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yes please how has no one charted this yet Ill get texas red on somebody’s ass if they don’t
Magma comes with silent audio files that you can use for instruments, keeping the actual song in the backing track. If you point Magma to one of those tracks, stereo44.wav if using standard CD audio, it should work.
thats what I did, I used stereo44_24.wav because my song was 24 bits
Ill try again when I figure out what the tutorial is asking me to do in the other topic lol I bet it has something to do with that
You don’t need RB3Maker anymore.
As for Magma, simply reassign the correct file to each track and it should work. Magma can be a bit iffy, but it’s nothing you can’t fix on your own.
what do you mean by using the correct file? Im just going of the tutorial.pdf thing so I honestly have no idea what I’m doing
Hi! First off, I was about to say My Name Is Mud was already in the database but turns out I still haven’t uploaded it yet. It can be found on my thread but I wanted to fix a few things and add vocals.
Coincidentally, My Name is Mud was also one of my first drum charts ever which was 4 years ago.
Here is a list of what I noticed in your video preview, tempo map issues aside:
– I recommend using yellow for the open hi-hat here. I know having it on blue allows to differentiate it with the part immediately after with the hi-hat closed, but I personally dislike playing a whole part with open hi-hat on blue (except for specific cases like open-handed parts).
It also adds a lot of headaches to determine what is open and what is closed. At 1:31, the hi-hat is slightly more open and sounds identical to the one at 1:41. Yet one is yellow and the other is blue. I would only use blue for open hi-hat when it’s a single, distinct different sound (1:21), and then again there are exceptions to the rule.
– Use different cymbal colors for different crashes when possible. At 1:39, you have two different crashes set to green. They’re really close to each other so it would make more sense to have one on green and the other on blue (or yellow during a part where blue is used for something else; i.e. ride). You don’t have to know precisely what they are (splash, china, crash etc.) but you can tell which is which based on the sound and determine which one should be on blue and which should be on green and try to stick to that.
At 1:40, I would use Gc, Yc, Bc+R. I would keep the hi-hat to yellow in this part, and I would use Bc+R at 1:48, followed by a green cymbal at the start of the new measure.
It’s pretty easy so far but it gets complicated around 4:05 where Herb keeps switching between cymbals.
The rest is pretty straightforward and I didn’t notice anything in particular, except a missing kick at 1:29. Aside from these two main points our charts are pretty similar iirc. I think I messed up the ending, probably because I had the wrong tempo or something, so you did a better job on that.
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never thought I’d get a review from the primus custom god himself, where have you been lol. I love the constructive criticism thank you so much
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
(again literally my first custom so tempo map is really trash) I don’t know what you mean by your thread, just started actually using this forum and I don’t even know how to delete a topic I made or if you even can, I’d LOVE to check it out the more primus songs the better, if you already have your my name is mud I won’t upload mine because you’re more experienced making charts and I will be a meanie head if I swipe the song from you and upload mine instead
I made a personal call to make the open hi-hats blue because herb only hits his ride literally one time in the song and it’s during that weird cymbal fill at 4:10 (also I use rock band charts to play along with my real drum set so I made it blue because it’s easier to know when you’re supposed to be using an open hi-hat)
on 1;31 and 1;41 where they are only slightly more open I got hung up on that same problem so I just decided “screw it!” I’ll just make it blue because it’s kinda open
For the different crashes on green I just chose to put both on green because on a real set a china is (usually) near the crash on the right and the blue was for effect cymbals like the splash and single open hi-hat notes, (Harmonix if you’re reading this, ADD MORE CYMBALS lol) I’ll probably go back and mess around with switching them up
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
The missing kick thing at 1:29, I swear I was going crazy over that because I couldn’t tell if was just the bass guitar or there was a kick there, so I just flipped a coin, I’ll go back and fix that
I know you didn’t mention this but after the “where you goin city boy!” the 3 flams are 8th note triplets but I just made them normal eighth notes so they were a bit off so i went back and changed it already
Welcome! The song has well defined drum sounds so good work on picking something that is easier to discern the notes from.
The biggest issue I see here is your tempo map is off. It starts out behind, and then when you get to the end, it’s almost a full beat behind, which makes your notes miss when aligning them properly to the grid.
when I get better at tempo mapping (this is only my first custom so it’s bound to be bad) I’ll be sure to re-work this one if kloporte doesn’t upload his version.
Tools and RBN plugins links should now all be fixed. CARV’s thread is damaged I think, I can’t edit the link, but it’s not the most used tool, I’ll try to fix it later on. Anything else should be fine now.
much love
I found the PDF for new authors kinda useful, not sure why it’s “horribly outdated”.
If you have musical knowledge or rhythm-gaming experience, charting isn’t so difficult. Choose a song to get started with, preferably one with a good midi file available (it makes stuff easier at the beginning). If you can find one with a fixed tempo, so you can avoid tempo mapping, even better. (A good tempo map is the most important thing by far in a custom, if it’s not on sync everything else is irrelevant).
Just start messing around with it. The PDF and the docs have quite a bit of information and guidelines for every custom. Download CAT, it really helps with some of the tedious stuff. If you’re stuck on anything, search the forums here – there’s an answer for almost everything – and if you can’t find it, ask yourself.
There’s a few tips and tricks I wish people would told me when I started (such as, use a bass booster and 2+ octave pitch shift when charting bass drum and bass, makes it so much easier to hear), but you’ll get there in due time.
Vocals are probably the hardest to get a good grip on, but charting drums/guitar/bass can be done fairly easily, especially if you have a good midi filI
If you’re talking about the pdf made by Farratone i stopped reading it because it said you needed the RBN REAPER plugins and I couldn’t find any link that was still up for downloading it. I’ll give the pdf another shot. My main problem is not finding working links for certain tools like RBN plugins and the thing. These two things I am missing are also mentioned that I need them right at the beginning of “Let’s Author” with pksage, I tried ignoring the fact I’m missing files but I already hit a wall not even 5 minutes in when he uses one of the custom templates, (I also can’t find a link for the CARV automatic chart validation)
(also some things are hyperbolized because I wrote this topic when I was really annoyed trying to look for these things, sorry about that)