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  • I don’t know if this charter (USound) is still active or not, but does anyone have a copy of the Issues song he did-Love, Sex, Riot? And /or the Attack Attack song (Myspace)? Thanks in advance and hope I am not breaking rules by asking, if so, not on purpose.

    in reply to: Super Bloopers’ WIPs (Also known as AlexTaylor) #467310

    I just gotta say, you are doing all those songs by The Used, and “I Caught Fire” is not in the list? Any chance you could add it please? Thanks for all your awesome customs!

    in reply to: Request to add OD to a few songs please.. #454066

    I just figured out I got This Means War from beard216’s thread here viewtopic.php?f=20&t=4187&p=58258&hilit=this+means+war#p58258 . Just don’t wanna get in trouble for not crediting people..I know this is a lot of work…

    in reply to: Not being lazy, I swear #447625
    Try here little darling


    Your welcome !!


    Thank you! So it was not here after all….Still was probably a link from this site that took me to the other originally.

    Sorry, I know I am way late to this party lol, but I have to ask…did you ( or could you please!) do a single pedal version of the Asking Alexandria song from TheBrownOneJT’s thread? (Right Now Na Na Na)

    Good idea, I did play the Avenged Sevenfold ones, Ive been hooked on them for a while now lol. But I will check out some of the bands I have never heard of like Escape The Fate and Trivium.

    Whenever you get time is fine and thank you so much!

    Thanks so much for all the awesome songs. Any chance of getting Single Pedal version of the Asking Alexandria songs? I think Closer has it, but the other 4 don’t. I didn’t even know I liked them lol until recently. My 24 year old son used to hip me to the new good music and since he moved out, I have been discovering different bands through RB3 and this site.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #439817

    This may be in the wrong forum and if so I apologize. I just recently acquired the Beatles Rock Band game. Never really liked them but was curious what the DLC for it was. Anyhow since Wii took down the game servers, I can’t go into store to download songs as I cant create a name for online play. Would it be possible for someone to let me use their save from TBRB just so I can access the store and download? I really want to DL and backup all the DLC for all the RB and GH games before it totally becomes unavailable. I am sure that’s only a matter of time. Guess I’ll be switching to Xbox or PS3.

    in reply to: Help with Wii Wads #430185

    I am guessing that you are a mod least that’s what I am hoping. I tried to just ignore your comments because I did violate a rule, but really don’t think it was necessary to add all your nasty comments that are aimed at making me out to be some horrible person because I didn’t pay Harmonix for a song..They got my money when I bought the game, anything else is just being greedy. In addition, considering the amount of support they provide for their games, I don’t think they deserve anything. If I were to buy songs from Harmonix, I would be one of a handful of people that have in the past 5 years. In fact, I got the wad files from an admin here before which is the only reason I even asked. So my point is the nasty attitude, personal opinions, and comments were not necessary and I am hardly ever on thus forum so ban me if you want.

    in reply to: Help with Wii Wads #430184

    Got it, sorry about that.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #420437

    Would it be possible for someone from the site to Skype me, or somehow talk me through the process described in your tutorial for adding to the Wii? I have some idea of what I am doing, but cannot seem to get this working. I have used the tools linked in your tut, along with others I found on the web that I think were created using your original method. I did have all the songs in RB2 & 3 unlocked in the store, but as of last week, I cannot get into the store any longer. I re-soft modded my wii after re-formatting it (several times), and I just cannot get this to work. I don’t think it will take too long, and I would truly appreciate your help. I have read over the forum, and followed some of the fixes that worked for others, like adding the common key and ensuring my ng_id was correct, but the bins still don’t work. I get a message that the data on sd card is corrupted, although I am able to load the songs I had previously downloaded from the store. I just would really like to understand what I am doing, so that in the future I can add customs. For now I would just be content with being able to put all the DLC on a USB or SD. If someone wants to PM me, I can give you my cell number or Skype id and we could hopefully setup a time to chat? Thanks in advance! Oh and by the way, I am so glad I found your site. I am also happy to see that other people continue to enjoy playing this game as much as I do, as I am somewhat new to the music games. I have a 24 year old son and have watched him play these games for years, and one day decided to try it out. I have since become addicted lol, and am thinking of buying a pro drum set.

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