you got to love Craigslist! check this out.

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  • #433285

      I managed to get another Les Paul, this time for free (it was meant to be shipped off to the head office to be bundled, but it never happened). It’s a bit more responsive, but has the same sort of problem, so I think I’ll have to look into taping the guitar together.


        I forgot to mention in my earlier post that the detachable necks from PS3 Les Paul guitars are interchangeable with the Xbox 360 Les Paul guitars, the other guitar hero models with detachable necks don’t seem to fit though.


          Wow, no posts since November?


          I just got a Rickenbacker guitar for $15 from Craigslist and the guy brought it to me office, didn’t even have to go get it. It’s got some noticeable scratches, but otherwise seems in good shape. That makes two Hoffner basses, 2 Rickenbacker guitars, but only one Gretsch guitar…hmmm.

            Wow, no posts since November?


            I just got a Rickenbacker guitar for $15 from Craigslist and the guy brought it to me office, didn’t even have to go get it. It’s got some noticeable scratches, but otherwise seems in good shape. That makes two Hoffner basses, 2 Rickenbacker guitars, but only one Gretsch guitar…hmmm.


            I am still finding lots of guitars at garage sales & second hand shops. The other day I went to the second hand store & there was a PS3 Rickenbacker, I asked how much & the lady give it to me free, I don’t have a PS3 but took it anyways. It has no dongle but still FREE?. Some stickers & a few scratches.

            I am seeing lots of the corded Explorer guitars.

            Anyone have a use for a PS3 “with no dongle” Rickenbacker??

            Dash Riprock
              Wow, no posts since November?


              I just got a Rickenbacker guitar for $15 from Craigslist and the guy brought it to me office, didn’t even have to go get it. It’s got some noticeable scratches, but otherwise seems in good shape. That makes two Hoffner basses, 2 Rickenbacker guitars, but only one Gretsch guitar…hmmm.


              I am still finding lots of guitars at garage sales & second hand shops. The other day I went to the second hand store & there was a PS3 Rickenbacker, I asked how much & the lady give it to me free, I don’t have a PS3 but took it anyways. It has no dongle but still FREE?. Some stickers & a few scratches.

              I am seeing lots of the corded Explorer guitars.

              Anyone have a use for a PS3 “with no dongle” Rickenbacker??


              Sure! Ever get to the Lower Mainland?

                Wow, no posts since November?


                I just got a Rickenbacker guitar for $15 from Craigslist and the guy brought it to me office, didn’t even have to go get it. It’s got some noticeable scratches, but otherwise seems in good shape. That makes two Hoffner basses, 2 Rickenbacker guitars, but only one Gretsch guitar…hmmm.


                I am still finding lots of guitars at garage sales & second hand shops. The other day I went to the second hand store & there was a PS3 Rickenbacker, I asked how much & the lady give it to me free, I don’t have a PS3 but took it anyways. It has no dongle but still FREE?. Some stickers & a few scratches.

                I am seeing lots of the corded Explorer guitars.

                Anyone have a use for a PS3 “with no dongle” Rickenbacker??


                Sure! Ever get to the Lower Mainland?


                Nope but I would gladly ship it to you Dash!!

                Give me your info in a PM and I will gitter done.


                  I found an Ion Drum Rocker for 97 euros including shipping, which I thought was a good deal and bought.


                  Now I’ve found an even better deal which I will not be buying myself even though my inner Hordak tells me that I should.

                  So for all you lovely Dutch and maybe German/Belgian people out there:

                  An Xbox360 Ion Drum Rocker with two cymbals for an asking price of €50,-.




                  Don’t know the seller and I hope someone from the forums manages to get a great deal on it.


                    Now this is a ridiculously great deal:




                    But I’m getting rid of stuff, so not buying more stuff now. But damn, great deal.

                      Now this is a ridiculously great deal:




                      But I’m getting rid of stuff, so not buying more stuff now. But damn, great deal.

                      When I worked in the electronics department at Wal-Mart a few years ago, they put the full band Beatles bundle on clearance for 50 bucks and I bought 3 of em lol


                        My wife and I have been clearing house after some furniture change and I decided to get rid of a lot of stuff I had in storage. Among which was the following:


               … 0633297920


                        Gifted to a couple of friends. All used stuff, some in better condition than others, but still functional. Virtually every single thing there was from Craigslist.


                        This reduces my collection to:


                        12 GH/RB guitars

                        2 RB3 keytars

                        1 modded TBRB drum set + 3 cymbals + 2 pedals and 1 RB2 drumset + 1 pedal

                        5/6 usb mics

                        2 stage kits (one modded, one new in box)

                        1 of each RB/GH games (including DS/PSP games) with the exception of RB3 – have 3 copies (one at home for playing, one in a fire proof safe also at home, and one in storage)


                        …and I still am missing plenty of guitars from my collection, easily another 10 that I would snap up if I came across for a reasonable price. :what:


                          I volunteer at one of the local thrift shops near me. RB and GH stuff still comes in at a fairly good clip. Right now I’ve got a set of RB drums and an RB guitar for the Wii to look at, and a set of RB drums and an RB guitar for the 360 came in this past weekend. Sadly both drum controllers are for RB1, without the cymbal inputs. Fortunately I’m good on drum kits for my own collection. My RB box is the 360, and I’m sitting on maybe six or seven guitars of various makes and models, including the old GH2 Xplorer I’m kind of partial to despite it being very southpaw-unfriendly. I have one, maybe two sets of RB2/RB3 drums that will come in handy for RB4, since it sounds like I won’t get to enjoy my e-kit on RB4, at least not at launch.


                          Anyway, what I don’t end up buying from the store outright, I make a point to sell in store, once I’ve verified the hardware is good to go. So, if you happen to go thrift shopping in the Humble, Texas, area, keep your eyes peeled and you might get lucky.


                          If anyone is interested in a Fender Squire Pro Guitar I’m selling one on ebay. I ship to Canada ONLY.


                 … 1555.l2649


                          I just bought the Wii Xtreme 2 guitar used and I’m pretty disappointed with it so far. Some of the buttons are really hard to press, I’m thinking I’m gonna have to take it apart and use some WD-40. Are there any good guides out there that anyone would recommend?


                            You may get better results using a real lubricant instead of a Water Displacer (what WD-40 is).


                              Im looking for a wooden stratocaster replica for xbox. (The full size wooden controller) Anyone here have one they’d sell? I’d pay $150.

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