Forum Replies Created
August 15, 2015 at 11:36 am in reply to: Jul 24, 2015 – Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater songs, singles #452761So, I noticed that the bass chart for No W/Psalm 23 is charted to the guitar riff, but the bass doesn’t really sound like the guitar riff. This may have been intentional, but I want to be sure before I report it as a bug.
That’s not a mistake or a guitar-to-bass chart. The bass does just closely match the guitar riff.
33.3.50: Delete these two green toms. Keep the snares.
35.1: Delete the kick.
24.3-24.3.50, 52.3-52.3.50, etc (PRE-CHORUS): Delete these notes and extend the preceding chord.
27.1, 28.1, etc. (CHORUS): The chord progression doesn’t match what is being played. In terms of pitch, the chords go 2-3-1-4. A better chord shape might be GY-RB-GR-YB.
28.3.50, 30.3.50, etc. (CHORUS): Move this chord forward to X.4 on each occurence. Nothing should be on X.3.50. Extend the preceding chord to match as well.
49.1.50, 49.2: There are strums here.
45.3, 49.3, 59.3, 71.3, 91.3, 95.3, 99.3, 111.1: These should be R/Y. The drummer is hammering the snare with both sticks, not a snare and a tom.
46.1, 50.1: No crash here possibly, hard to tell.
104.3, 105.3, etc.: That snare roll is not a snare roll. It’s a synth effect, like in the quiet part of Rock You Like A Hurricane after the solo. Delete these.
GENERAL: Go over the chart for missing crash cymbals. The way the song is mixed makes it real hard to tell, but they are out there. Example: 114.1.
20.1-22.1: These chords should be in an escalating pattern, getting higher and higher with each strum.
26.1-30.1, etc. (VERSE): I don’t think it’s necessary for chords that wide on this section. A better chord progression might be YO-BO-RB-YO.
Also, for the single notes, i feel that it would work better as Y/B-O–R/Y-B–G–Y.
49.3, 75.3: This should be B-Y-R-G.
50.1-54.1, etc. (CHORUS): This doesn’t follow what’s being played too well, even if you go by Rocksmith. You’re pairing up 2-note chords with 3-note chords when you shouldn’t (the only exemption from this is the last 2 chords in each repetition, as they DO match up save for a single note) A better chord structure would be YB-RB-RB-GY-RY-GR-YBO-YB.
88.3.67: Missing note. Likely an orange.
89.1: Several notes off-pitch. This should be the following: O-Y-B-B-Y-R-B-Y-R-Y-R-G-O-B-Y-R.
120.1-126.1: To better wrap this, i suggest this: Y/O-R/B-R/B-G/Y-B/O-Y/B-R/Y-G/R-Y/O-R/B-R/B-G/Y
Hey all. I’ve noticed that some people have a noticed a rather conspicuous abscence from the Tony Hawks pack.
So here’s a little story about that…
When the pack started out, I was just doing it as a way to get back into doing customs again (I hadn’t released anything in over a year if memory serves me right) and had no intention of finishing the songs let alone considering it as a C3 release. It was what was on the brain at the time due to playing Pro Skater HD. I picked three songs (one of which later got dropped after this became a C3 release due to it already being out) from the original Pro Skater games, and among the picks was Cyco Vision, from THPS1. When it went from being a vanity project from me into a full release with Nightmare Lyra and Gigakoops, one of the early rules agreed on was one song per game (THPS3 was a problem here due to so many good songs) and one song per band. Cyco Vision was already quite far along and i didn’t want to ditch it, so it stayed.
TL;DR – There were 3 Supergirls making this pack, but no Superman.
Bloodstains is in the ‘Other Customs’ forum here, by MiltoniusPrime.
It’s a good chart too, you should check it out
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
As for Tony Hawk, yeah you’re right, lots of potential for great songs across the board really, all the way up to Proving Ground.
PT updated to v3. Adapted RyanHYK’s PT notes.
Made changes via RyanHYK’s PT.
I’ve got a pretty much fully charted THPS track (Agent Orange, “Bloodstains (Darkness Version)”) if you know anyone interested in polishing it up for the pack.Maybe, although what we were going for was one track per game. Bloodstains was in THPS4, and Shimmy already has the THPS4 spot.
Gave this one a playtest. Things seem good, and I particularly like the guitar chart
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> However, the way the song ends could be slightly improved, in order to completely eliminate the fadeout. Try this one:
The only thing changed is the ending audio.
September 11, 2014 at 12:13 pm in reply to: Sonic Adventure 2 – “Escape from the City” (v2, 28/5) #428930Quick Playtest:
-In the opening riff for guitar, (and all it’s repetitions) I believe the part that goes RB-RB-RB-GR should be RB-RB-GR-GR
-Regarding those palm mutes in the verses, I think they are the same guitar part and should probably be charted.
Gave a look at drums and bass but they looked ok, although I think there may be some missing notes in the first verse on bass. Not too sure as it’s pretty quiet, and can’t figure out anything in particular.
Thanks you two, I’ve put your names next to the respective tracks.
Some minor updates to the list. Changes a few details here and there.
I wouldn’t mind contributing instruments to Shimmy. Just need a vocalist.
Uploaded new versions, with some exception to the following:
“- The fill at M84-85 needs to be correctly authored. It’s not a spot that needs roll lane markers but it needs accurate authoring. I suggest slowing down to half speed and taking it from there. Hey, I didn’t choose this song, you did!
I’ve done the best I can with this, and taken off the roll markers, but slowing it down didn’t really help any. Hopefully it’s better now than it was before.
“- M11:“
I don’t hear that pattern you’ve shown there. I still hear what I’ve charted.
“- 78.3.5 is O not B”
I disagree on this.
“- 23.3: These are B O, not O O (27.3 is correct though)”
I still hear OO.
“- M78: I hear why you left the note out here, but I think there’s a case to be made for leaving it in and making this an uninterrupted pattern”
I don’t hear a missing note anywhere in this measure.
“- 98.3.25 does not exist
– 102.3.25 does not exist”
Disagree for the same reasons.
Updated MotC, with exceptions to the following:
“- 5.3/etc.: In every measure, this G R Y (1 2 3) is actually 1 1 2; I recommend G G Y to wrap back to the R
– 7.4/etc.: SOME of these, starting with this one, are 1 2 2, i.e. R B B. Check each one and fix as necessary. (I think some are even 2 2 2, listen to 11.4 closely)”
I disagree with this. To my ears it is always Y B O R Y B G R Y R Y B, and while I know we don’t use this for references, every tab i can see of Anvil has him playing it like that.
“- 27.2: These three notes are all Y
– 39.2.33: This note doesn’t exist or is a Y”
I can hear a pitch dip on the R i have atm.
“- 43.2:…the two after it should be Y R not R Y
– 43.4.33: This is R not B”
I hear it going the other way.
“- M57-62: These are all chords in the same rhythm as before, and arguably are not part of the solo. 58.3 and 62.3 are just one sustain”
The chords from before are there but they aren’t being played by the lead and the single notes are far more prominent.
“- 96.4: G B B
– 97.1: G O O
– 97.4: G B B
– 98.1: O O O or G O O
– 98.2: G G B
– 98.4: G B B
– Check the rest yourself, please”
Like with the main riff, i disagree strongly. I think what’s causing the difference in opinion might be how the guy plays guitar but it is definetely the same pattern over and over, sans the ending. I can’t see these other patterns you’re showing me and tbh they only serve to unnecessarily complicate a straightforward guitar section.
Late as it is, this might need a second opinion on these pointers. Either way, everything else has been sorted as best I can.