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I might setup my CFW PS3 eventually to play online, I have a few question though.
1) I was wondering what kind of protection you’re using to prevent getting banned from PSN; I know of PSNPatch, but are you using some special ways to boot the gamel is it possible via an ISO or I absolutely have to use my Blu-Ray?
2) Do you know of other people; you said you’ve seen scores posted on leaderboards; did you try to contact them? (Would like to play customs FB if possible
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> )
3) Is there some sort of spreadsheet setup to know which songs needs ID alteration? I don’t exactly know how the C3 Tools chooses IDs for the ones that has invalid IDs since the PS3 customs only works with valid IDs; was wondering if the algorythm esures that every time a DTA is processed the ID produced is always the same. We have a sheet setup for wii for online play; so everyone has the same IDs; well, we try to.
Sorry for the late reply.
1-. Yes I’m using a very distinct method to avoid bans, it should be very straightforward and obvious to longtime CFW users, I’ll brief you in a PM.
2-. Yes I have contacted other people playing customs, only one has answered me, I guess they gave up on Customs back in 2014 when they must have logged their scores and are either banned or just don’t play RB Anymore.
3-. Not that I know of, The only song I could not play Online (even though the other dude had it) was Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath. I haven’t played Customs that much Online, as you can see gathering Gamertags/PSN ID’s for this is hard. I guess If I really wanted to play that with someone else everyone would need to have my version, or everyone edits their DTA to have the same ID. Kind of a new world this is on the PS3.
October 4, 2016 at 6:15 am in reply to: How to chart vocals without a device to read pitches of note? #475779Do you have a Smartphone? I use Singscope to analyze the pitch on my stems but it will need a lot of cleanup & refining before it is RB Ready.
Huh, how are you playing customs online? Are you just using CFW?
Yes it is very simple, just install any custom & you can play it Online, the Leaderboard actually logs your Custom Scores, which I have looked at regularly and see other people on them.
Customs also work on Blitz, but you can’t log Scores on the Leaderboard.
I’m from Russia , but account in psn is registered to USA ( maybe rbn can look my region with different ways ? ) .
Where can i look what region is my game ?
use this Link: sign in then search what you want, after you buy the DLC, go to your download list on your PlayStation & it will be there.
Same. The link up there seems to be Mexican so someone with a Mexican psn account would have to try it.
Tried it, It tells me that I’m not authorized to download the content.
May 17, 2016 at 4:09 am in reply to: Songs do not show up in Merged Songs folder (PS3 Converter) #468772You have to make sure the file is renamed to “songs.dta” not “songs.dta.txt” & that it is present within the /SONGS TO MERGE,
Then copy your songs from /All Songs directly to /Songs to Merge & click Tools then Merge Songs. It will quickly merge them (depending on the quantity of songs) & they will now be ready to FTP to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30463/USRDIR/HMX0756/songs
Hey everyone as you can probably figure, I’m new here but I have been around the PS3 Scene since the beginning, I express my particular appreciation for this project as I was not able to utilize customs on my PS3 Before. Thanks to everyone involved.
I want to create my own customs for PS3 which brings me to my first question:
Are there any Programs to achieve this & basic tutorials?
I live inside the Boundaries of Mexico & a lot of spanish-speakers have wished & dreamed to play “Rock en Espanol” in the Rock Band environment.
*Harmonix has delivered very little on this side, with the Inclusion of Oye mi Amor by Maná & Me Enamora by Juanes in RB3 Along with the 5-song DLC pack of Juanes being the only Spanish-speaking additions to the repertoire.
I plan on charting AT LEAST these songs on Guitar & Bass.
I’m going to need help from someone who can correctly note-chart Vox/Drums/PRO Stuff.
MOD EDIT: Removed list. This is not a song request board or thread.
I do not mind that this is very late into the Console generation or that mostly everyone on the forum has an Xbox 360 I can deal with that.
Edit 1: You can hit me up on PSN: ‘HDS_Ferno’ if you want to help make these songs possible on PS3.
Added *