I swap the cymbal to yellow or green for that single beat to prevent the cross? Or even drop the cymbal entirely on that beat, even though it’s clearly audible?

                      Rob mentions that having cymbal, tom, cymbal in a row on blue is awkward, and it definitely is if you’re expected to do it with one hand, but I don’t think that part feels bad at all with one hand chilling on the ride and the other hand doing the toms.

                      Bass: What you have as red in M3.1.1 and as green in M5.1.1 are reversed compared to the notes in M19 and M21. It’s always good when placing notes to go back and compare if they’re the same notes or not. You can also open a tuner app on your phone or PC and sing notes while you’re charting guitar/bass/keys/vocals, it helps.

                      Oh, I see the problem, I wasn’t really even listening to the r/g notes from 3-17, I was listening more to the blue and orange sustains. I charted that 2-measure lick and then assumed the whole thing just shifted up and down. But the intervals aren’t the same in the two variations. The highest and lowest notes involved are in the first one, and they tighten together in the second one. I guess ideally I should be transcribing all the actual notes and THEN collapsing it down to 5 buttons.

                      I’ve got a little Korg tuner that I usually use for guitar tuning, but it was super helpful for charting vocals here.

                      M35: a few notes missing but seems accurate!

                      Hmm I can’t seem to hear the notes you added here. I made a comparison video with the bass EQed up:
                      Am I crazy?

                      I have the same problem with the extra reds you added at 90. Good call with the extra greens between 90-100 though.

                      You removed a lot of HOPOs, like at 52-54. Why is that? When I listen to it slowed down, the HOPO version sounds closer to the actual rhythm in the song, and also I don’t hear a lot of attack on those second notes, so HOPOs feel appropriate to me.

                      I will try to implement all these vocal suggestions.


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