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  • in reply to: Random Requests #422675

      I’d like to see Wake Me Up and Hey Brother by Avicii. My sister have been dying for those to come out. lol

      in reply to: [UPDATED 11/20/14] The Beatles: Rock Band for RB3! #415398

        I actually have the same kind of problem. I noticed that at the beginning of the song everything is synced and there’s no problem, but as I continue the song, the notes start playing later than the actual song. At least, that’s my issue.

        in reply to: JSR or JSRF Charts? #409332
          Statement of Intent! I’m fine with any Bis, especially if it’s from Social Dancing. Which Statement of INtent is not.


          I’ve never actually played any of the Jet Set Radio games, but a couple of the songs are in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. I’d probably pick up The Concept of Love and Funky Dealer.


          Yeah, I actually have Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed. Pretty fun game to play, honestly. I was kinda worried with that one. lol


          Anyway… I’d love to see any of these songs in Rock Band, and I didn’t know they had Dragula. Definitely gonna get that one. Thanks! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

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