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  • in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on PS3 #419031

    Yeah, the parentheses were something I checked, but maybe I still overlooked it. Notepad++ might be handy to me in the future though, thanks for the recommendation.


    So strange that I just so happened to load 25-30 songs with the stock formatting at the front of the file, and exactly right when I added a RBN formatted song it decided to flake out on me. What are the odds I would have chosen that certain combination of songs?


    I guess that old saying about assumptions is true.


    Thanks again for the help everyone, and all the custom songs, of course.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on PS3 #419026

    After further experimentation, it appears to be a very strange coincidental error.


    I cleared my master songs.dta and pasted Tool – Eulogy to the very top (no changes necessary) and everything works correctly. So there was some other element in my master songs.dta that was corrupting the rest of the list. Where it just so happened to fall in the list made it appear that it was the change in formatting that was causing the corruption. Which was reinforced by viewing the songs.dta in C3 and noticing that it doesn’t list songs in the RBN format the same way it lists standard style dta songs.


    Sorry for confusing anyone, or derailing anything.


    Now I just need to figure out what caused my original songs.dta to break in the way it did.


    I guess that explains why no one else was having any issues.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on PS3 #419023

    The biggest differences I’ve noticed between the ones that work and the ones that don’t are:


    1) The ‘ character is added to many fields

    2) extra line breaks

    3) master 1 instead of master TRUE

    4) song_id in header

    5) Visualizer comments at end of dta


    There may be more differences, but those were the most noticeable to me. Removing the ‘ characters isn’t the only fix. The “manage pack dta” function in C3 will not properly list songs with the corrupt dta, even when you remove the apostrophe characters. The extra line breaks need to be removed as well. So that’s at least the start of getting them to work on PS3.


    I don’t know who did the majority of the Tool songs, but they all work, except Eulogy. Same with Metallica, except Die Die Die My Darling. So someone out there is using a different method to create songs. And that method works on PS3.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on PS3 #419018

    Just for clarity sake, the Metallica Dyers Eve error and the general widespread error I was describing are two entirely separate issues.


    Dyers Eve has the “skipping” error that everyone seems to be discussing. But the dta format issue no one seems to have mentioned, period, even though it’s present in about 70% of the songs.


    The corrupt dta format doesn’t cause any of the other reported problems of things freezing up, or the “skipping song” error. It prevents the song from being listed in the library, as well as any songs listed after it in the mutual songs.dta. So if you have 100 songs in your master songs.dta file and put a corrupt dta in at 10th place, then the first 9 songs will load fine, but the remaining 91 songs will never be listed at all. It would be as if you copied the song data to the PS3 and forgot to merge the dta files entirely.


    As far as the suggestion that I convert the RBN/Custom style dta to the standard dta goes:


    Yeah, that’s what I’d like to do. But how? And can we automate that for 800+ songs? I guess I can’t hope that it’ll be added to C3, if that project is closed and not being updated, but if anyone has any other practical solutions to this, then I’m all ears.


    I really don’t get why no one else has reported this. Has anyone else tried any of the Alanis Morrisette songs, or The Beatles Export pack, or Tool – Eulogy and got them working? These are just a few of many that will not work using the normal conversion routine.


    A big thank you to anyone that has either contributed to making customs, by the way. It’s quite wonderful. I know how much time projects like that can take.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on PS3 #419009

    I’m personally encountering the “can’t load, skipping…” error on Metallica – Dyers Eye, which is strangely the only Metallica multi-track that this happens with. I’m going to try the alternative conversion method using C3 3.3 to see if that fixes it. I’ll report in later today.


    But I have a far greater problem, and that is a large portion of songs have a dta in a layout that highly differs from the original PS3 dta layout.


    Here’s a portion of a song that has a working dta (looks just like a genuine RB3 dta):


    (name "Dyers Eve")
    (artist "Metallica")
    (master TRUE)
    (song_id GHMDyersEve)
    (name "songs/dyerseve/dyerseve")
    ((drum (0 1 2 3 4 5))
    (bass (6 7))
    (guitar (8 9))
    (vocals (10 11))
    (keys ())
    (vocal_parts 1)
    (pans ( -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 ))
    (vols ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ))
    (cores ( -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ))
    (seqs (kick.cue snare.cue tom1.cue tom2.cue crash.cue))
    (seqs (kick.cue snare.cue hat.cue ride.cue crash.cue))


    And here is an example a song with a corrupt dta layout (doesn’t show in the song library, and will break other songs when included in a multi-song song.dta):


    "Die, Die My Darling"
    ('master' 1)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2)


    It seems the song with invalid dta files all have a “The following values will be read by Visualizer” comment section tacked on the end. Is the error because of a certain tool that was used to author the song, because the comments are throwing off the conversion process, or something else entirely? Any ideas?


    I’m surprised that no one else seems to be having this error, as it has nothing to do with my conversion process, as this happens whether I download a pre-converted PS3 package, or convert an XBOX 360 version manually.


    Am I just being slow, or is this a monumental problem for the PS3 customs project?

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