you got to love Craigslist! check this out.

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  • #389840

      I had sold my e-kit a couple of months ago to finance a move and frankly figuring I was barely playing it, and I probably wouldn’t play anymore. But it’s been nagging me NOT having any kind of drumset around in the odd chance we did want to play. I still haven’t played in months, but I wanted to know I could. So I figured I’d try to find a cheap game kit on my good old friend, Craigslist.

      Check out what I just picked up from a 45-ish year old guy who seems to have kept everything in excellent condition…



      From left to right, that’s The Beatles Gretsch Duo-Jet Guitar ($120 used on Amazon), The Beatles Rickenbacker 325 Guitar ($100 used on Amazon), The Beatles Hofner Bass ($75 used on Amazon), Guitar Hero 5 Guitar ($84 used on Amazon), Guitar Hero USB microphone (~$5 used ?), The Beatles game with jewel case and all documentation and codes (~$10 used ?), The Beatles Limited Edition wireless drums ($160 used on Amazon), Rock Band 2 Cymbal Kit ($12 used on Amazon).


      I had this same drum set before I moved up to the e-kit…so now I feel like an idiot for having sold it back then. I had the PDP silencer pads and the 3-cymbal kit, plus had modified the frame to be more rigid. Now to do it all again. But oh well, now I “can” play. Probably still won’t, but that’s another story :ohdear:


      Some quick math: $120 + $100 + $75 + $84 + $5 + $10 + $160 + $12 = $566 + shipping since none of this stuff is found in local stores anymore.


      How much did I pay for all this stuff? $120.


      Fuck. Yeah.


      /thread :c00l:


        Lucky! I’m looking at the top pic like… one of these things is not like the others…


          Ha. I actually prefer that guitar to all others I’ve tried. I already had two of those (GH5 guitars) but can’t hurt having a 3rd one for backup. I also already had a Hofner bass, so now that’s two. :dance:


          I really wanted the drums. Everything else was icing on the cake. Specially the Gretsch, which I had NEVER seen in person or found where to buy them short of paying the exorbitant prices online.


          I’m jealous of those Beatles guitars Nemo! Nice bargain!


          I’m tempted to buy one off of you.



            I’m not selling <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


              Thats insane in the membrane of a deal. That dude could of easy made a few hundo on all that stuff on ebay. Sounds like he really needed the money or his wife told him to get rid of that garbage and buy her some new shoes.


                This reminds me…I have an old set of RB2 drums with a pair of the MadCatz cymbals. The snare has a bubble in it, but apparently there are tutorials on how to fix that. Anyway, I do all my drumming on some ions, so I have no need for ’em, but have been reluctant to toss ’em.


                Does anyone live in the Phoenix, AZ area, who would like ’em? You can totally have ’em for free, but it would have to be a pick up situation;

                Sid Kafizz

                  Nice score! The Beatles axes make great wall hangers. My Rick never worked for beans but it’s one of the best looking controllers that I have.


                    Nice score Nemo. I have never seen any of the Beatles instruments IRL and I go to multiple thrift stores often. It’s getting so rare to see any RB and GH instruments at these type places.


                    wow! Good find mate.


                    Thinking of buying another guitar soon but I doubt I’m lucky enough to find a absolute bargain such as this.


                    Man, you just inspired me to check… Two wireless strats listed for $20 each. Hopefully he still has em. i need a new mic too = but I guess any old USB one will do from what I’ve read.

                    i need a new mic too = but I guess any old USB one will do from what I’ve read.

                    Yeah I just bought a cheap Logitech wired USB mic for my third mic (gotta get those triple harmonies!) that works great. Heck, you could probably even find the RockBand branded USB mics for cheap too.


                    craigslist is indeed a magical place.

                    Got that microphone I was looking for for like, $10.

                    All it took was:

                    – drive about 1 hour into the boondocks at night

                    – risk getting stranded with an empty fuel tank had it not been by that lone gas station

                    – drive about 2 miles on an unlit dirt road without a GPS

                    – try to explain to an old woman that some guy on the internet gave me her home address so I could pick up a microphone for a game she never knew nothing about.

                    – finally find the guy on the corner, and exchange the money and microphone without making it look it a drug deal was taking place


                    At least the night scenery was beautiful, and got to go somewhere new.

                    If you’ve got the time and overlook the possibility of getting your organs harvested, buying stuff from people on craigslist can be a fun experience.




                      I wouldn’t go at night to some scary random place. You have to do things within moderation and always looking out for your safety.

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