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  • in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #455104

    Yeah I went back and removed the last 20 or so songs, it still wasnt one of them.


    The thing is it was working fine previously, I added about 50-60 songs at once, they all loaded except for one, but RockBand still loaded fine and didnt freeze, so I didnt think to go back and remove the troublesome track. But now recently it started freezing whenever I try and load the game, so I have no way of remembering which track it was.


    Im guessing my only option is to go through each track one by one until I find it?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #455098

    Im having an issue with just one song out of my 406 I currently have on my SD card. All other songs work fine, but this one will try and load at the menu, throw back an error stating it cant be loaded, and then when I go to play the game it will freeze.


    Im not entirely sure which song it is, is there any way I can scan all the files on the SD card to find out which song is corrupt so I can remove it from the SD card?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #448905

    Apologies for the double post, but I figured out what my issue was. I’m dumb and cant do hex -> dec properly, was naming the folders totally wrong. Everythings working beautifully now, thanks for all your help and hard work StackOverflow0x!!

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #448871

    I’m using the TMD that comes with the pack, should I not be?


    I just re-downloaded the tools, a new song, made a new common-key, added my ng_id, and it gave me the same error. I added a pause at the end of the batch script, and took a screenie of the error specifically, if it helps:



    EDIT: This was also after editing the folder names/songs.dta file as well

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #448831

    That is the error you should be expecting. Using your on-system ticket shouldn’t have worked but I think at that point, you had the fully unlocked ticket anyways, which is why it worked.


    Okay, I think I get it. How would I go about getting it to properly pack in other slots? Would packing it in another generation work around the issue I’m having?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #448792
    Specifically don’t use the TMD from your console. It might be the ticket’s fault, so make sure you install an sZFE WAD. I think you should be able to make your own if you run a command prompt with “wadpacker 0 0” in the build folder, then install the resulting WAD.


    Ok, I reinstalled the title.wad that wadpacker gave me, got error -1022. After installing it I pulled the ticket from my Wii system, tried repacking it into the same slots as before, still no dice.


    What’s strange is every song I pack up into slots 52-56 works fine. I get the .bin files no problem. The same songs I was having issues with before I packed into slot 54 one at a time to see if they pack, and it works beautifully.

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #448739

    sZFE I believe. I used all the latest tools from the first post. Would I just have to pull the TMD from my Wii?

    in reply to: [How-To] Playing Customs on Wii #448726

    I’m having a strange issue with packing songs into .bin files


    The first couple songs I downloaded (About a Girl and The Last Baron if it matters) packed properly after setting the common-key and the ng_id. I packed them into 054 and 056, and they packed no problems, and work properly on the Wii.


    I tried packing at least 3 different songs into 058 (Fuck You – SWS, Good Times Bad Times, and Wynona’s BB:cool:, and they’ll pack fine into app files, but not bin files. I added a PAUSE at the end of the batch script, and it looks like the script cant find file, and then subsequently fails packing them into .bin files.


    Am I doing something wrong? The first two songs didn’t need any additional files other than the ng_id and the common-key, so I’m not sure if I’m missing something.

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