Xbox 360 customs – instrument volume issue

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  • #397814

    Hello everyone,


    Firstly I just want to say that I’ve recenty got back in to RB in a big way, purchasing all new (well, expensive second-hand) stuff and now have a 360 with RB1, 3, Green Day, Beatles and ACDC (as well as Pro Drums for the first time) and I’m absolutely loving it all over again. Then I realised I could get customs and my mind exploded – thank you so so much to anyone associated with this community for allowing me to play a huge amount of songs I’ve always wished Harmonix would add – incredible community effort, it’s unreal – thank you.


    I have managed to get customs working no problem but the issue I have that in some of the tracks I’ve tried so far (Reapers and Psycho by Muse, and Sweet Child o’ Mine) the guitar volume is the same whether I play the notes or not meaning that when I miss notes the track still plays and this feels really weird and is very disconcerting and not remotely enjoyable.


    I had a look about for an answer to save wasting anyone’s time, but I couldn’t find it, apologies if it is well documented – any thoughts from people in the know? Some of the custom tracks go silent if you miss a note, the way the official tracks do, and everything else appears to be in good order. The guitar volume not changing wether you hti the note or not makes these customs unplayable really so I’m hopeful that they aren’t meant to sound like that…


    I will be super thrilled if this is an issue that can be rectified and any help or guidance will be hugely appreiciated. Thanks.


    Phil m/


      Hi Phil,


      This is because many songs are single-track, meaning they’re only the MP3 (or similar format) you find on a CD. The reason instruments have their own individual volumes in Rock Band is because they were created using multitracks with separate tracks for each instrument. Unfortunately they aren’t easy to obtain through normal methods as typically the band labels maintain control over who has access to them so us laypeople can’t easily get hold of them so we chart using the tracks from the finished albums.


      It took me a little bit to get used to it when I first started too but after a while you don’t really notice it too much. If it’s really that much of a dealbreaker for you there are still plenty of songs in the database where multitracks were available for authors to use. You’ll be able to figure out which ones have multitracks if you see the audio-full-34.png icon in the “Info” column of the database (there’s also a question mark on that label that describes what all the icons mean).

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