Xbox crash (freeze) after selecting any menu option

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    Hi there everyone, I’m pretty new to C3 and I loved the idea of authoring so I took it up and it was going fairly well. I’m still trying to convert FoF charts for the time being to get started but after quite a few successful ones about four different songs I converted freeze my Xbox after selecting any menu option including quickplay. I have no idea what’s causing these songs to freeze my Xbox. And also, I can confirm it is the song freezing my Xbox as I took the song off and on my USB and it confirmed my suspicions.


    Any common fixes or advice would be helpful. Thanks!


    try clearing your cache


    Sounds like a DTA error… are you compiling using the newest version of Magma C3?


    Most likely an error in the dta file. I’ve had to seek out a few problematic customs too and all the issues were fixed by editing the dta correctly. Usually a missing bracket or something similar.


    I’ve cleared my cache a couple times to try and solve this but with no success. I am also using the latest version of Magma so I’ll assume it’s a DTA error. I’ll check the DTA files out and see if I can find anything.


    EDIT: I can’t seem to find anything wrong with the DTA files. I compared them to multiple working DTA files and everything seems fine with them. So whatever it is that’s causing the freeze I don’t believe it’s the DTA file.

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